Top 10 Best Super Sonic Boss Fights
Oh, come on! Going by my name, you knew I'd make a list like this sooner or later.This list ranks what I consider to be the best Super Sonic boss fights in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Sometimes, regular Sonic just won't cut it. For really powerful bosses, Sonic uses the seven Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic.
While he's invincible in this form, his ring count gradually decreases. So the challenge for a lot of these fights is beating them quickly while keeping yourself fueled with rings.
The only rule I'm including to qualify for this list is that you have to be able to play as Super Sonic during the fight.

How ironic that one of the most poorly received Sonic games has one of the series' best boss battles. What makes this fight awesome is you can play as Super Sonic, Super Shadow, and Super Silver. You fight Solaris in the past, present, and future simultaneously because time is being consumed, thus non-existent. First, you have to break his armor with Silver and Shadow, then Sonic can strike the core. For phase two, it's a process of waiting, dodging attacks, and striking.
What makes this fight great is not only the brilliant premise but also the smooth controls. The attacks can sometimes be difficult to dodge (the lasers in particular), requiring you to dodge both horizontally and vertically. The music is absolutely astounding. As poor as the game may be, it ends on such a high note.

When Knuckles uses the Master Emerald to neutralize the power of the Chaos Emeralds, the prototype of the Ultimate Life Form controls the Space Colony, keeping it on a collision course with Earth. It's up to Super Sonic and Super Shadow to stop it before the colony impacts.
The fight itself is straightforward. Alternating between Sonic and Shadow, you must charge into the core while dodging projectiles and sweeping lasers (and trust me, they are very annoying). The massive knockback from getting hit makes recovery difficult. The atmosphere is intense. The longer you fight, the more red the screen gets, symbolizing the colony burning up in the Earth's atmosphere and emphasizing the race against time. The song that plays during this fight, Live and Learn, is fantastic.
A tense and challenging finale to this amazing game.

After Dark Gaia undergoes a rather disgusting transformation into Perfect Dark Gaia, Sonic goes super so he and Chip can take him out. For the first part of the fight, Dark Gaia creates a shield powered by snakes that you have to destroy. Before that, Chip breaks through the barrier to hold off Dark Gaia while Sonic takes down the shield.
Once that's done, it's a series of quick-time events where Sonic frees Chip, followed by a 60+ rapid input sequence - if you're not prepared, it can be annoying. The fight's only other drawback is the framerate drops when Dark Gaia attacks. However, the setting is intense, taking place at the Earth's core, and it showcases great teamwork between Sonic and Chip. The orchestrated version of Endless Possibilities is awesome.
I won't count the first fight with Dark Gaia, as that's not a Super Sonic boss fight.

Ah yes, the first-ever Super Sonic boss fight. Eggman flies off with the Master Emerald, and it's up to Sonic to retrieve it. The fight starts with Super Sonic flying through an asteroid field while Eggman fires missiles at you. Then you reach Eggman's first ship, where you have to avoid his cannon fire and draw the homing missiles to hit the ship's head. After that, Eggman tries to escape, and you have to charge into his getaway ship eight times. (At first, I really struggled with this bit because I didn't know you had to mash the jump button to speed up. LOL.)
This is also the only final boss where you can use Hyper Sonic, who was never seen again.

Now here's a unique fight if ever I saw one. After Sonic defeats Eggman at the Master Emerald shrine, Eggman's robot Gemerl steals the Chaos Emeralds and transforms into a super robot. In an ironic twist of fate, Sonic and Eggman have to team up to stop him.
The fight has Sonic using Eggman as a charge attack to expose Gemerl's weak point, which Sonic can then charge at. Gemerl has various attacks involving his arms, which can shoot lasers and rockets and twirl around. It can be time-consuming, but it's worth it as the visual backdrop is really appealing and the music has a depressing yet urgent tone.

Angel Island crashes into the sea, Station Square gets flooded, and Chaos uses the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds to become Perfect Chaos. Sonic has to stop him.
During the fight, Sonic skims on the water and ruined roads, dodging Chaos's attacks and building up enough speed to charge at him and strike his head. Getting hit can be a real drawback because it makes it tough to get up to the necessary speed. It's not a long fight, but it can be tricky if you don't collect rings accordingly. Personally, I prefer the Perfect Chaos fight in Sonic Generations, but that's not really a Super Sonic fight, now is it?

This boss takes place deep underground over a lava stream, where Dr. Eggman and Eggman Nega are utilizing the power of the Jeweled Scepter to tap into the power of the stars. Sonic and Blaze use the Chaos Emeralds and Sol Emeralds to go super.
This is one of the few Sonic bosses played from an overhead shooter perspective. You can play as either Super Sonic or Burning Blaze and switch between them at will. Sonic can reflect projectiles back, and Blaze can charge and shoot fireballs. I like how well-balanced the characters are. They both get their fair share of action (maybe I used Sonic just a bit more, though). S-rank was a nightmare to obtain.

Dr. Eggman captures Cream the Rabbit's mother, so Sonic has to go super to defeat Eggman and rescue Cream's mother. The boss's design is a bit odd (an egg shrimp?), but the fight is pretty cool. He fires missiles at you, which you have to charge at to knock them back at him. All the while, you dodge projectiles and a freezing laser that can suck you up if you get frozen.
Once you get the pattern down, the fight becomes simple enough, but it is still exhilarating, and the boss has an awesome pulse-pounding music track.

The true final boss of Sonic Heroes sees Metal Sonic undergo a cool-looking but overblown transformation into a giant metallic titan. Sonic goes Super, but Tails and Knuckles only get gold bubbles (they have Super forms too, you know?). Metal Overlord has three different attacks, each needing a different character to counterattack. Doing so raises the team blast gauge, which is the only way he can be damaged.
The fight's biggest drawback is that it's too easy. He telegraphs his attacks clearly, getting rings isn't difficult, and even the A rank time is generous. The team blast looks cool, and the theme What I'm Made Of is good, albeit overrated in my opinion. An okay fight, just more flash than bang really.

The Newcomers

Disappointed that there was no Super Sonic boss in Sonic Colours for the Wii? Well, the DS version's got you covered. Here you fight Yacker's Mother, who became a Nega Wisp.
For the fight, Sonic has to charge at rocks to attack the tentacles. Then he charges forward, dodging the attacks and striking the eye at the right time to neutralize her. It's a pretty basic fight, but it has a neat concept, and the 3D perspective is admirable for a DS game. Also, you get a nice little rendition of Reach for the Stars playing in the background. A fun fight, if unspectacular.
If this is referring to the 3DS Time Eater, then yeah, that one was great! The HD Time Eater is just plain annoying. Your friends are constantly warning you every five seconds, the Time Eater sometimes dashes away right when you get super close to him, and Hard Mode can be an absolute marathon!

You can only do this as Sonic or Sonic and Tails with all the Chaos Emeralds. I don't own the game, but I have seen playthroughs. After you win, the ruby takes the Chaos Emeralds and opens a portal to the game Sonic Forces.

Awesome fight. This fight can be challenging when you don't know what to do or if you mess up a dodge or jump. Beware the lasers!