Top 10 Reasons Why Sonic 06 is Better Than Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic 06 is the best Sonic game ever, while Adventure 2 is the worst! And here's some reasons why 06 is better than Adventure 2
The Top Ten
1 Better story

SA2: Insane teleportation and Shadow is apparently a genie. The military mistakes Shadow for Sonic despite them looking nothing alike.

S06: A proper story that makes sense. Chaos Emeralds are plot points rather than direct objectives, making for a less repetitive story. Sonic, after a decade and a half, finally has a real girlfriend. (And don't give me any of that "bestiality" crap.)

Both are great, but I do find Sonic 06's story more emotional, epic, and breathtaking. It's one of two games that have ever caused me to cry at the ending, which says a lot.

2 Tails isn't in a mech

I really enjoy Tails' gameplay in all the games, but Tails' gameplay - not mech gameplay. Why couldn't Tails be like he was in SA1, without the mech? '06 did a much better job with Tails, even improving him compared to SA1. He has dummy ring bombs that are very fun to use, and the level design of his sections is actually built around him and his ability to fly. It isn't just Sonic's levels with additional boosters like it was in SA1.

If I said I prefer him in a mech when playing as him, I'd be lying through my teeth.

3 Better voice acting

You can really tell that the voice actors are having fun in this game because of their voices, even if they stub a line.

4 Silver debuted in Sonic 06

He is a saving grace to Sonic Next-Gen, besides the emotional soundtrack. Knuckles and Blaze are some of my favorite Sonic characters as well, but they served no purpose in the story.

5 Better graphics

Obviously, an Xbox 360 game is gonna look better than a Dreamcast game.

6 Better gameplay

Sonic '06 is better and faster!

In Sonic Adventure 2, for every badnik you destroy, 25 more will summon, and it just goes on like that for the whole game. I love Sonic and Shadow, but this was just maddening.

06 has proper, working gameplay. SA2 is the glitched-up mess, with defective Homing Attacks, Light Dashes, and Somersaults, and that's just for starters.

7 Shadow is way cooler

I loved how heroic he was. I thought his story in '06 was the perfect direction to take his character after Shadow the Hedgehog. I also think his story was the best out of the three. His quote at the end was just awesome.

8 Better bosses
9 Longer game length

Sonic '06 is just longer, and it's not like in Sonic Heroes when they made you complete the same game four times. No, it's truly a really big and long game, without any unnecessary stretching but with a lot of story in it, which is very good!

10 More fun to play
The Contenders
11 Sonic Adventure 2 doesn't have hub-worlds

It is awesome with Sonic in the real world, right? I mean, it's not just me - Sonic 06 was actually good, right? It was inspired by Venice, and you've got to admit the hub-world was the best way to progress with the story.

I liked the hub-worlds in SA1 and don't understand why they got rid of them in SA2, so it was good to see '06 bringing them back.

12 More playable characters
13 Sonic 06 sold more copies
14 Mephiles the Dark is a great villain

Best villain in Sonic and one of the best villains in the whole history of gaming. Enough said.

15 Sonic is wearing his real shoes
16 Three hedgehogs are better than two
17 Sonic 06 felt more like an Adventure 2 than Sonic Adventure 2
18 Omega was in Sonic 06
19 Better cutscenes
20 Better music
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