Best South Park Quotes

The Top Ten
Oh my God, they killed Kenny! ...You bastards! - Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski

How can this not be number 1! That is listed on the 100 greatest T.V. catchphrases of all time

90s - When you never saw a T.V. show before about young kids talking like that.

One of the most iconic T.V. show quotes ever

Respect my authoritah! - Eric Cartman

Outta the car, and you will respect ma authoritah

M'kay - Mr. Mackey

M'kay, this quote is the best of the show, M'kay.

This should be on number 1. I said this on july 19 2018

I'm not fat, I'm big-boned! - Eric Cartman
They took our jobs!

This has to be the most used quote from south park

Screw you guys... I'm going home! - Eric Cartman

This is the best quote deserves number 1

TIMAH - Timmy
Don't forget to bring a towel - Towelie
Sit down or the bunny dies! - Mrs. Crabtree
How would you like to suck my balls? - Eric Cartman

I laugh my butt off when he said it in front of the whole, entire class! Kim Kardashian would because it taste good for her! Yuck!

He yelled it at a teacher through a megaphone in front of a class of 8 year olds.

The Newcomers

? Na na na na na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye Kyle - Eric Cartman
? I think I deserve to take Kenny's place the most because, I've been hanging around these guys for like five years and I never get to say or do anything. - DogPoo Petuski
The Contenders
You go to hell! You go to hell and you die! - Mr. Garrison
Kyle, you got a little sand in your vagina - Eric Cartman

This quote perfectly showes that South Park is not afraid of anything.

Don't kick the baby - Ike
All right people, move along, there's nothing to see here. - Officer Barbrady
You, you wanna get high? - Towelie
Dude, this is pretty f***** up right here - Stan Marsh
Jesus Christ - Mr. Slave
Oh I haven't seen a Jew run like that since Poland, 1938. - Sportscaster Frank

Epic, but hey I'm from Poland and it's a bit racist..., screw it.

Do you like it Scott? Do you like it? I call it "Mr & Mrs Tenorman Chili"
Well, I've been lickin' this carpet for 3 whole hours and I don't feel like a lesbian. - Cartman
Sweet! - Eric Cartman
F*** you Kenny!
God d*** that's a big fat a**
Just gonna get a little bit of cancer, Stan, tell mom it's okay. - Randy Marsh
What, What, WHAT!?! - Sheila Broflovski
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