Top 10 South Park Kid Characters

I Swear that this guy is without a doubt, the most evil,Narssisstic, Racist, savage, badass character in this show. Hell, he even went as far out as eating Scott's Parents.
.. But that's what makes him a truly spectacular character. Just amazing. Without Eric SP wouldn't be how it is now. In fact, I can't imagine this show without Eric.
Okay so sometimes when the T.V. is accidentally left on this is on and it's funny, even though I have to wait a couple of more years before I can watch it. Even with all of the stereotypes and racism it's still funny, in fact that's what makes it funny, and I am a COMPLETELY NOT RACIST person and I'm saying this.

Kenny is a precious nice boi although he's dirty of course but he was a sweet side.
Kenny is so cute and funny, he definitely deserves the no. 1 spot!
I can't decide between Kenny, Craig, or Tweek so I will pick Kenny.

Should be number 1. Butters is simply funny in a bad way.
I hate Cartman. Butters should be on top

Kyle deserves to be #1 for very many reasons, but I won't risk boring you. All I'll say is he's highly underrated nowadays! And anyway, to all you Cartman fans, like Stan stated in "Smug Alert" which reigns true, Cartman would be nothing without Kyle around! So think about that!
Kyle is one of the most complex characters on South Park: with his noble, compassionate and out spoken nature along with his short temper, moral righteousness, and martyr complex, there's no character like him.
My favorite character he's the only that can put up and defy cartman and he's a good friend, kyle even hugged cartman in the Kenny dies episode. Also he always there for stan even when stan ditches him for Wendy.

He is so adorable. No words can tell how much I find him adorable. He's also pretty aggressive too. It's sad that some fans like him for what he's not.
He should be higher. But that is way too much pressure!
Tweek is cute and a ball of energy he's entertaining to watch he's strong deep down
I don't care how much people hate her. I think she's an awesome Character. In other words, Best girl! She also knows how to fight which makes her even better. She needs more recognition definition though.
I like Clyde he's a great character he has a lot to him he's an innocent character who's very sensitive emotionally can be cheeky but he sticks up for his friends his not very popular and has only a few friends Craig Jimmy and token..
The Newcomers

No words. I just loved loved LOVED how he would flip out a lot.
He is probably not the greatest of all time, bu he has the ability to stop the Guinea Empire/Furry Death from taking over the world and he's been used a lot of times as a supporting or secondary character of later seasons by Trey and Matt.
Plus, girls like him along with Butters
Dude seriously seriously! He should be number 1.

Best foreign kid in my opinion. His voice is decent, he is very cute, and most importantly, he Surely knows how to play dodge ball! Hellpark also made him 10x better!
Bring him back from the grave in season 18!
Pip was a lovely character and it was a shame he got writ off he was bubbly and a joy
Same with Phillip, He's really badass, plus, I love his chimpmunk voice!

Pete is my main favorate in this show I adore the goth kids but Pete stands out to me he has a unique personality dry sense of humour and his character appearance is really appealing he's a stereotyped goth.. being a goth myself I'm drawn to the goth kids there dark.. Pete is the one in his group who is the most compassionate with a conscience he's fearless and goes out his way to help his friends his voice is portrayed by Trey Parker x