Top 10 Worst Things About Teenagers
I am a teenager myself. But I REALLY don't like teenagers.True. This teen decided to ruin my day by getting upset because I accidentally nudged him. Like, seriously? That teen can have his own problems.
I will not excuse their hormones for their awful attitudes. Why can't teenagers be optimistic and kind to everyone?
Many are, but not all of them. It comes down to their parents since they have to teach their kids to be respectful.

I'm 14, and I'm getting bullied just because I'm the only one in my class who is into 19th-century history and even German and Russian folk music.
There are bullies. I am a teenager. I'm not a bully, but I have been bullied by other peers, so I know that some people tend to bully.
I was heavily bullied when I was 13 years old and in the 8th grade.
Indeed, very true. I can say this as a teen myself and being surrounded by them every day.
They think I am dumb, weird, and slow because I hate rock music.
I can't sit with a group of friends without having an argument about My Little Pony come up. (I'm not a Brony, but someone I know is.)

Yes, this is true, sadly.

This should be first, kids who engage in sex are disgusting.

The Newcomers
I am a fan of rap music, but mostly old-school, anything made in the 1980s and 1990s. I also listen to a lot of 2000s rap - it's alright, but mostly Eminem, 50 Cent, Jay-Z, and Dr. Dre. The only new-school rap I listen to is Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, and Childish Gambino.

I hear you, man (or girl). It's particularly those in my school who jump at every opportunity to spread negative energy. Even small things are blown way out of proportion sometimes. It's rather annoying.
Some people complain to me about their lives when, honestly, I'd rather live their life than mine.
This boy named Solomon keeps saying Lois and Mother Cow in class. It's very annoying.
I only hate teachers who are mean and annoying. If the teacher is nice, I'm very close with them.