Top 10 Ways Kids Have It Worse Than Adults
This tears kids like me up badly. I just want to control some parts of my life, but unfortunately, I cannot. We are forced to do what they say until we leave the house, which is reasonable.
However, sometimes parents control every aspect of a kid's life, even down to things like clothes and music. Adults don't have to deal with that. Of course, no one is really free, but for kids, it's much worse.
Kids should be able to learn whatever they want, and now, with the internet, there's no stopping them. Knowledge is power! You do want your kids to be smart, don't you? Then stop giving them lousy excuses like "because I said so" and give an actual explanation.
One of the few sensible things on this list. Puberty can mess up a kid's hormones, which can cause emotional instability, while adults have more control over their emotions due to having a more developed brain.
Especially teenagers, who have a lot of emotions going on that can really mess with them. Kids also aren't as used to stressful situations, so they tend to handle them worse.
When you put yourself through emotional pain and turmoil enough times, you kind of get used to it, like me right now.
It's probably because parents want to make sure they aren't doing bad stuff like watching porn, or shows like South Park, Family Guy, or Robot Chicken.
You need privacy sometimes, but instead, your parents come in while you're watching MLP or something... It gets annoying and repetitive.
I am convinced that my parents have lost trust in me whenever we attend a family party or eat out with them. After my cousins started harassing me, I told them to stop several times in a row.
Now, my parents automatically assume that I will do bad things during parties when I am actually well-behaved.
Whether or not they deserve trust is up for debate, but even some of the smartest, most well-behaved kids don't get any respect or trust sometimes.
Usually, adults underestimate how smart you actually are. They're just like, Oh, you're just a kid. You could never be that responsible!
As a kid, people want you to fit in and be with the "cool kids." As an adult, usually a lot fewer people care. Peer pressure is a big stress for kids and can lead to some traumatic experiences in one way or another.
Can confirm. I was easily influenced back when I was a kid and constantly changed my music tastes based on what my friends were listening to. Thankfully, I'm not that kind of person anymore.
It gets annoying when some kids need supervision just to go into their own fenced yard in the middle of the day. So many frustrating situations can come out of this. Ugh!
Kids are unpredictable, and terrible things can still happen, even in the safest of situations.
Personally, I think this is the only legitimate item on the list. There are reasons for it, obviously - children have less life experience and are generally less knowledgeable about the world than adults.
However, a perspective untainted by years of running in the same groove can be valuable, and more people should pay attention when kids speak.
When I was in online school, no one understood me because no one my age was there. Everyone in the school was just a bunch of names on a list.
You are getting something in return. It's just not material. You are being prepared for life. You're learning discipline, responsibility, and work ethic. These three things will go a long way in your adult life.
As for not even being thanked, yeah, it kind of sucks, but get used to it. As adults, your boss will probably rarely thank you for the work you do. Anyways, how often do you kids thank your parents for the things they do for you? My guess is probably not as much as you should.
In some cases, they're asked to do chores but get nothing from it. The guardians don't even thank them.
Not trying to be rude, but I think it's because the movies and games are aimed at adults. Also, they can buy them, but they need adult supervision. And most R-rated movies aren't that good anyway.
No Call of Duty = no life for some people, so this can be a problem, or at least a pesky thing a lot of the time.
Kids have to deal with height requirements for rides, can't reach certain things at home, and other annoying issues caused by being short.
Height is just a number. I'd much rather struggle with being short than have to battle the effects of obesity.
I meant this one more for actually 10-and-under kids.
I find it ridiculous that parents have to approve your relationship. It's love! Just because two people say "No" to your relationship doesn't mean that the love between a male and female dissolves.
I also find it dumb that some parents try to arrange marriages.
There's that too. Sometimes, I like stuff like that.
Having experienced both childhood and adulthood, I can assure you this isn't true. Sorry, kids, but you're going to be dealing with ignorant people pretty much on a daily basis for your entire lives. Get used to it.
It's more common for less intelligent or more annoying people to be around when you're a kid. You probably know what I mean.
Actually, it's the opposite. You'll be forgiven even if you make what seems like the most stupid mistake as a kid. But when you're an adult, that's when real consequences occur, and they will be under your own responsibility.