Top 10 Things People Eventually Grow Out Of
Things you might've liked at some point... but over time you've gradually liked less and less. This list is purely subjective so add whatever ya want to it.My phase bands are Arctic Monkeys and Led Zeppelin. I used to enjoy their music until I found both of them annoying. Alex Turner's vocals sound annoying, while Robert Plant's voice sounds obnoxious. Not to mention that their songs are just dull and bland.
Regardless of what word you prefer, these types of bands are something that people grow out of pretty fast. Linkin Park is one of the biggest examples that come to mind. I've really grown out of several angsty bands lately.
Really? Those angsty bands I still love! I still love Evanescence, Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold, and more! I hate the term phase bands because many people DON'T grow out of loving those bands.
After about Year 6 or 7, I just dressed up as a muggle and acted like my brothers' escort. I was only in it for the sweets.
Pretty obvious, but something to include regardless. Eventually, toys will bore people due to them getting older. This usually happens between the transition from a kid to a teenager. It's normal and something that makes sense.
I may be 15 years old, but I still enjoy playing with my dolls the same way I did when I was 5. I don't think I'll ever outgrow them, and I know they'll always be there for me when nobody else is.
I didn't expect this list to be popular, to be honest. I wasn't even sure if I should make it at first. But I guess that it's cool that it's getting some kind of notoriety.
I have watched a lot of SpongeBob episodes. When 2021 started, I heavily grew out of it, and I don't want to watch it anymore because I get tired of it and it's not as good as the other stuff I like.
I liked it, then I stopped watching it around 2018 because it got terrible. But then I started watching it again around late 2019 when it got good again. A few months later, I stopped watching it because it got bad again. A year has passed since it got bad again, and I still don't watch it. I guess I've moved on.
I agree. I just can't get a laugh out of it nowadays, and that applies to the earlier seasons as well.
I am now focused on Paramount+ and HBO Max. I have slowly grown out of Netflix because they remove stuff I like and replace it with originals and content I don't care about. I am also unable to find something new that I have not watched before.
Netflix has Stranger Things and like three great movies (Men in Black, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Spider-Verse). Also, the Marvel movies and other Disney stuff are leaving soon, probably because of Disney's new streaming service.
I love cartoons! And I am 16! They have more humor than live-action shows. Live-action shows have too much peril in my opinion, plus some of them are forgettable. You can watch cartoons for 20 years and still remember them because they are THAT big of a part of the TV show renaissance. Believe me, cartoons are more adult and mature than you think!
Eventually, these will do nothing for you. I'm slowly growing out of them as we speak. I still watch them sometimes, but not as much as when I was younger. One of the few cartoons that I still watch is South Park, to be honest.
Unless you have a medical problem or become an adult baby, which sounds strange. If you want to be an adult baby, it should be an adult three-year-old.
I stopped believing in him around the 4th grade. When my parents knew about my disbelief, I started feeling better because I would no longer be worried about being secretly watched. I slept better and felt more comfortable on the night before Christmas than ever before because Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy were not real.
Simply because a majority of them are boring. They are overused to death, which won't take long to grow out of. Not surprising either, but very normal.
It can be sad that we always grow out of the selected normal memes because they get old and annoying now.
Yeah, that's the life cycle of a meme. It's popular for a while, and then it dies in a few months.
The Newcomers
That plushie in the picture is not a Beanie Baby. That's a Beanie Boo or something like that. Also, I don't think that's the case for me. I still bring them to school sometimes. I lost most of them though, including the Princess Diana one. Mom probably gave them away.
It's August 2021, and I have not played that game since March. I have really grown out of Roblox ever since I started my YouTube channel last year. I loved YouTube and also joined other websites such as TheTopTens and DeviantArt. The Roblox community started to get horrible, and the updates were worse. I enjoyed some games, but I now find that many other games are a waste of time. Sometimes as time passes, you find better things.
I used to love Roblox and played it almost every day from 2016 to 2019/2020. But as of December 2021, I have grown out of it.
I think the last time I went there was in 2014 or 2015.
Another phase that eventually people grow out of. There's nothing wrong with liking comic books, though. I read them sometimes but not very often, in all honesty.
Yeah, I used to always watch Disney and Nick with my twin brother on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Those days were the best.
Early 2000s Disney Channel was way better than modern Disney Channel, so I'm kinda glad I grew out of it.
I don't really like Disney anymore, and I use Disney+ just for The Simpsons. As I'm getting older, I'm no longer interested in kid stuff. That's because you move on to different content and enjoy it. The company is greedy, by the way.
I watched the classics when I was a kid, like Mary Poppins, The Lion King, Bambi, and 101 Dalmatians (the animated one). I don't watch them anymore, except maybe during the holiday season for nostalgia.
If you still like Disney movies, that's fine. I'm not going to judge anyone for that. However, people get older and discover better things. That's just a basic fact of life.
Yeah, I almost never come back here. I'm not necessarily retired because I'm here right now, but I don't log on for weeks or even months at a time. The site has just lost its charm for me. That, and I feel like the community is on its last legs.
Yeah, I left this site like six months ago, and I'm not staying. I just came back because I am retired from the site.
Yeah... I'm not technically retired, but I have lost my spring in my step.
Very similar to dolls when it comes to design. However, they're less creepy if you ask me. Not surprising that people grow out of having plushies pretty fast.
I used to have a collection of various animal plushies. I still have them because childhood memories matter.
Yeah, they're a childhood classic. You may grow out of them, but they're still nostalgic in a way.
I loved this game when I was little, but for some reason, I stopped playing for a little bit. I think I went on vacation or something. When I got back, it seemed a little less fun than before. That's how I knew I was growing up.
This website is so pointless.
I used to love it, and I don't know why.
Depending on certain TV shows. But, there's quite a few of them that I've grown out of. I'm not going to name all of them, but there are quite a few that I can think of. Family Guy is the biggest example that comes to mind for me.
I have slowly grown out of television/TV shows after I no longer have DirecTV and started using Apple TV. Most of the shows I watch now are the ones with a cult following.