Top Ten Most Annoying Girly Stereotypes
Even tough I am not a girl I want this stereotype wall to stop!Mine is really deep, haha. I hate my voice.
I am female, and my relatives all think that I have the voice of a man.
Dresses are so uncomfortable to me. Not that I have a problem with other people wearing them, I just hate showing off that much skin. Hoodies and sweatpants are more comfortable.
I actually love wearing dresses, especially pink ones. They look nice, and most of the time, I find them more comfortable than pants or jeans because you just slip them on, and they are cooler on a hot day.
I hate dresses. I'm not saying this for every girl, but seriously, I've never worn a dress in my life because they look cringe and weird. And literally, nobody wears pink dresses except for little kids.
I agree! I'm not too good at video games, nor do I have much of a desire to play them. I think they're more for tomboys and boys. But everyone is allowed to like whatever they want. It's not my decision!
Just because I can't play video games doesn't mean that no girls can. I just suck at them.
I'm the best in my family at Mario Kart. I beat them every time. I love video games so much, so yes, I can play.
I don't mind staying home with chores if it means I can get out of doing something else I dislike.
I don't really like chores, to be honest.
Whoever said girly girls are weak like paper? They spend all their time wearing makeup, obsessing over boys and love, wanting attention, being emotional, etc. They are completely dependent on their so-called "protector" to defend them instead of learning how to defend themselves. Girly girls are permanently weak like a piece of paper.
Umm, I'm a tomboy and I have a friend who's a girly girl, and she kicked 3 boys in the thigh because they were in her way, so…
I wouldn't necessarily call myself weak, but I would say that, unfortunately, I tend to give up a lot in most physical activities, depending on what they are. For example, if it's a sport or a race, I eventually get tired and want to stop.
Oh my gosh, this stereotype is so annoying! Two of my guy friends are so sure they can beat me in basketball one-on-one. Well, I clobbered one using a flat basketball and haven't played the other yet (but when I do, I think I'll win. Wish me luck!).
Just recently, my girls' basketball team played against a guys' basketball team, and they were sitting there laughing before the game even started because they figured we were going to suck just because we were a girls' team! The guy who defended me was laughing the whole time... until I faked him out, drove by him, and made my layup. Then he got embarrassed and respected me. The next time we played them, his jeering mouth stayed quiet for almost the whole game. He was too busy worrying about losing to a girls' team, which his team almost did!
If there's one thing I love, it's proving myself to boys who think girls suck at sports because I gave those boys something to worry about!

Of course! I love pink. It is my favorite color! It's such a girly and feminine color, and it's natural for girls to gravitate towards it. But it's alright if you don't like it that much, because the color is quite bright and flashy. If you prefer softer colors, that's fine too.
Pink was actually intended for boys at first. Also, light pink is my least favorite color. Regular pink is still bad, but magenta and hot pink are actually great colors.
I hate pink. It's so generic. Sure, when paired with colors like black, it's pretty, but otherwise it's bland. I used to love pink, but now I love purple and black a lot more.

I don't wear makeup, and maybe it'd be better if I did. But I don't care for makeup at all. I just use skincare and things like that to maintain good hygiene.
I've never worn makeup unless it's for a performance or my mom forces it on me.
Okay, I am a girly girl, and I fit a lot of those stereotypes, but dumb? Not all girly girls are dumb. Just look at Elle Woods!
So, all girls are dumb, but boys who throw water bottles around and yell let's go when they land upright are smart? Good to know.
The Newcomers
I've never really gone shopping before.
True. The nicer they are, the more I trust them. I feel safer with them.
I also avoid bad crowds, and non-girly girls often don't meet female role expectations.

I like BTS, but I like them for their music! I don't swoon over them. That would be yucky!
I'm a girl, and I'm not crazy about boy bands. Some are okay, and some are annoying. I just hate this stereotype.
I hate boy bands. Most, if not all of them, sound exactly the same.
This list sickens me.
I like the colors blue, black, red, and purple. The closest thing to "girly" in what I wear is a random t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a hoodie.
I'm not stupid, and I make good grades. Why do people think this makes me a lesbian? I'm not one.
I'm omnisexual with a preference toward women (so basically gay, but not), and I'm not a tomboy at all.
I'm a girly girl, and I am literally the furthest thing from straight, haha.

I'm female, and the only unicorn I like is the one in the Squatty Potty commercial.

I don't think I could stand the perfect manners or the cameras. Being the queen would suck.
Yes, of course, I want to be the queen. I mean, who wouldn't want to rule over a country?

I don't know anyone over the age of 10 who likes dolly tea parties.

Clothes shopping is a waste of money and time, just like makeup.
No, I do not really like action movies. I find them mostly boring.
I adore Marvel and Power Rangers.

I can't wear lipstick without accidentally licking it all off.
I am a girl, and I don't think I've ever been through that phase where boys have cooties. I've been Greek dancing since I was three, so maybe that has a little to do with it. (For those of you who don't know what that is, it's kind of like synchronized dancing, except everyone dancing holds each other's hands or shoulders, boys included.)
Honestly, I find that whole cooties thing really stupid. Two of my friends, who are both 13, still believe it. Girls like that are the reason we end up with this bad stereotype that we believe boys have cooties.

Rainbows are cool, but I'm not obsessed.
I get dirty all the time. I am fine with being dirty.
No, I don't really like getting dirty.
I don't play in dirt. I am the dirt.
Yes, I love jewelry. It's the best, especially extra shiny jewelry!
I'm not a fan of jewelry. I find most of it uncomfortable.
I'm a girl, and I'm not a fan of romantic movies. I like them a little bit, but they're not my favorite.
I used to be skinnier, and I didn't like it at the time. I don't mind my body shape now after going through puberty.
Whoops, caught me! I wouldn't want to be voluptuous. I like being rectangular and quite slim.
Facts, because being overweight is manly in my book. Being skinny is impressive, but not too skinny or fat, like you have no ladylike assets. Skinny and plump is like signifying womanly looks.