Top Ten Things Many TopTenners Have In Common
I don't necessarily hate Justin Bieber as much as other people do, I just don't like him. Unlike other people, I don't view him to be the worst singer of all time and I don't treat him like the spawn of Satan by wishing him death.
I don't hate him. But after hearing of him being a drunk driver, I have no care for him whatsoever. He could drive off a cliff and it wouldn't concern me whatsoever.
Yeah I think some of his hatred is over exaggerated to be honest he's bad but not worst people of all time bad.
It seems about 80% if users have a sleeping disorder, mostly insomnia. I would hate not being able to sleep. I can barely function with the 10 hours I get!
Well, there are a lot of us, and I hate it. But on the plus side, it does enhance one's creativity. Many of my best-selling lists were made at night.
I have it pretty bad, but id say Kris probably has it the worst off. I don't think its physically possible for me to have more than one good nights rest in a row, but she's up for days at a time. Explains a lot about her, right? =)
I'm so happy for this. Where I live metal is hated and those who listen to It are bullied, while on this site almost everyone loves metal!
It's amazing
I'm gonna get rekt but I actually dislike Metal. I never really enjoyed it and it's nothing special in my opinions. Ok, time to lose 3/4 of my followers...
There do seem to be a lot of metalheads. Can't say I'm one of them (although I appreciate Black Sabbath and a handful of others), but to each his own.
Of course! After all, why sing a song where the artist sings 'Booty' over forty times? Is that even worthy of any attention? In my opinion it is just lazy writing...
However I have to agree with Keycha1n; I will listen to anything as long as I like it. I have to admit though that common Rap tends to not be very unique in lyrical messages nor content in general...
Aside from Eminem, rap is extremely lyrically shallow, and it requires no musical talent. Music should be instruments and singing (singing not required but helps), and rap is pretty much just people talking about how cool their shoes are.
I like friendly users on TheTopTens. It's good to know there are some kind people on here.
This is literally the only thing that applies to me. I guess I'm a unique person
I'm only rude to my enemies at school.
I added myself to Top Ten Things Certain TopTenners Would Never Say, but I feel like that did kinda add to the list in a good way, I also added my sister.
I actually did this, but it wasn't my primary method of being more popular. I just added myself to such lists because I feel like I deserve to be there.
Exactly! People really should stop doing that. I know you want to become popular, but this is not the way to do it.
Pretty much. You'll never please everyone. You either love Obama and hate Trump or Love Trump and hate Obama there's no in between
Mainly the politically active ones. No one likes the U. S goverment here. Whoever it is, they automatically hate them!
This is a ridiculously redundant thing.
I don't like Nicki Minaj, but I don't hate her as much as I used to. There are technically worse music artists out there but I still don't like her because she wastes her talent into making sexually explicit garbage.
But I love her if I were here. Also Heavy Metal And Justin Bieber suck, no offense. A majority of pop music sucks too. Rap music is awesome.
She's not a bad singer. The problem is, she puts her talent to waste & make bad songs. Just listen to Grand Piano (a masterpiece) & you'll see what I mean
There is some good pop, I just think we all dislike it because it's currently running the music industry while other genres are much more deserving.
Pop is alright for pump-up and feelin' good. But I just prefer music that makes me think a little more.
I like some pop music even though old school pop is better than today's pop music.
Almost every user on TheTopTens makes lists about many different topics they either like or dislike. Some lists are good and high-quality, some are okay with some flaws, some are just poor quality and mediocre and there is even some awful lists on the website even though I try to not pay much attention to them.
I believe that we all have it in common, except for those of us who are brand new and haven't made a single list yet.
I'm not a person for making lists. I'm more of a person for commenting on other's lists.
The Newcomers
I WOULD be like this, except, I LOVE LIV AND MADDIE! It's my favorite show! If you don't like it, guess what? EVERY SHOW has a reason to hate it! I've never liked Gravity Falls OR Avatar: The Last Airbender! And EVERY SHOW can be considered crappy or awful! Even if it's old! I hate this stupid stereotype that shows are automatically good JUST BECAUSE they're old! So what, does that mean if Breadwinners was made in the 90s it'd be considered good? IT'S NOT GOOD AT ALL! It's like NO SHOW is good if you think about it. Even if you like it, love it, or consider it the best show ever made, there's STILL gonna be someone, somewhere who thinks it's the worst show ever! I am a fan Liv and Maddie, but other people call it the worst show ever. I've NEVER found a show that wasn't like that. NEVER. Not ONCE. Why don't we just hate every show ever made?
The whole point of TheTopTens is to share your opinions and tell people what you think of their opinions and what your own are. I don't blame them.
This just goes to show there are so many people who can't respect opinions.
How to start a fight:
1. Post a comment
2. Wait
She is now 15 years old and considered a music prodigy.
Of her 5 CD's to date, three have hit the Billboard Top 10, including two that hit #2, also all five have hit #1 on the Classical Chart, and she broke Michael Jackson's record as the youngest artist in US chart history to have a Platinum album.
She is treated as a full adult in the music industry, and has done duets/collaborations with greats like Andrea Bocelli, Barbra Streisand, Jose Carreras, SumiJo, Sarah Brightman, Katherine Jenkins [look them up], and many more that do not inhabit the world of teen pop, hip-hop, rap, or metal.
Her producer is usually David Foster, who formerly produced Whitney Houston, Barbra Streisand, and Celine Dion.
Don't expect her to appeal to the same audience that goes for Ariana, Taylor, Selena, Miley, or any of the other Pop/Disney Princesses.
True enough. Although I think there might be a few exceptions...
True. I follow new people with no followers.
Don't hate admin, but he/she/they could be a little more responsible with which lists get approved.
I love rock music, especially Queen, David Bowie and Pink Floyd. Lots of rock songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s are just straight up awesome even though I like some alternative rock bands like Green Day, Foo Fighters, The Killers and Muse.
It's the website that got me into it.
To be honest, I don't really like Linkin Park. Their music is kind of boring, whiney and dull in my opinion, but I can respect them as a band.
In my opinion. They are awful, talentless and garbage.
I like them, but they're not my favourite rock band ever.
There are quite a lot of people that respect opinions, but there are some that don't.
Currently number one on worst music genres. I don't hate country music in general but I hate most popular country music from circa 2013 - 2018.
Yep almost everyone is obsessed with games, I'm a huge fan of series like Mario, God of War, and Grand Theft Auto. I loved video games ever since I was 3, then I became a game collector, I own so many games. Impressive for a badnik?
I have never met someone under the age of 30 that have not played video games.
Well isn't that obvious with me considering my username and icon?