Top Ten Users of TheTopTens Whose Lists You Always Look for on the Newest Lists Page
Frankly, I just look out for her ridiculously funny lists, and PW's lists. I keep an eye for these two, they're so good at the job. Kieretsunu, hhjj, and keyson are the ones I like the best. Britgirl lists are a pleasure to the optical nerve. God bless!
Amazing and intriguing brilliance which is unlike anything on this site. That is what keeps me hooked.
I don't have to explain why I kept Britgirl in the 1st position.
Of course his lists always come up on the website. No wonder why his lists come up. He is really popular whereas I bet nearly no one checks my lists. No wonder I am so hated on.
I always look for a PositronWildhawk list. They're clever, intelligent and extremely funny. Can't fault this gentleman.
I can honestly say I always look for a list by Positron and can always point one out by just the title.
I agree with Curtis! Some of his lists are so funny that they are much better than antidepressant pills!
Some Really Good lists I can always know it's gonna be good!
He is a good user which he inspires me for the username. Thank you Kiteretsunu
He's smart, kind and tolerant! MatrixGuy is one of my best friends here. I love his lists
He really makes good lists on a variety of topics. His lists concern human values and music.
I really think keyson is one of the best, by far.
He has semi-retired, but he does make lists once a week. His music lists are superb.
He makes about 6 to 7 lists daily. I hope he beats Alexandr.
Thanks the anonymous user for your compliment.
I don't know why Blue_Devereaux has been missing from this site lately. I truly miss this username at the Newest list page.
I agree with you, K. It's only been a short time and already I miss Blue_Devereaux.
The Newcomers
I've had 9 lists at number one and at a time, over half of them (12) were my lists. Don't know how admin decides what lists go there but I'm glad to say that mine usually do!
He had 3 lists on there at one point.
Dude, this guy made lots of lists lately which could be on the newest lists page
It Always Truly Amazing when happyhappyjoyjoy makes new lists they are always great.
Her lists are heartwarming and they give me a smile.
Her lists are always fun to read. And her comments is what I look out for at the newest lists page.
Thank You! All of you who have voted on my lists or going to vote on my lists.
His new series on best music artists is superb!
Well, even if I'm not higher ranked, I'm still happy with the lists I make here!
His lists are very interesting to read. If I see a egnomac's list on the newest page, I can't miss it.