Top 10 Things About Being 18 or Older and Still a Virgin

The Top Ten
1 You feel you're not attractive enough

Even though I lost my virginity at 18, I can tell you that this list is true

2 You hate all the people who say they had sex much earlier than 18 and have a partner

I've never ever had my first kiss nor never ever gotten laid, I'd done everything as a boyfriend & yet I'm still leftout & left behind, I did virtually/literally everything all I could do to make my parents & family happy & proud of me, my relationships have been overwhelmingly destructive that I couldn't ever get near nor approach the one I love. I'd done so so SO SO much regardless of materialistic things gifts & dates & yet I'm still by myself, everything I'd invested in/into becoming "haunting investment/investing", I question what happen & how it happened, my grandparents never met nor seen my first girlfriend before & they rudefully claimed I'd "made/make her up".

This just goes to show how pathetic they are.

3 You think that you're failing your family

You don't owe your family that. You don't owe them children to hang out with either. I'd rather not hear about my relatives losing their virginity.

I do not fail my family.doesn't mean that I'm the middle child doesn't mean I should listen what my parents say.i do not believe that parents know better than you.i have a dream come true.but I just couldn't tell it to my parents because its very rare at our country.also,being a virgin.its not as bad as I thought.also I'm handsome awright but doesn't mean that means I should sex.the child HAS to decide,adults reading this that already have a child

4 You're depressed, angry and jealous every time you see people with girlfriends

I'd "filtered" myself enough regarding myself & communities, it's ok/okay from time to time observe/watch couples become it makes you wonder "why not me, what did I do to receive ending up having no one" it hits you frequently & the prevalence of the sense feels like having a mountain as a backpack, it never goes away no matter what you do.

5 You let go of your self-respect as a result of having the mindset that its impossible for you to get a partner
6 You're worried that you'll never have any kids or get married

I'm okay with that.

7 You go on multiple dating sites
8 You have to please yourself with sex toys and you masturbate every day

I'm surprised it's not praised more as it's safer and there's no drama that comes with a person.

9 (If you're a male) You despise women for having the upper hand in terms of getting what they want sexually
10 It's something to be proud of, not ashamed of
The Contenders
11 You have no chance of having to pay child support
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