Top Ten Things that Can Mess Up Your Life

This is a list of thing that can mess up anyone's life. I may or may not have done some of these just like many other people. Please add to the list if you have anything.
The Top Ten
1 Having an addiction

Weather it's drugs or alcohol Addiction can permanently screw up your life even after you quit you still always have flashbacks and when life is hard want to relapse

2 Accepting lies or abuse
3 Having regret

I like to think if you have Regret about stuff in the past how can you make the future better

4 Not following your dream
5 Not loving

Well this will never happen. It's impossible not to love someone or something. Your heart would never allow it.

6 Not believing in signs

signs are everywhere, EVERYWHERE, signs are prophecy you should never ignore, signs are never fiction/fictional, signs ends/leads to/in awakening. Tree of Prophecy can't/cannot wait for you, delays are burdens for the weak who disobey & never listen to the Creator who designed them, Creator designed you for bigger & better things & weakness isn't a mountain of truth & victory, the tides of season/seasons have no time for energy/energies who commit to nothing/nothingness

7 Staying in the wrong relationship
8 Not taking risks
9 Giving up
10 Trying to please everybody
The Contenders
11 Isolating
12 Having insomnia
13 Drugs
14 Unplanned pregnancy
15 Not getting your high school diploma
16 Eating too much junk food
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