Top 10 Things We Can Hope for in the 2020s

Next year will be 2019 which will be the final year of the 2010s, and I honestly gotta say the 2010s have been an absolute disaster in my personal opinion. Everything from politics, society, entertainment, etc. has gone downhill fast. And I don't really know what the world's gonna be like once we hit the 2020s, but hopefully it's way better than it is now. We all just have to be positive and hope for the best.

Now hear me out, I'm already aware of the fact that no decade is perfect and that a decade has no supernatural powers to make everything better. I'm just saying that we should all stay positive and hope for the best in the 2020s. But keep in mind that if you want the world to get better then you're gonna have to get up off your tail and make it better. Hard work is very important and if you want things done right you're gonna have to do them yourself.
The Top Ten
1 World Peace

As much as I want this to happen, I don't think it can be attainable. With everything going on in our world right now, it just can't happen. Also, the world having small but resolvable conflicts makes it more dynamic to me. We all have to disagree with some things. If there is complete peace and everyone is never fighting again, our world would be less dynamic. Again, those fights being only minor. As I said before I do really want world peace to happen.

I wish people would stop hating on present-day and the future years, If you can't stop living in the past then find some things about this year that you love, look for music that was released this year that you will like, try listening to music that was released by small artists this year. As of for games, try to find an awesome game that you love to play and if you miss the good old days of that game then invite your friends to play that game with you if you can still play and if the game is closed then try to find a similar game to enjoy and then play it. Also, try finding new generation games to enjoy and play them, Try to do these along with everything you love to do and then it will be a lot easier to move on and you won't be like "man I miss the good old days" or "those were the days, the days we will never get back". If you love the music that was released back in the "good old days" then continue to listen to that music today and if people judge you then just ignore them, If you do all of this then it will be a lot easier to move on and it will make you even happier than before because then you would realize that not all years 2016 and beyond are bad and then enjoy more future years that there are to come.

2 No More Shootings at Schools

Unfortunately, those school shootings will not stop. I don't want to give out the statistics about what happened before the Stoneman Douglas shooting at Florida in 2018. Besides, it will haunt those families and friends of loved ones murdered by those gunners with the fingers pulling the trigger of an AR-15 rifle.

And besides, we hope that none of the shootings will ever happen again. Will we look forward to beating swords into plowshares? How long will it be until it's time to put aside our differences and get to become friends? Maybe sometime later, extend the olive branch.

Another thing I hope for is fewer idiots automatically calling someone a school shooter or even assume someone is a school shooter over very petty things and mostly because they don't understand people very well. I've been called a school shooter throughout my few years in my school career and that is a wretched burden I hope it will be completely obliterated for good.

I live super close to Santa Fe high school. I actually know some of the students there and the day it happened I just broke down, I was so worried about them. Fortunately they all made it out, but the other students who lost their lives, while they may be gone, will be remembered for years to come.

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen these on TV. It breaks my heart that somebody with so much evil on their soul would try and kill children. We need better security for these schools to prevent any other kids from losing their lives.

3 A Better Economy

The US Economy can't get much better. I guess you mean the vast majority of hard working people will have their taxes jacked up and will generally be made miserable to make sure that the laziest ones are well taken care of. Brilliant.

A well structured and secure global economy, with plenty of jobs for everyone. Life would be easier as people will be empowered to build their lives up leading to a better standard of life for all.

I'd say a mix of privatized, nationalized and collectivized would make a good economy. A more mixed economy allows for more opportunity and more freedom and hopefully a better economy.

4 Better Politics

American Politics overall need to undergo a massive revamp if the US really wants to prosper. Politicians also need to be more experienced, understanding, connect with their audience and see what their country needs most. That, and the Left and Right Winged parties need to improve themselves by a large margin, lest the country really wants to remain divided.

Politics in developing countries aren't too bright either, but there are people who are determined to get the best person possible to lead them.

Politics need to get better. I mean basically, all politicians are corrupt. Political parties aren't a huge problem but if you remove it or keep it whatever. You may hate Trump but Biden's way worse keep the voting age at 18 though. I mean politics are kinda stupid but necessary at the same time.

Remove Trump from office, abolish political parties, raise the voting age back to 21 (keep at 18 for those serving in the military) and make it a law that the mentally disabled or those with no political or military experience can't run for president.

Right now, the political parties in America are just two groups that loathe the other, which leads to heated fights between people with opposing political views. I hope this improves in the 2020s.

5 All Cities Have 100% Renewable Energy

I wish so humans could no longer pollute the air and global warming caused by humans grind to the halt.

We need this in order to combat climate change but unfortunately, this would probably take a long time.

According to my hypothesis, all cities will have 100% renewable energy by 2043.

This would greatly benefit the world by keeping the city air cleaner.

6 Animals Gain Rights

God this is stupid. I honestly can't stand people who value an animals life over a HUMAN BEINGS LIFE. Honestly, I bet people were only thinking of dogs when they voted for this. Sure, dogs have feelings to some degree, but a human has a much wider variety of emotions than any animal does. I 100% believe that animals should not be abused. That's awful and terrible and should never happen. But it's ridiculous for people to think that a person should get abused over an animal. I know this doesn't have anything to do with animal rights itself but I've been noticing in the comment section that people think animals should be valued as much as people. No just no. A human is more important than an animal. This is just my opinion so please don't send your dogs after me.

Animals have feelings, and they (depending on the animal) just want to be loved and appreciated. Or, if it's a wild animal, to be set free to live life with their own kind. Animal abuse is even worse than human abuse because I can GUARANTEE you that the animal didn't do anything wrong and if it did, out of protection.

7 Better Music

I want real music that actually has song structure and some melody - the last time you heard mainstream music that has a traditional song structure was around the year 2000. After this, mainstream music has turned into this boring, repetitive beat while someone sings or raps over it. It got worse with the autotune and the mumble rap. Around 2000, autotune was actually used the right way and it sounded pretty cool - now it sounds annoying.

Here is an example with Britney Spears. When she first came out about 1999-2000, her songs did have a catchy tune and a structured verse chorus verse bridge that we all loved and what made music very listenable. Later on, her music has become very bland, slapped together like every other song on the radio. It sounds more like someone pushing a button, making a loop, and singing over it, making it some boring drone. I think I can blame hip-hop and maybe EDM, DJs for starting it - possibly house music.

I hope real music with some structure - an actual song will come back. Now the songs with trap music are starting to sound like chants.

8 Better Society

I'd love one where they don't have unhealthy standards like "real men don't cry", "women have to look like photoshopped models in order to be pretty", "everyone must be an extrovert" and doesn't rely on outdated/stupid stereotypes to define certain types of people. I unfortunately feel like that day will never come as long as I live, but I hope it will come one day, even if it comes long after the end of my lifetime.

I feel like society is losing more of its credibility nowadays. Too much people kill or hurt earth other over the smallest things, people need to grow up and learn to take criticism

Society can usually be cruel. You've got sexists, racists, homophobes and just people who are unwilling to accept others for how they were born. Then you've also got people who don't take mental health seriously enough and people who don't help the others who genuinely need it.

The sad part is cancel culture is everywhere. Virtue signaling is here. People are overreacting over little things with microaggressions. Everything is becoming woke culture in society which will ruin it. There is no respect in order to make everything work. Society is ruined by SJWs.

9 Less Pollution

I would love to see less pollution, more renewable energy, less fossil fuel use, better environmental policies, better energy efficiency programs. I am also willing to be part of the solution, as I am in college to be an environmental engineer.

Global warming IS real! Stop saying that it is not! Can't wait till plastic is banned worldwide. It isn't only the ocean life that is being harmed from plastic and other forms of garbage and scraps.

A few countries like Canada and India are banning single-use plastic (which accounts for most water pollution) so I can hope seeing this actually happening.

10 More Intelligent People

We need them because they could help us with certain things in life like finding the cure for cancer or inventing time travel. Without them we're nothing.

YES! We need more intelligent people. Sadly, throughout history, intellectuals have been persecuted for conflicting beliefs with the government or church.

Start by banning Fortnite, Tik-Tok, and tide-pot consumption world wide. The average IQ world wide would increase at an exponential rate.

The vast majority of people at my school are morons who can't seem to think for themselves. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

The Contenders
11 Third-World Countries Will Become More Developed

"Third-World" seems to be an outdated term if you ask me. It's better to state "Developing Countries" instead as it describes a country as being willing to improve and better itself, despite hardship, problems and struggles.

I accidently voted this

Yes. This has to happen.

12 A Better President After Joe Biden
13 Donald Trump Wins the 2024 United States Presidential Election
14 World Hunger Eradicated

We already produce more food than the world population needs. All we need is better distribution to countries such as those in Africa, which is a very daunting task.

Unfortunately, this is much more complicated than it sounds. Due to poverty and overpopulation, completely ending world hunger is next to impossible. Sad but true.

Really want it to happen but unfortunately it would probably take a long time.

Millions are going hungry. This needs to be destroyed, to save lives

15 Parents Raising Their Children Better

Oh my God, PLEASE make this happen! Too many parents nowadays are making their kids absolute softies! Being an overprotective parent does more harm than good. Stop having the "everyone gets a participation trophy" attitude because the real world does not function like that at all! I get it, you want your kids to be your friends, but telling them no sometimes is a great thing. Maybe you have to lecture too, and that's good too (although if you're going to beat your kid, you are going a bit too far).
This is probably due to faulty research on my end, and if anything is wrong, I apologize, but how come with any other generation, kids could go outside for hours and do whatever, despite having a higher crime rate and all that? Crime is very low now and yet you the most you'll let your kid outside is for the patio steps?
I swear, maybe things like this is why everyone is offended over the smallest thing (or maybe not. Am I completely in the wrong here? Is it the internet that's doing ...more

Here are things we need from future parents:
Less Participation Trophies
Stop with " He can't help being rowdy, he has ADHD".
Don't let them throw fits to get their way.
More spankings.
And listen. To all you people who think spankings are awful, your wrong. The reason why your little kid is a brat is because you never whooped him. I'm not saying give him one of those spankings men give their wives or slaves. I'm serious, they do it for minutes, maybe an hour. At the end, their butt is bruised and red. But PLEASE consider this future parents.

Dear future parents, don't let kids under 10 use internet, let kids between 10-12 use internet, but they can't make an account, and let kids 13 and above use internet with little or no restrictions. Don't let your kids under 13 have a phone. And last, supervise your kids when it comes to video games; I don't want to see some pointless news about "video game addiction", when the news reporter blames a video game developer for it, when it's actually the parents laziness that's to blame.

I just want to say that parents should try their own methods of raising their kids, but talk to their kids to see if they approve of it. Some kids are out here doing things they will regret later on in life because their parents are too hard on them. Other kids do things behind their parents' backs because they have the freedom to do so without serious punishment. This needs to change.

16 Death Penalty for Pedophilia

I don't inherently think all pedophiles deserve the death penalty. Some of them are just mentally ill adults that need to be treated who know their attraction is wrong. However pedophiles who enact on there desires and strip children of their innocence deserve no mercy. That kind of thing isn't replacable.

Voting for this cause I seriously hate pedophiles.. and I want pewdiepie to be killed, yes shut up fanboys back in 2015 child porn was found on his computer. I never really had any respect for the guy in the first place because I hated his videos, and watching porn is bad enough because it makes you a pervert! but child porn? COME ON MAN!

The sex offender registry ain't doing anything for our society. Hopefully enforcing harsher laws like this will make crime more unlikely to happen.

17 Less Pedophilia

So a video game, which will die out in few years and caused no real harm, is a bigger deal than adults sexually abusing kids!? What site is this!?

Pedophiles are scum of the earth. I'd wish pedophilia would be eradicated from the earth right now but unfortunately this will always be a thing.

Why is a video game a bigger deal than adults sexually abusing kids?!

This is below ending a kids cartoon in 2020. Let that sink in.

18 Less Liberals

Just a friendly reminder that Liberalism is the same ideology that gave us concepts such as freedom of speech, free markets, egalitarianism, democracy, etc.
Do you really want to get rid of this ideology? And stop confusing Liberals with social justice warriors, they're different from each other.

Some dumb Trump apologist clearly added this.

Just the rioting maniacs

19 Coronavirus is Defeated

Yes please! I just want things to go back to normal and people to stop dying from this virus. Here's hoping for a vaccine very soon!

The Coronavirus won't be defeated until everyone in the world is vaccinated. So dreadfully sad about the people who have died from it.

I hope Coronavirus will be wiped out and ability to breathe without face mask will be back & there will be non-corona world.

I hope so because I hate the coronavirus and thousands of people die from it which is pretty sad.

20 Free Health Care

The United States is the only highly developed country not to have universal healthcare, and it's very easy to fix. All we have to do is remove Trump from office, and increase taxes on the rich so they can pay for it.

The United States, for some reason, doesn't have free or universal healthcare, when almost every other developed country is known to have it. It's kind of odd if you ask me.

Free Healthcare is anything but a good idea. If doctors can't get paid, they would quit their job and very few people would actually want to work as a doctor because they don't get paid

This list only lists problems of the US, not universal problems. Regarding the US though this seriously needs to happen.

21 PETA Shuts Down

PETA comes across as obnoxious and hypocritical. I don't even know what the solution to the whole "our shelters are full oh no we have to euthanize everything" problem is, but can we find a better way to resolve the issue than PETA, an "ethical" treatment organization that most people really don't think is ethical?

IceFoxPlayz said that they support killing put bulls. I thought they were made to PROTECT animals! And also, pit bulls only get their reputation because of abuse from their owners and people also mainly set these dogs up in dog fights. It's bad owners that create bad dogs people!

Yes since they're evil and killed pets for no reason despite claiming that they don't want animal abuse, so they're hypocrites. The Animal Humane Society should dominate and PETA should permanently close, for the better.

PETA are one of the reasons I am not all that interested in helping animals (I would never abuse an animal and would help one if I saw it in trouble). What they carry on with is seriously demotivating. We need less militant preachers about animal rights and more militant doers helping animals

22 More Accepting of Different Beliefs

I need to clear something up. I am a Christian and a lot of people who say they are Christians Don't act like it. A true Christian cares for all and believes
Jesus died on the cross for OUR sins, not white peoples sins, not black, not Hispanic, not Aiden. But Everybody! And even though I don't agree with the other religions, I'm not going to be mean about it!

With this you better mean people accepting Atheists and ex-Muslims, stop saying "Muslims are the most oppressed people" take a look in the life of an ex-Muslim and you surely will reconsider.

I'm a Christian, and all I want to say is, please stop hating us so much! When people say accept different beliefs they are usually telling us to, but in reality, you are overhating us.

There are too many people who go off of stereotypes and are judgemental because of this. We need to actually get to know the religion before we can give our opinions on it. We don't have to believe in them, but we have to respect them

23 Time Travel

Time Travel is the most awful thing to exist, one tiny mistake in going back time and no matter how good or bad it is. Especially separating your friend's grandparents when they first met, you make the big mistake. I like to let things happen. Unless you should never let a human/animal see you and your time machine, then you should be fine.

Magic powers from humans do not exist! And it wouldn't work to go back into time. and I'm sorry it may not happen if you want to go to the nostalgia years. And why we don't want it created is that we might accidentally change important events. so if it exists, you need to be very careful of time travel.

I'm still a child but I know my things. One mistake could destroy our world. As if we aren't doing that enough already. And I don't believe in alternative universes, what's happening is happening now. Time travel would be terrible.

I would love this to happen. Just don't alter history though. Despite this, we should bring back some recent and long-extinct species back, but not all of them or the ones about to mate, otherwise humanity may never exist, to reintroduce them (if recently extinct), domesticating them (like small theropod dinosaurs, small pterosaurs/pterodactyls, extinct birds [Archaeopteryx, etc], etc), and/or keeping them in zoos/safari parks. Not only bringing back some individual extinct species, but I would also like to time travel to historic theme parks to experience the extinct rides and previous versions of our current theme park rides (as well as haunted attractions from halloween events in theme parks like Universal Parks), record them on video and post them onto modern Youtube site.

24 Trump Losses 2020 Election

Even if Trump does lose, is there any viable presidential representation for either Democrats, Republicans and/or third-parties that you can choose from? This statement isn't valid if you don't have an idea who to envision for the next US president.

Also, I think people focus more on hating the current president than thinking who should be the next, to the point where it kind of becomes an afterthought.

Okay. Listen, I fon't like trump, but I don't like hillary either. First, Hillary lied about being a outsider in the election. What the public wanted was a outsider in the election and they got one: Donald Trump, which is doing ok but way better than Obama. Hillary tried to say she was a outsider when she was SECRETARY OF STATE! 3rd line to succession! All that needed to happen for her to become president was a Obama and Biden car accident! What we need is a guy who is non corrupt like politicans. by the way Dwayne Johnson "the rock" is running for 2020!

Ya'll stupid if you think Trump should lose to some democrat. Liberals are always making things worse by allowing abortion and homosexuality to continue. Just remember that the only reason the US was ever in an economic downfall (which Trump raised back up) was because of OBAMA, who is a liberal. It's not Trump's fault you all a bunch of Californians.

Given this actually happened, let's see what Joe Biden has to offer for the US. Keeping low expectations for various reasons. Best not to suddenly put people in high positions and expect too much.

25 Artificial Intelligence

Nope, AI is destined to go wrong since as most movies shows, AI causes downfall of humanity and other related disasters, so AI should remain as pure fictional characters.

It sounds cool and convenient, but if it goes into the wrong hands, there will be a human vs AI war that could destroy the planet (at least that's what TheRichest said in ten possible ways the world can end).

Nope just nope. Get AI out of the list. If AI takes over the world, humans will just have to kill themselves because they will not be worth living on this planet anymore.

No no no. Just NO! AI would take over humanity and nobody will be making money. We'd all go bankrupt and be worthless living things.

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