Top 10 Things We Sometimes Forget

The Top Ten
1 To do homework

It's the easiest thing to forget for me.

Yup. This is me all the time.

2 To clean up

I was suppose to fix my disable older brother's bed and I didn't fix it all. Mum lashed out angry at me.

I always help my Fatso Mummy clean up the House!

3 To drink water for a day
4 To get food
5 To take a medicine

This is actually my modern thing.
I hate my mental sickness.

6 To pray

This is why I always pray and read my Bible before bedtime.

7 To open the dryer door
8 To bring your wallet

I do this, all the time.

9 To shave before a big day/night

Oh yeah. Guilty as charged.

10 To bring keys to your car
The Contenders
11 That life is short

This should be one because everyone can relate to it and it is so true :/

12 To see the dentist
13 To exercise
14 Why you walked into a room
15 To eat
16 To study for an exam
17 Where you parked your car
18 To walk the dog
19 A lyric from a song
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