Top Ten Ways to Annoy the TopTenner Petsounds
Which, of course, he is. In fact, cute is an understatement.
For those who don't know the backstory, about two dozen different TopTenners (acting on the orders of PW) messaged me that line.
Even better if you hire a friend and form a pattern.
You and keycha1n are the most annoying people ever.
Still bound to be better than a former Beatle working with Kanye West.
See if you can do better than Monty Python's mouse organ.
You know why the Prague Spring wouldn't work?! Well, do you?!
I'm 12, and I think that classic rock, well, rocks!
I'll say this on a loop until he foams at the mouth.
It took me one all-nighter and a significant amount of regretful, sleep-deprived comments, but it was worth it.
I'm already well ahead of him on this one.
Did you know that the cartoon characters Rocky & Bullwinkle were originally based on Simon and Garfunkel? Take a look...
I don't understand! I put in such a good word on your behalf...
The Newcomers
I won this one, fair and square. But any emoticon for that is a blocked emoji.
When SelfDestruct did this, it made him and I equally ballistic.
Really? Three tries to get the spelling correct? Whoever added this was determined.
Hmm... I shall need a list. Or a good remix like the ones only he has provided.
Doing this unleashes a side to him you wouldn't think existed. Believe me, I speak from experience.
Never knew he was an athlete, that just adds to his "rep" as somebody with superb musical taste.
Well, it drives like a Chevy car, shaking its big rear trunk for the hell of it, it goes like a machine unfairly costing fifty quid...'because you know it won't start lickety-split... feels like we only drive backwards, baby, every single gear won't go ahead...I locked my keys in the car, oh no, not again...
Haha this is incredible! Who added? You genius!