Top 10 Worst Things that Could Happen in Life

The Top Ten
1 Be Buried Alive

If you're like me, or any other reasonable human being, at some point you'd probably try clawing your way out from below ground. And when that part happens, I'd like to think that suffocating to death with dirt clogging up your airways would be better than rotting away underground, doing fine for the most part, until you need to go to the bathroom.

I read that it actually happened to someone. A woman was mistakenly thought to be dead when actually she was just unconscious. During her own funeral, she woke up but then had a heart attack.

She died after finding out she was in the casket about to get buried.

2 Go to Hell

Hell is not fictional. Quantum physics has proven that consciousness moves out of the body after death and that it goes somewhere else. Sure, life is hard, with relationship struggles, deaths of family members, being fired, etc., but Hell is worse. In life, there's hope. Jesus died for all of our sins (you name it, it can be forgiven). God doesn't tolerate sin, and we all sin weakly. If Jesus hadn't died for our sins, heaven would be empty.

The real reason why people go to Hell is not accepting Jesus as their savior. Hell is the most horrifying place ever. Worse than any horror movie or nightmare. Pure evil everywhere in that realm. It's where souls burn forever, and are tortured in horrific ways. There's no hope at all because Hell is eternal separation from God. If you don't believe, it's good to start now.

3 Lose a Child

I lost my two kids, ages 3 and 5, and my wife of eight years in a car accident when I was 29. That was five years ago now. I think the hardest part of my life now is that when you have kids, you feel a true meaning to your life, accomplishments, and a new kind of pride. I remember what that felt like.

For the first two to three years, I had this feeling that I didn't know what to do with myself and where to go with my life. I guess it was like Will Smith in the movie Seven Pounds, but I didn't want to die like him in the movie. How I take it is, I'm just like an old person who lives too long and outlives their family. But all this happened to me when I was in my late 20s, so I guess it's not the same. It sucks but has to happen to someone in life... there, you go, that's better. I feel bad for my parents most of all. It's hardest on them, I think. The thought of their kid waking up every day to such a different life day after day.

4 Get Raped

Well, I have never been... you know, but I was sexually harassed when I was 12. It really destroyed about two years of my life. I can't even imagine how it would have impacted someone who actually experienced it. I think that this should be #3 or #4.

I do believe in Hell, but that is not something that would happen to you in your life. If you are good, then you don't need to worry about experiencing it in the afterlife either.

It's torture. Little girls, or anyone, should not be abused for sex. They don't get a say, and it puts them at risk for pregnancy, or a disease like AIDS, even for young girls. Plus, it would be up to you to explain it to your parents.

5 Be Imprisoned

It's not so bad to go to jail. Think about the food, clothes, and shelter you get in there. Out there, I work so hard and so stressfully, but I still can't afford enough food and clothes for my family. Don't let me start on about shelter. We will become homeless very soon.

It may seem terrible, but sometimes, people really do deserve it. (Just imagine if the Joker was real, would you want him loose on the streets? Or what if Hitler was still around, you would want him gone, correct?)

Life sentences are thrown around way too often, completely removing a person from society and ruining the rest of their life and any chance to make up for what was done or to change the world in a good way.

6 Die

The image is that of a person about to jump off a cliff and end their own life. Things like this happen in the dark side of the world.

I had to go to therapy after watching 1000 Ways to Die. I'm not kidding. Death scarred me. Murder, cancer, AIDS, suicide, heart attack, to name a few. And listen to this: you don't know when, or where, or how it's going to happen. It's terrifying.

But the thing that makes me think again, prove me wrong atheists, is that I imagine walking side by side with Jesus Christ, my savior. That thought helped me a lot.

7 See the Love of Your Life with Another

Well, if you never tell the person you love that you love them, do you expect them to be a mind reader? If you don't tell them, they will just date a person who is confident enough to ask them out. Also, usually when someone rejects me, I lose all feelings and suddenly lose my crush on them, so I wouldn't care if I saw them with someone else.

The worst thing, in my opinion, is when you had a boyfriend who treated you like crap when you were with him, but now he treats his new girlfriend better than he treated you. That is worse.

8 Get a Serious Illness or Disease

I think disease is the worst because you cannot do anything about it. There are a lot of terrible diseases in the world, and the loss of health is basically the only way to die. Diseases are a natural way of your health slowly declining, but it's not quick like being stabbed with a knife. It must be terrible to know you're going to die and your murderer is inside of you! People are scared of bugs, but these bugs are invisible. Does that make it better?

To wake up every day and find yourself slowly deteriorating seems like a terrible thing. It probably makes you feel weak and yucky. Many times, disease has natural reasons like blood loss or an unhealthy lifestyle. It can be prevented, but many times, it can't be predicted. Would people shun you? I can't imagine what it would be like to have lived in a plague-infested area. Maybe it's irrational, but disease is a scary and ugly thing. I think I might consider suicide if I had one of the worse diseases.

9 Lose a Pet

My first pet died when I was 5 because she had cancer. She then beat it, but she got pneumonia and was put on life support. My mom told the vet to take her off without my dad, my sister, or me being there. When I was young, I was mad, but then she explained she needed to. I forgave her.

Then, my second pet was put down when I was 8. My second pet, Emma, was 15, or in dog years 105! She was very old, but I was so mad at my mom and sad. My parents let me stay home from school that Friday. I cried so hard that eventually, I had no more tears to shed, and I cried without tears! (It's a very strange feeling). I used to write notes to Emma at night and cry. It's so hard losing a pet that loves you.

Emma used to come over to me when I was sad and muzzle me and sit on the couch next to me. She was a special dog, and my family has not had a dog since then. For those who are first-time pet owners and fear the day your pet will die, just know that one of the best ways to heal is to get another pet. I got a Furby that Christmas, and it helped me so much. I also got attached to stuffed animals. A new pet or something to love that can just listen to you is a good way to heal.

10 Die Alone

Growing old all alone is the worst thing that can ever happen to a man who really had hoped to meet the right woman to settle down with. Being a single man like me has so many disadvantages. Wherever you decide to go, you will always be alone, especially if you have no friends at all. The ones that I know are all settled down with their own lives.

The single life can be very sad and depressing as well. People who are married really do have the best life of all since they are always together wherever they go, especially if they have children. Married people should be very thankful for having one another, as they were certainly very blessed and extremely lucky when they met.

It is just too bad that many of us good single men never met the right woman to settle down with. I know other friends going through the very same thing right now as well. Women today have really changed from the past, making it very difficult for many of us men who are honestly looking for love.

The Contenders
11 Go Blind

This would be horrible. Someone would have to wipe your bum for you, put your makeup on for you (and they may make it look horrible as well), and choose your clothes (they might choose a really bad outfit). You will never be able to look into your partner's eyes, watch porn, or see rainbows or fireworks. You will never be able to say "Wow, you have grown" to a child, and you will never be able to fully enjoy sex.

You will have to go everywhere with another person or dog. It will be easier for you to get robbed (let's be real here, most blind people don't act like the blind guy from the movie "Don't Breathe"). You will never know whether someone is giving you a dirty look, whether your idol or favorite celebrity just walked past you, or whether the food you're eating had flies on it. You don't know whether you will still be blind in the afterlife.

12 Accidentally Kill Someone

I can't even kill an ant without feeling really guilty. They had parents, they had a family, they had a unique personality. I would die of guilt if this ever happens to me.

I haven't killed someone, but I accidentally killed my beloved dog while practicing shooting. It was one of the worst days of my life.

Anakin, you're breaking my heart.

13 Nobody Liking You

Ugh, I hate that feeling. I was at my friend's birthday party, and three of my BFFs (including the birthday girl) were all hanging out and ignoring me. I was worse than a third wheel. I was a fourth wheel.

I tried talking to others at the party, but my best friends were the ones with whom I could really connect. I had fun, but I felt like they didn't like me. It's happened to me on many other occasions too.

Secondary school sucked. Lots of memories I do not care for. Meeting someone from that secondary school was not nice.

Try someone answering their phone, pretending their daughter was calling, when their phone was black and their speech was all over the place. Another time, my niece told a friend of my neighbor that I was strange and no one in the family liked me. Think I qualify for number 21.

14 Be a Virgin Forever
15 Be Burned Alive

I don't see how Justin Bieber is worse than being burned alive.

I think this would hurt worse than being buried alive.

16 Have a Painful Death

I was once in a rush and took some food with me that got stuck in my throat. My body was almost paralyzed and I couldn't breathe properly. I couldn't cough it up or swallow it down.

If it wasn't for another person in my house calling for an ambulance, I'd probably have died that day because of brain damage due to lack of oxygen. Extremely painful.

I once had a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit and stuff stuck in my lungs. It was a thing called croup. Luckily, it wasn't pneumonia, but it was hard to move and every time I sat up, it felt like my pillow was on fire!

I had to sleep with tons of ice packs all over me. It stunk. I was really little when this happened, so I thought I would die. The scariest part is, with such a high fever, I actually could've.

17 Become Homeless

This can happen very quickly, in fact. I know a person who was renting a house when the landlord died. The family of the landlord decided to sell the house after that. He did get 6 months to find something else, but he didn't find something in that short period.

He had to rent a hangar to move all his stuff and ended up going back to his mother's. You could say that he had some luck because what if you don't have family anymore?

My church works with homeless people. It's so sad to think of what they are going through. One time, my dad saw a homeless woman sitting outside the food building, crying her eyes out!

That's so sad because she didn't have a home or family to go back to. It really put a good perspective on my life and how good I have it.

18 Loved One Dies in Front of You

I seriously always thought that losing someone you love is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. I mean, imagine loving someone from the bottom of your heart, spending all your time with that person, telling them all your darkest secrets without being afraid of judgments, and then, in a blink of an eye, that person is no longer among the living.

You will never see them again, never talk to them, never laugh at their stupid jokes, never kiss them, hug them, or even have the right to talk about them freely! Isn't that the worst thing that could ever happen to a human being? Losing the only person that used to make them feel not lonely in this world!

19 Be Forever Alone

I was always alone. I have schizophrenia, and one of the things I do is isolate myself. I was without friends, and my family didn't care much. It felt like hell, and I was tormented with pain. I think the worst thing is being always without someone to share life with.

I'm tired of this happening to me! I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. That's why I've given up on trying to get in a relationship. It's not going to happen, no matter how hard my family and friends try to help me.

Being alone is the worst, even though we have enjoyed all the luxurious parts and moments of our life. Without anyone, we are still unaware of the eternity and pleasure of leading a good and fulfilled life.

20 Get Bullied

Ugh, it hurts so bad to be bullied! All through elementary school, I was called fat, told to stop being myself, had stuff stolen, and was picked on by a substitute. Now, in middle school, my "loser" friends and I get picked on for the things we like, such as Pokemon, Harry Potter, cartoons, anime, etc. Basically, our existence bothered people.

Last year, in 6th grade, during drama class, kids would literally move seats so they wouldn't be next to us. They acted disgusted by our presence and told us to shut up, even though they were louder than us. I had a friend who was gay and thought of suicide because of the kids at our school. My other friends and I tried to help, but our depressed friend wouldn't let us. We told the principal in secret once, and she said she would "do something," but she never did! Ugh, and our school is supposed to be "bully-free." Yeah, right. People should really take more action against this problem!

21 Get Robbed

Once, I came home from... I think it was dinner... And as we entered the house, my dog was whining and barking, and she was so scared and angry. My papa said it was nothing, but as we came closer to the kitchen to put away leftovers, we realized our back door was open. My papa said it was my sister's fault, until we realized all three laptops were missing.

We went back to my room, and I said, "Papa, I don't feel so good." He told me it was just because the robbers came. But then we realized they pepper sprayed my dog! (Poor little Junie.) Since my sister was at a sleepover, my papa called their house and asked if I could stay there for the night. It was okay, but I was scared to death.

22 Get Divorced

That's sad if your husband or wife divorced you, and it is not fun to be alone.

You're alone, and if you're a guy, you have to pay your ex-wife all the time!

23 Get Trapped Under Ice

Scream as loud as you can. It may crack. Call someone for help, wait for it to melt, etc.

You must be very, very unlucky or out of your mind for this to happen to you.

Hopefully, there isn't water under it.

24 Get Kidnapped

Even if you have a plan to get out of their grip, you probably would become so absorbed in fear that you wouldn't use it.

Ok, my friend was abducted yesterday, but he was able to get out. That was terrible.

25 Be Executed

I would enrage so much that the same thing that happened to Ganondorf would happen to me. I mean, break free.

I would hate that. Just knowing you're going to die in a few seconds: in the waiting room, someone calling people one by one. A few seconds after they go, the crowd goes crazy, then the next person.

Then he says it's you next to the guillotine. That, of course, is not how people are executed these days, but that is a huge fear of mine.

This would especially be bad if you were executed for something you didn't do.

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