Top Ten Worst Things That Could Happen While Climbing a Tree

The Top Ten
1 You Can't Get Down

I'm gonna tell a funny story that happened to me
One day I was bored so I climbed a tree
Well I climbed to high up
There was a tick
I squished it with my fist
Then its fangs got stuck in
It scared me
Fell off and had scratches
I cried like a little but
I was a three year old hellraiser back then

Probably the most likely!

2 A Bird Attacks You and You Fall Out of the Tree
3 While You're Up In the Tree a Storm Starts
4 You Fall and Break Your Back

This is true. You shouldn't climb on branches that fall off easily.

My friend did this but broke his leg.

5 Get Stung by Bees or Wasps and Fall Off
6 Lumberjack Chops Tree Down While You're On It
7 The Wind Knocks You Out of the Tree
8 Fall and Hit Your Groin Really Hard On Branch
9 Some Jerk Throws a Rock at You and You Fall
10 Stay Nailed by a Branch
The Contenders
11 You Fall and Break Your Leg
12 You Get Stuck
13 You Fall and Break Your Arm
14 There Are Branches for You to Step On for You to Climb Down
15 The limb breaks
16 You Fall On Any Sharp Object
17 You Accidentally Grab on a Bee or Wasp Nest
18 The Tree Falls Over
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