Top 10 Worst WWE Wrestlers of All Time
He totally sucks because WWE lets Cena win most of the Championships. Even if someone defeats him clean in a Championship, WWE will immediately announce a rematch and let Cena win in order to get his title back. That proves how much he is greedy for titles! His wrestling skills are okay, but he gets too much push that he doesn't deserve. He doesn't allow anyone to get above him. WWE makes him win most of the matches.
Besides, he is not at all a great entertainer. It is getting really boring seeing him as a 'Superman,' dominating and beating 10 or 20 wrestlers in the ring. It doesn't look natural at all! He is getting really overrated!
He is not even a wrestler. I would rather watch two trash cans fighting over him and some other guy. He takes up TV time for great wrestlers who are actually good.
He sucks. He talks trash. He hates the best WWE wrestlers in history.
Ugh, don't get me started on those horrible Cole Vs Lawler matches. Oh God.
Once a WrestleMania main eventer (horrible decision), that's overshadowed by John Cena and The Rock. Then months later, he's lower than mid-card. The Miz is inconsistent with his character - he's horrible as a babyface and as a heel. This is a mid-carder that has no substance, no entertainment factor, and no originality. All that it takes to be the worst of the worst!
At best, he's a semi-decent wrestler. The fact that he's getting more TV time than people who deserve it much more than him pisses me off.
If you're an expert at wrestling, you would know that this guy is a fraud. Just because he has a taller frame than most wrestlers doesn't mean he's necessarily better or stronger. He could get knocked out by someone half his height because he's clumsy and has a disadvantage when he's in a match.
He is strong, but he is getting too old. He has had so many health problems recently. He is just not that good anymore. When he first started, he beat The Undertaker and Big Show. Now he is losing to guys like Ryback.
Why are you guys hating on Cena? He's a good superstar and can actually fight, unlike a lot of superstars in the WWE! Santino Marella doesn't really fight. He's more of a comedian. And why is Undertaker in here!
Laugh out loud, worst wrestler doesn't actually wrestle. He loses every time. He dressed up as a diva to win a match and still lost! He is quite funny though, but there isn't any real point of Santino Marella being a wrestler.
At this point, he is just a comedian who is only in WWE for filler. He can't fight for his life, and he's lost almost every single match he's been in. Heck, he even got eliminated by Kane in a second!
He sucks. He just pretends to look so tough. His finisher is terrible, and all his wrestling skills are terrible. He just thinks that he's so good that everyone must worship him. Even a baby wouldn't feel anything from his finisher. He sucks.
Jinder Mahal really does suck. The only reason he wins matches is from those stupid Singh Brothers! Orton should have won at Backlash.
He is so stupid that he thinks he will be the WWE champion. He calls himself the Maharaja.
This dude has no chin. Chinless! He sucks! He won't even fight like a wrestler! He fights like a wimp! Ugh, I hate this dude!
He should be at the top of this list, not Cena. There must be Roman fanboys on here.
How could AJ Styles get beaten by this guy?
The fact that almost nobody knows him proves he isn't that good. I've never heard of this guy.
David Otunga... With his stupid coffee mug and Harvard degree, pfft. What kind of superstar struts around like he's top just because he's got a college degree... Laugh out loud.
Poser, glad he stopped wrestling. He realized he sucked so bad they gave him another job to be on the pre-show.
The Newcomers
He sucks because he doesn't know how to wrestle.
He really sucked. A lot of wrestlers have said that he was dangerous to work with simply because he sucked at wrestling and didn't know what to do half the time.
A man who couldn't keep his mind over his mouth. Truly the definition of bad.
The only reason losers like this clown is because he acts like an idiot.
I've never even heard of this guy, so I guess he sucks.
For how bad he was, I'd put him in the top 15.
And Ricardo, too! They're both terrible, especially riding cars that don't belong to them!
He thinks he is so great because he is rich, but in reality, he is the supreme king loser.
I also hate Santino and Randy Loserton.
He doesn't even work for WWE anymore. Alberto should retire.
His character is not creepy, unique, or deep in any way like people say it is. It's just that he steals people's pasts and uses them against them. Additionally, he has no mic skills and little in-ring skill. I just don't see him as World Champion material.
He says he is a god to Randy Orton but actually he sucks.
Half the bloke Luke Harper is. May Jesus forever be against you.
I put that stupid Rusev figure in the Goodwill bin. With Dolph Ziggler and The Miz.
I hate, hate, HATE what Rusev stands for. He hates America.
No, no, no, you're doing it all wrong. Breathe the A's, it's Fan-dum-go!
He's with a rubbish tag team partner!
This guy is a show-off! He does a weird ballet thing whenever he's on the top rope.
Excuse me, but when has Curt Hawkins won a match in 2016-17 so far? He lost to James Ellsworth in like 6 seconds. James even had a broken neck. Really.
He literally punches people up the legs. I don't remember John Cena being that bad - Unnamed Google User Remade
Curt Hawkins debuted in 2008. He retired in 2019. He didn't ever pin or submit to win a match for 11 years until he won at WrestleMania 35 on the kickoff show. The only real WWE match he ever won was on the pre-show.
THE REAL KANE is the best superstar to ever enter a WWE ring, but CORPORATE KANE blows. That, Triple H, is bad for business. How could you make the Big Red Monster, the Devil's Favorite Demon, the Big Red MACHINE... into a boring character who wears a suit and is now suddenly the "Director of Operations?" Hunter! Vince! Get your heads out of your asses and bring back the monster that the fans love!
What about the Corporate Ministry? They both suck as corporates!
I don't know why they joined the corporation, and they forced Kane to do more chokeslams (around 3 to 4). He feels a bit annoyed doing that.
For Undertaker... I don't really know about him.
They suck as corporates - it's like they're slaves!
He is currently signed to WWE, where he performs under ring name Roman Reigns.
His finishing move is Spear and Moment of Silence... read more
NO MORE ROMAN REIGNS. Roman is a sucky guy who won against the Undertaker because dumb Vince McMahon didn't realize he sucked and scripted him to beat the living legend! It even turned out to be Taker's last match! The only thing I like about Roman is the Shield and the Anoa'i family, which is basically how Roman became WWE champion. Roman should be banned from the ring for life for being a horrible entertainer, because where Vincent Kennedy McMahon is putting him is crazy!
He is a waste, a piece of overrated crap. He just has the worst mic skills and a limited moveset. All he has is a good body. I still can't believe he has the most eliminations for Royal Rumble. John Cena at least speaks well on the mic. This guy doesn't know that.
He is a good wrestler, but he just keeps changing sides. He betrayed HHH so many times. He kissed Stephanie (though that made HHH mad, but he was in chains). He couldn't do anything without Legacy.
He isn't bad, he just hasn't won a single match since 2013!
Randy Orton has become so boring now.
Sheamus is a ranga, too white, and he thinks he is the best. The only reason why he has won a lot of matches is caused by interference! He shouldn't even be WWE champ. The human jar of mayonnaise sucks totally! Anyway, why are John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, and Big Show on this list? They shouldn't even be on this, man! Change the list.
I think every single person thinks that ever since Sheamus looked stupid, WWE has been nothing! Make Sheamus not look stupid again!
Sheamus is the worst wrestler in the history of WWE! At first, he was a nice wrestler, but now, he is a boo!