Top Ten Funniest Vargskelethor (Joel) Moments
If you watch Joel from Vinesauce, also known as Vargskelethor, you'll probably be laughing a lot because he has some of the funniest streaming moments ever. Just searching his funny moments is enough to see just what he has that is hilarious. I'll include the stream in parantheses for the Youtube video that they are on.Kicking it off with a classic from the Insane Mario Bootlegs Stream, Joel plays a bootleg game called 7 Grand Dad that causes him to mutter "GRAND DAD!" upon seeing the image. The game is appropriately bad, and the character (a white-faced Mario clone with blood in the mouth) became a huge meme.
Before Grand Dad on the same stream, Joel plays a Jungle Book bootleg featuring Simba from The Lion King. The crouching animation looks like he is repeatedly twerking. Joel loses it.
Another classic stream moment. Joel is from Sweden and for some reason hates Norway. In the game Shadow President, he decides to send five thousand nukes to Norway in this fictional game.
Joel finds a shareware game called Color Fun. It's basically an educational game, but Joel changes the audio files to some loud swearing and insults the player. He plays it at maximum volume at every possible moment.
In the same stream as Color Fun, Joel plays a golf game and decides to change the music to a MIDI of Nickelback's Photograph. He also tries to sing the song, but he does so in complete gibberish and can't even finish a line without laughing.
Joel pauses a stream of a Super Mario Bros ROM hack because a hornet has invaded his room. He promptly loses it trying to shoo the hornet away for nearly twenty or so minutes.
While this game is about poop, Joel enjoys how far it goes. The game actually crashes, resulting in his most hysterical laughing fit.
Undertale players know the meme already, but his reaction is still one of the best when he attempts the Genocide route.
Context: Joel plays Mario NES games and sets them up to play different sounds with button presses. He can even do voice samples, like in Shareware Madness. When playing Super Mario Bros 2, he does his Toad impression (which is generally funny), and every button press is Toad going "YAHOO!" Joel loses it.
The Newcomers
During his SNES Madness stream, after the Jeopardy game, Joel ended up playing a clip of a Mexican radio host. The host had a guest who wanted to play Rhythm of the Night, but the host pronounced it as "Reebok or Nike" on the radio.
After confirming the title, the guest screams, and Joel laughs hysterically.
Joel plays an SNES game based on Home Alone 2 and says he's playing as "Makulky Kulkin." He cannot even get his name right, even when he googles it.
He also struggles to pronounce it correctly.
One of the classic Joel moments is during the Windows 7 Destruction stream when Joel mentions that his dad walked in after he accidentally downloaded a desktop stripper. Joel uses a Kermit the Frog voice to mimic his dad, saying, "JOEL, JOEL, DID YOU DOWNLOAD BOOBS AGAIN JOEL!?" It's hilarious in that voice. It's something he probably never lived down.
Another Pokemon ROM hack, basically exactly as it says, where everything was put through Google Translate. Highlight dialogue includes "Welcome to the Boston World," "The war grows!" "Please pay for the war," "Technology wins!" "The sword is in the menu," and "You must die."
For the fans of Joel, Bulk Bogan is a legacy meme from the game Hard Time. Bulk Bogan bears a heavy resemblance to wrestler Hulk Hogan, but Joel voices the character in an indescribable way. He also makes the character obsess over "moosklays" (muscles). Bulk Bogan ended up being a legacy character for Joel's other streams, like Vinewrestle and Oblivion.
The title of this item is actually the name of the Twitch clip this is derived from. Joel has been playing a modded Spelunky and dies a lot in that game, but his reaction to a certain death was completely over the top with a really long "WHAT NO," stretching almost thirty seconds.
During his stream of the game Shadow the Hedgehog, Joel brings up a part in the Sonic Underground cartoon where the green Sonic is trying to save a robot baby Sonic but fails. He then plays the Sonic Underground theme song and loses it.
Joel laughs hard at the gunshot sound in the menu of the game Shadow the Hedgehog because he already saw it as edgy but didn't expect it to be that edgy.
In his own Super Mario Maker level, Joel shares a silly song he wrote while playing Battle Royale Mario. He did it for a user named Jonnil. The song is just loads of heavy metal drumming and constipated-sounding vocals screaming Jonnil's name.
While playing Mario 64 hacks, Joel laughs really hard when he sees Mario in a wheelchair for the last hack of the night.
In the first Shareware Madness stream, Joel plays Caverns of Chaos, a text adventure game. When he decides to run, he gets the quote above, which makes him laugh and say, "you can't put that in the game!"
During SNES Madness, Joel plays a fishing game called Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament USA. The game features Jimmy Houston, and Joel loses it when he sees Jimmy Houston's face. He loses it again during the weigh-in once he finishes a round.
Joel has an additional microphone that makes him sound like he's on autotune, so he messes with his viewers during his GTA3 stream. He also attempts to sing Disturbed's Down With The Sickness and Cher's Believe, but he can't do the latter because he cracks up every time.
During this stream, Joel finds a Wolverine mod for GTA, which says, "PLAY CJ AS HUGE JACKMAN."
The last part of the text completely blows his mind.
In a recent stream, Joel does a story mission in GTA IV, transporting girls in his car. He proceeds to drive the car into the water, trapping them there. When his character gets out, he hears Nico make a phone call saying, "the girls have some injuries," and Joel loses it.
At the end of the game The Town With No Name, the protagonist shoots a kid and says, "My name's not Shane, kid." Joel obviously loses it.
Joel plays several Pokemon ROM hacks and found a few with really bad English. The most notable is an unfinished hack called Dark Graystone. Joel gives characters funny voices and loses it at the horrific English while reading the dialogue.