Top Ten Worst Types of YouTubers

There are many types of YouTubers who generally put out content of the same style. A lot of these types are usually terrible! Here we count down the worst.
The Top Ten
The "Kids" Channel YouTubers

"Mickey Mouse Babies Crying Because of Grub in Belly!" Videos show clickbait titles of things like spiders and caterpillars in baby Minnie/Mickey's stomach. The videos that do have bugs in their stomach mostly (all) consist of bugs sneaking into their food while they're washing their hands.

First off, wouldn't the bugs be squished when they bite, or do they not chew their food? Second, when flying insects enter someone's body, they wouldn't be able to make their host fly to the ceiling.

These channels are supposed to be for kids, despite them being very disturbing. I'm mainly talking about one kids channel called Fun Kids Smile. This channel makes videos inappropriate for kids and are disturbing to watch. One video on the channel is called "Pregnant Woman Suffers Suicide." I'm asking how the hell this is supposed to be for kids. I hope YouTube does something about this.

The Clickbait YouTubers

Clickbait is a great way to garner many views, but it is only legitimate if the video actually promises what was in the clickbait thumbnail. Sadly, many YouTubers abuse the power of clickbait.

Worse still is that, with YouTube removing the dislike button, you cannot really tell anymore by the dislike ratio if it is clickbait or not. Unfortunately, many people nowadays care more about views and money than actual content, and it's just getting worse.

These channels could be anything from gaming to vlogs, but one thing they have in common is that they are of the clickbait type. They put interesting things in the title only to fail to deliver what was promised in the video.

They really get on most people's nerves (obviously including me).

The Cyberbully YouTubers
Reaction YouTubers

At least BlastphamousHD actually reacts and is specific about stuff when he talks. Reaction Time is just... blah. Most of my issue is the fans, but bruh, having sound effects and "sexy" music in every video isn't "funny." In fact, the videos he reacts to are almost full screen. He links the videos, but why link stuff when reacting to haters? I know he does leave out links, though, because of his Fedora Man video.

Certain things will make people dislike all their videos before even looking at them, filling their comment section with empty death threats, misusing the word cringe, being immature, hypocritical in their comments, or all the above (likely all).

Oh--and disregarding Reaction Time and his fans, Reaction Channels are still bad. For example, looking up a cartoon episode and finding a blind reaction. You don't find it a big deal and click on it, only to get the worst audio in the world. It's up there with nails on a chalkboard, to be honest.

The Ex-Viner YouTubers

These types of people had to migrate after that godawful "Vine" was shut down. They tend to make really obnoxious vlogs most of the time or may do something else. These horrible types of YouTubers are everywhere, but the biggest example I could think of is the Paul brothers. They seriously are just terrible!

With Vine, you could afford to have your videos look poorly. They were all just six seconds long and didn't require any editing. You could say any stupid thing, and it might come off as funny given the short window of content.

Now that these people are on YouTube, they're showing their true colors. Most of them are painfully unfunny, and some (i.e., The Paul Brothers) have shown themselves to be the scum of the Earth.

The way YouTube constantly parades those pieces of human garbage and silences anyone who speaks up about them is utterly revolting.

The Toy Review YouTubers

This sort of ties into the "kids" channels, but not quite. These channels usually review toys by completely spoiling their children and forcing them to do videos against their will. I don't know why people enjoy watching children get spoiled with toys!

"Toy Review" should be in quotes considering most of these channels are just little kids playing with toys.

Kids are forced to review toys while their horrible parents get all the money. These are kids being slaves.

The Laughing at Dead People YouTubers

The scary thing is Logan Paul is probably one of the more sane in this area.

Sorry, just had to do it after someone mentioned it.

This is just for views, and even then, it's heartless how they do it.

The Minecraft YouTubers

Some of them aren't too bad, but most Minecraft YouTube channels tend to suck. It's mostly a bunch of 10-12-year-old boys with microphones who think they could be the next PewDiePie by playing Minecraft.

The older Minecraft YouTubers aren't much better, as Minecraft, in my opinion, is not very entertaining to watch others play. But the worst of all Minecraft YouTubers are the ones who make those godawful "Minecraft parodies" of popular songs - also known as the epitome of cringeworthy content.

Frankly, I find little entertaining about them. They're about as thrilling as having Morgan Freeman read Twilight to you.

The "Prank" YouTubers

Pranking people in public is not funny at all, but you know what is funny? Seeing a prankster get punched in the nose and get their nose broken. These pranksters need to be sent to boot camp.

They used to be way more relevant a couple of years back. Most of the time, these YouTubers perform very poor or very cruel pranks that aren't entertaining at all!

Ayden Mekus pranking his girlfriend. Stupid pointless minutes wasting time making an entire video pranking his girlfriend just for views. I seriously do not know why people subscribe to his channel.

The Criminal YouTubers

Why doesn't YouTube deal with these psychopaths instead of taking down perfectly fine videos because of "copyright"?

Two words: Suicide Forest. I can't believe Logan Paul put a dead body on YouTube and made fun of suicide.

Those who commit serious crimes and get arrested for what they've done or posted on YouTube.

The Newcomers

? Anime Review YouTubers

Re:Zero is mid, "trash anime," and novel.

? Don't Buy YouTube Channels

It's your choice to buy this, but don't watch these videos.

These idiots are mostly petty losers who are broke and miserable, so I say don't watch these videos.

These losers waste so much energy hating on a product and telling viewers not to buy it. It's so stupid and childish. People will buy it anyway.

If anything, they won't even watch your terrible videos. Don't watch these videos.

The Contenders
The ASMR YouTubers

It really depends on what type of ASMR. Some ASMR sounds are actually relaxing, such as the sounds of raindrops tapping on your rooftop. But others are sounds to which I don't believe anyone can relax, like the smashing of glass, for example.

But the worst part is, there are some very disturbing ASMR videos that feature problematic fetishes, such as those "let me choke you" videos. If you're easily disturbed by this kind of stuff, don't search it up.

These types of YouTube channels are actually relatively abundant, and that's no good! Basically, ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) is that one tingling response your skin makes to sensitive sounds, such as scratching on a microphone, rubbing small pieces of paper together gently, etc. I'm not sure if this is some fetish or not, but people really enjoy getting that feeling, and they go to these types of YouTubers for these videos.

The videos tend to be somewhat creepy or hilariously stupid. It's just very strange!

The Loud and Obnoxious YouTubers

These types of YouTubers rely on the fact that they can be loud and flashy to get a big audience, mainly children under 13. They are incredibly irritating to watch!

YES! They're the worst! There are some videos where they talk in a whisper, and when I turn up the volume, my ears explode.

Hey! I still need my eardrums, so stop shouting!

The Creepy YouTubers

By this, I mean more obscure channels like Meatsleep and 01a51cd0. These channels are super creepy, and there are theories as to what they're about. Some even say they're run by serial killers!

Yeah, but at least they're not that viral anymore.

The Daily Vloggers

All they do is film themselves doing their daily lives, shake the cameras, and act randomly like fools to get views and talk about whatever comes out, even in the most annoying way possible. Their videos are dizzying and headache-inducing.

I think a lot of these types of YouTubers are very boring or annoying to watch, as I could care less about what they are doing in life. But YouTube, I guess, wants to keep promoting these stupid channels.

And this is what caused the algorithm to fall over itself.

The Tutorial YouTubers

They make videos like "How to Make Popcorn" and "How to Clean a Kitchen Floor." Who needs these? They just make tutorials on stuff anybody could easily do.

They make 20-minute videos:
1 min: intro
10 min: talking about the incoming tutorial
3 min: the tutorial!
5 min: asking for likes and subscribers
1 min: asking you to watch the linked video

OFC the tutorial is always pointless (How to make a pen out of sugar and wire).

Goanimate YouTubers

Who even still uses GoAnimate? Based on some of the grounded videos I've seen, they're all just simplified caricatures of fictional characters with monotone voices that say one fictional character is grounded for a randomly high amount of years in caps lock.

How devoid of quality these GoAnimate users are, and the fact that they're still prominent, baffles me. Hopefully, they'll fade into irrelevance in the next decade or two.

Oh my god, I just remembered these. It's mostly a community of people making videos of Caillou and Dora getting grounded. And the GoAnimate program is so minimal in its use that they are very poorly made videos. People take them seriously, though, and it's hilarious.

The “Theory” YouTubers

I'm looking directly at you, MatPat. You claim your theories as fact and cannot take criticism, manipulating the fanbase into believing a bunch of B.S. like Mario is a psychopath Hitler. Then you be a hypocrite and say it's just a theory.

Incredibly dumb theories use poorly conceived "coincidences" and "references" to back themselves up. But hey, that's just a theory.

I liked the Bendy theory but not the FNAF and Undertale ones, I guess.

Fortnite YouTubers

I actually like Fortnite, but even I agree most of them suck. The only good ones are SinX6 and Tabor Hill.

Fortnite is a horrible game, and the fanbase is even worse.

The Red Arrows in Thumbnails YouTubers
Show Off YouTubers

These are the ones I hate. Ones like Morgz who get ten thousand pounds to show you how rich they are and then pretend they are just playing paper toss?! And all they talk about is their merch?

The Made by Kid YouTubers

It honestly depends. Lots of kids make different types of videos. For example, you can't compare Durv and AudanProjects. They were kids when they started YouTube but make entirely different content. - Unnamed Google User Remade

There's a reason YouTube has an age limit on it.

I like a few, but I hate Sis vs. Bro.

Political Commentary YouTubers
The Christian YouTubers

The Christian YouTubers mean that they are profanity-free, with no bad words whatsoever in the video. It has nothing to do with the Bible.

Christians are hypocrites, and they say, You're going to hell if I don't agree with them.

Fetish YouTubers

This is clearly porn, and YouTube doesn't seem to care about it. What happened to society these days?

Storytime YouTubers

My Story Animated in a nutshell:
"I'm pregnant with my father's child who is actually my mother, and the baby is Osama Bin Laden who joined hands with Hitler and got me pregnant again."

*Gets into one argument with boyfriend*
"Oh my God! Like, my boyfriend so totally dumped me, and I'm like, depressed. My life sucks!"

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