Top Ten Weirdest and Spontaneous Things to Say in the Middle of Deep, Intellectual Discussion

The Top Ten
1 Only six more days until I'm doing something completely different to what I'm doing now
2 I've just thought of a brilliant list idea!!
3 Coq au vin! Nice!
4 A one on one isn't bad but I prefer a mass debate in front of a live audience
5 What do you fancy in the 3.30? I'm going for RainbowMinx
6 I'm so glad I don't have big teeth

Aw, Beege... The spittle is what I'll always remember most...the way it glistened softly in the T.V. light

"Tourettes-fest without the cussin'" ha! Brilliant!
As with your rather long answer about GD on my other list, it's a really good thing (for you) that I have a headache today, V. That is all I'm saying...hmph!

"Tourettes-fest without the cussin'" Ha! Brilliant!
As with your rather long answer about GD on my other list, it's a really good thing (for you) that I have a headache today, V. That's all I'm saying... Hmph!

"Headache." Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. Like I've never heard THAT one before:))

7 I can't sing but I know someone who sings much worse

(If you're a guy): I think my water just broke!

8 Two months ago I found the longest French Fry. It was this long...!

Strangely, it was in my underwear.

9 Wonder what day it was on this date 3000 years ago...

"Ever wonder what chairs would look like if your knees bent the other way? "... K. Bundy

10 Here, scratch my back will you? Can't seem to reach...!
The Contenders
11 Salute the flag!

Well, okay, but sometimes it's not that easy to do on command.

12 I like the way my hair tastes today
13 Hey! Wait! I gotta new complaint! Forever in debt to your priceless advice..
14 Wait... I think I forgot to put deodorant on!
15 Oh no! I forgot to take a shower last night
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