Top Ten Most Hated Slang Words

The Top Ten
1 Swag

This Word ruined my life.

I like "swag" when it is used properly, as in "a curtain or piece of fabric fastened so as to hang in a drooping curve." <---original definition, ladies and gents.


That word means Yeah, Let's on Lets orange

YOLO is the most ironic phrase ever.

This thing can go to hell

3 Bae

Super sad our language is accepting this word!

In reality, it's Danish for poop.

I hate this word!

4 Ratchet

Honestly, I sometimes say rachet meaning it kinda a ghetto style, but when people say "eww that make-up is rachet" or "eww that would look rachet together" Just please stop. NOW preferably

5 Shorty

This means Should hot or rock that yes

6 Hella

This word sounds awful when midwestern guys say it.

This means Hell ever love love another

7 Cray

Cray is a slang term for crazy. Please don't butcher the English language by introducing this word. Cray is not even considered a word.

Crayfish are bait for crabs or lobsters or something

This means Cry rihanna always you

8 C***

What does it means?!?! Please tell me

Oh, you mean, See You Next Tuesday

Don't show the full word.


This is the worst and mean (in some ways ) slang word!

What come on that is the best slang ever!

10 Doe
The Contenders
11 Tbh

Just write the word fully, what's the point of "texting" something that someone doesn't understand.

12 WTH

This means what the heck

13 OMG

Is used a lot today. It means, "Oh My God".

This means Orange makes gain

14 Hubby
15 Literally

This means Let it to Egypt reality and let loo yolo

16 Hoes
17 Brung
18 Meh
19 Yank
20 Bitch
21 Overrated
22 Rekt
23 Sissy
24 Wuss
25 Yeet
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