Top 10 Most Random Things to Do In the Middle of the Night

The Top Ten
Munch All the Food

Sometimes, I think I'm nocturnal or something. Every night I just go to the fridge, and in the morning, all the waffles are gone.

Seems like the kind of thing I would do.

Make sure to hide the evidence.

Jump on Your Parent's Bed While They're Sleeping
Dance Around in the Dark Living Room
Yell Out the Window

Then people will be like, what the heck.

I do this every Saturday night.

I gotta try it, sounds fun. Just gotta hope the neighbors don't wake up because I'll be so dead.

Jam Music

I once left my iPod speakers on as I fell asleep. I was woken at 2 am by deadmau5. It was hard getting back to sleep.

This is sort of what I do, except I sneak my phone into the room, put the volume to the lowest, and listen to Jimi Hendrix till I fall fast asleep.

P.S. I'm only 15, that's why I have to be secretive about using my phone late at night.

Watch Scary Videos

"Oh, this baby elephant is eating the tiger live. Now it is looking straight at me through the screen. Oh my gosh, blood is dripping out from his mouth. Waah! The baby elephant is really coming out of the screen!?!? "

Ummm... Something like that...

You'll get nightmares from this. Don't try it.

This is another thing for a nightmare.

Open the Front Door and Run Around the Neighborhood

Me, while I'm running like crazy - HEY YOU!

Person - What?

Me, still running - WHAT R U DOING?

Person - I'm going for a walk.

Me, running even crazier now - WHY?!

Person - Because I can't sleep.

Me, running around in circles - OH HEY ME NEITHER! SO LIKE, U WANNA JUST RUN AROUND WITH MEH?!

Person - OH HEY I'M IN! (rips off jeans to show that he's wearing shorts even though it's the middle of winter) (Starts running down the street, screaming)


Play Slenderman
Start Twerking

My father wouldn't be in shock at all! I'd be more in shock to see HIM do it!

Then your parents will be in shock.

If I throw it back, is it fast enough?

Play with Yourself

The Newcomers

? Set Off the Fire Alarm
? Sneak Out and Start a Fire on the Lawn

I did that. I burnt down the whole city.

The Contenders
Spam Friends with Memes and Funny Texts
Get Naked and Dance Around the Street

Sounds legal. Sure, the neighbors would love to see that.

Did that once and got a whole mob of naked people to join in. Aww, good times...

Naked time! Dance with my naked body.

Pet Your Animal

Good dogs deserve to be pet. All dogs are good. All dogs should be pet. Pet the dog. Pet it now.

Try to Summon Satan
Make Out

I'll call my boyfriend over and do it in the middle of the streets while walking.

Create a List of Random Things to Do
"Howl" at the Full Moon

I did that once, and in the morning, I heard my neighbor talking about how there was a "wolf" in our neighborhood. I was laughing my head off.

Sometimes I wish I was part wolf.

Do Creepy Rituals
Jump in Your Pool Naked
Text Your Crush

I don't have a phone yet, so I just email my friends over and over again.

It's the middle of the night, what could possibly go wrong?

Be Quiet

Honestly, the most normal thing here. Who the hell would go outside in the night?!?

Play Ding Dong Ditch
Yell Out Something Random
Watch YouTube
Give Hickeys
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