Worst Things About Being Buried Alive

The Top Ten
1 You can't move

This would be my #1 problem.

2 Being hungry and thirsty
3 You can't breathe properly
4 No escape

This is why I would hate being buried alive.

5 It's dark
6 No one can hear you yelling for help
7 Even if you manage to destroy the ceiling, there's still no escape
8 That you had a 1/400 chance of being in there right now
9 You don't have your phone with you
10 You don't have your phone

This would be a problem for me.

RIP my social life

The Contenders
11 It would hurt like hell

Can't move, hard wood, dirt, earthworms, can't breathe. yep

Think how terrible sinking sand must be.

12 You will die soon

It was put at last place since there is sill hope

Well, that's the worst thing. Death.

13 Increased pressure
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