Top 10 Among Us Stereotypes

The Top Ten
The struggling to get into a lobby people

So you want to play a game. You go to find a public game and click on a random game only to get a message saying "Lobby is full" or "Game has already started." It takes like seven years to finally find a game.

Yeah, that's just tough. Once you get the game started, everyone leaves.

Player count: 2/10
Me: *clicks join three seconds after*
AU: The game you tried to join is full.

The dating people

My friend simps for a joke, but DAMN, it gets annoying and 18+ quickly. It's a rare occasion to see my friend and a random stranger not make it go too far.

I've been in those servers, and gosh, does it make me uncomfortable.

Why do people do this? Come on, this is a game, not a dating site. I have seen inappropriate usernames while searching for a random server. Come on, people, kids play this game too.

The random accusers

These are like Sherlock Holmes players, except they may or may not have actual evidence. If they do, it's barely anything at best. These are the ones to say "Red sus," and that's all. That's the entire case, even though Red has passed them multiple times and not killed them.

On top of that, it feels like saying any color is sus works two-thirds of the time too.

Someone just accuses me for no reason, and I get voted out. It's sad that this is so common.

The dropouts

You know who you are. These people simply wanted to be the impostor but weren't selected, so instead of playing, they just quit.

It's annoying as hell and really screws up the game for everyone else. Literally any game you play, at least two people leave immediately, then someone else leaves a minute later. The impostors kill someone, and game over.

If you are one who does this, I hate you, and I know I'm not alone.

This is the worst thing about random lobbies. I have never jumped into a random lobby and had no one leave. Someone always leaves, and it is so annoying.

The call a meeting at the worst possible time people

When I'm in a download, it's so annoying. Why can't I let the data download while I'm in a meeting? Also, it can be bad for the impostors too. If you vent into a room and you're about to kill someone, and then EMERGENCY MEETING!

But, it's not like they knew we were about to finish a task or something.

So you know what happens. You've got download or Simon says or whatever, and someone calls a meeting or reports a body. Literally, something happens to interrupt your task, and you have to start all over. It's frustrating.

The hide and seekers

Apparently, there's an alternative game mode where you don't report any bodies and try to do tasks without getting caught, kind of like a cat and mouse game. It can be fun, but there are annoying things about it.

For example, if people who don't know how to play join a game and report a body, it ruins the game. Even though it doesn't say anything about hide and seek in the title of the lobby, you are just supposed to know, obviously.

I don't understand the point of this. It's almost impossible to win as crewmates if you can't report.

The lazy hosts
The people who just say Red is sus
The one that pretends to be impostor
The people who think solid evidence is sus

I once tried something that got me voted out. I was in cams with Black and Purple. I decided to go to the area near the door and waited for a few seconds.

When I came back, Black was dead, and Purple was gone. I told the other people what happened, and everyone said I was sus. No one believed me.

They sabotaged the doors of the room they were in! I saw it! Okay, vote me out, FINE!

When I have some actual evidence, like Lime ran away from reactor when it was sabotaged, someone would just say, U sus 4 accusing someone.

The Newcomers

? The Admin camper
? The reddit people
The Contenders
The people who think you self report when you report a body
The sore losers

I don't know whether getting kicked after a win is satisfying or annoying.

The people who follow you to make you feel uncomfortable
The lazy crewmates

This barely requires explanation. If you're a Crewmate, you're supposed to do tasks. That's your one job.

The tasks aren't even hard. Come on, if everyone is doing their tasks and one guy just isn't, that's really frustrating. Don't even get me started on people just standing around idle in the cafeteria on Skeld. I get that AFK happens, but there's no way that like three people are all AFK.

Go do your five or so tasks. That's all you have to do.

Mostly happens with the ghosts. All they do is just follow who killed them, instead of actually doing the tasks.

The people where take forever to start
The “Sherlock Holmes”

This person thinks they're some genius who has this game figured out and will interrupt the conversation with their conspiracy theories about who the impostor is. Even though they're wrong more often than not, half the crew will take what they say seriously. Sometimes it works, yet nobody says anything about them being wrong four times in a row.

I am totally the Sherlock Holmes, except most of the time I can back it up.

When they're not a very good Sherlock Holmes, it ruins the game.

The “Emergency Meeting” people

You know how it goes. You do your task, and then someone will call an emergency meeting to "say hi" or "I have scan." Sometimes it can be useful to vote out the impostor when you are down to three people, but most of the time, it's because people are dumb.

Have you ever had someone call a meeting and then not say anything at all? I swear they use it for trolling and nothing else.

Once I pressed that multiple times as a prank, but they didn't like that at all. They threw me out, didn't care if I was an imposter or not. I regret that now.

The noobs
The cheaters
The complete idiots

Well, it's a game about trying to figure out the impostors. It's not surprising there are idiots in the game.

The "u idiot I" crewmates
The hackers
The pranksters
The Is and Os
The simps
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