Top Ten Best Among Us Skeld Map Tasks
These are only tasks that can be found in the Skeld map.Short and simple task that proves your innocence when visuals are on. I like it.
The best task too prove your innocence.
Fun to do when you're bored and can prove your innocence.
I'm not sure how people find this hard. 95 percent of the time I do this I get it right on the first try(both on PC and mobile).
This task is not as hard as people make it out too be. It’s also a good way too find the Imposter as it is a common task.
I don't like this task. I get it way too many times in games and I have to go from areas very far from eachother because of it.
A fairly easy task, especially with the new shapes for colourblind players.
Another fun task that proves your innocence.
The easiest task in the Skeld map. You just need too press. No effort or waiting needed.
Shortest task in the map and it's nice.
Unlike the other tasks on this list, for this task you can start it then walk away and come back 1 minute later.
This is why emergency meetings are useful because when it ends it's automatically over.
This is like the wires except I don't like it because it's just boring I guess.
All you need too do for this task is swipe a few times and your done.
For this task you need too press numbers one to ten in order. If you get it wrong you need too start from the beginning.
Just another normal short task.
The Newcomers
It's quite boring but I just added it for fun.