Top 10 Tips to Being a Good Crewmate in Among Us
Navigating the intricate and thrilling game of Among Us, acting as a crewmate can be a challenge, especially when you're surrounded by potential impostors. Finding out who's trustworthy and who's ready to sabotage the game can leave even the most seasoned player scratching their head.A good rule is to try and stay together. The general principle is safety in numbers. Avoid staying alone for too long, or else you're a prime target for the impostors.
But don't get too close either. Just stay relatively close.
Most people stay together for the first few seconds, but I tend to get a little paranoid when someone follows me around for too long.
I die every game (no, I'm not kidding. I do die every game), most of the time first, because I normally stick with the group. And there's always this one idiot/noob who kills me in front of four people. Like, why?
I think everyone dislikes people who don't complete their tasks. Come on, most of them are super easy to do. Plus, you'll appear suspicious if you don't do them.
Also, continue to do your tasks even when you die, so you can still contribute to a win. Dying doesn't mean game over, people!
Theoretically, if everyone focuses on their tasks without obsessing over the impostor, they could win the game based solely on that.
Completing the little 5-second tasks is the entire goal of being a crewmate. What's the big deal?
I know it happens sometimes, but please don't be immature and leave when you're not the impostor. It ruins the game for everyone else.
Don't be that person. No one appreciates someone who is immature and rage quits when they aren't selected to be the impostor. Statistically, you are not going to be the impostor as often. The math doesn't lie.
Obviously, leaving the game is extremely immature and unfair to your fellow hardworking crewmates.
Seriously, being a crewmate can be fun too.
The chat can be a vital place to discuss information. Avoid spamming it, or else you'll appear suspicious, and everyone will dislike you.
Use tasks to prove your innocence. Always save these for if you start getting accused when you're innocent. Complete them last. It's a surefire way to exonerate yourself.
Use tasks as a way to prove your innocence, but be careful as the impostors might watch you and then lure you in to kill you. Stay vigilant.
There are times you do and do not use an emergency meeting. You have a limited amount, so use them wisely. If you see someone vent, then you have a valid reason.
If you're just saying hi, that's annoying, and everyone will hate you.
I made that mistake as a prank, but I regret it now.
Yeah, when you're on cams, you're a target since you are vulnerable from behind. You shouldn't just camp there unless there are multiple people present.
If you're on cams on Skeld, don't linger there indefinitely. It's kind of a hotspot for impostors. The Security, Medbay, and Electrical vents are all connected on Skeld, so I call it the Bermuda Triangle.
Enter, check cams, and exit promptly.
Most of the time, I have company, though.
This is a common tip: don't get right back on. Wait about 20 seconds or so first.
This is mainly for newbies, but knowing your tasks will help you. If you need a refresher, just go to free play mode and do the tasks there. Knowing what to do can help you not look suspicious.
You should try to memorize them just in case comms are sabotaged.
The Newcomers
This is especially true. If you have no visual tasks, be willing to watch other crewmates. Then, in the next meeting, say they are safe, and they will likely remember that and trust you more.
Yeah, you need to know who is safe so you know who is trustworthy.
Well, sometimes bringing up logic doesn't work because your crewmates are dumb, but yeah, if you accuse somebody, you need some sort of reasoning.
Let's say me and Orange are running to admin to do a download task. I always am scared that he is going to say I am chasing him and call me suspicious.
Electrical is dangerous. It's a pretty common place for impostors to hide out, so get in and get out. You definitely don't want to hang around in there longer than you need to.
For those of you who don't know what this means, it means if there are many people standing in almost the exact same place, kill then, and no one will know who did it because it could have been anyone standing right there. It's a pretty good strategy, actually.
Unless they are smart and come out of the room and kill you instead.
Another good thing to do is to slowly follow someone somewhere where there is only one way to get out (reactor, security, medbay, electrical, navigation) and a vent. If that person you were following wasn't there when you walked in (you have to walk in like 3 seconds after), you know who it is.
Unless you and that person know each other are safe, then they would understand why they are following you.