Top 10 Best Things to Do for the 4th of July

These are the best ways to celebrate the 4th of July!
The Top Ten
1 go see fireworks

The fireworks I saw this year got the best when my grandpa was playing the national anthem on his trumpent

fireworks are the best they're beautiful

2 go to a barbecue
3 go swimming
4 appreciate the amount of freedom we have

Can't say much more than that...

5 set off fireworks
6 throw a party
7 go to the boardwalk
8 light something on fire

yay let's light my house on fire (on fire) YES BURN BABY BURN, WHEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW, um... I think I needed that house... WTF!, lol

Let's celebrate our freedoms by lighting them on fire

9 hang out with friends
10 go to the beach
The Contenders
11 stay home and sleep

Because I am a lazy guy...

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