Top 10 Most Popular Conspiracy Theories
The most popular Conspiracy Theories that are talked about on the web and elsewhere.
To the people who are saying we are dumb because we think a terrorist did it: NO! You are talking about yourself! First of all, Osama Bin Laden did not do this all by himself. It was a terrorist group named Al Qaeda. Osama was the head of the group.
Secondly, there are tons of videos that prove that this was not done by the government. Thirdly, if the government did it, then explain the deaths on the planes. I would also like you to explain how some of the passengers fought for control over the plane. P.S. You are the people who need brains, not us!

The moon landing obviously happened. It would have been nearly impossible to get the shots that we did in the sixties. We couldn't have achieved the lighting in a studio. The only way to have gotten the same images would have been to invent computer graphics decades ahead of its time, keep it from the public, get thousands of NASA employees to keep their mouths shut, convince multiple separate governments (including Russia, our space race rivals) to lie on our behalf. Let's not forget that the astronauts laid out retroreflectors on the lunar surface, which we can see from Earth today. So, they would have had to get retroreflectors to the moon without actually going there.
The shadows in the images are parallel, which is what happens when there is no atmosphere to filter the sunlight. Earth, of course, has an atmosphere making these shots impossible in a studio in the sixties, and even difficult today. As for the comment about rocket technology, the Saturn V rockets they used could have taken humans to Mars if we still made them. Face it, conspiracy theorists. It would be easier to put a man on the moon.

Although I think that Oswald didn't act alone, I do believe that it was not an inside job. LHO lived in Russia for a period of time. I think that the USSR instructed him to assassinate JFK.
I believe that he and another unknown shooter, possibly Jack Ruby, were involved. I think that the US government eventually found out and covered it up to prevent a potential start of World War 3. The government might have believed that if the public found out, there would be an outcry to avenge the beloved President's murder.

Ugh! Dear lord, this is the most annoying thing. Every single time something happens, it's the Illuminati. Terrorists crash a plane into the World Trade Center, Illuminati! A psychopath runs into a preschool and murders dozens of people, Illuminati! Another Malaysian plane goes missing, Illuminati! Obama wants to take away your guns, Illuminati! Oil prices are rising, Illuminati! Two men were kissing on television last night, Illuminati! My chip looks like a triangle, Illuminati! Illuminati this, Illuminati that! I am sick of it!
How the hell is a tiny group of individuals, even individuals in positions of power, able to control every factor of every person's life everywhere and at any time? It would take millions of people willingly working within the Illuminati to get that big of a handle. Furthermore, it would just be impossible to cover up something that large for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. The only reason this crackpot theory has survived is because some infantile people need a scapegoat to blame all their problems on because they refuse to blame themselves. Successful people admit their mistakes. Unsuccessful people blame others for their mistakes.
Please everyone, stop blaming an organization of angry 16th-century scientists complaining in their basements about the death of your dog, or your wife leaving you, or your addiction to coffee, or whatever! Furthermore, many people believe in the Illuminati because the theory gives the world a sense of order. One group controlling everything in the world and operating at the top of a hierarchy of slaves and brainwashed subjects makes the world seem like a predictable and controlled experiment.
But the truth is even scarier in real life, and people who believe in the Illuminati are terrified of admitting it. Nobody is in control. The universe is a chaos zone where anything, no matter how improbable, can happen. Throughout all of history, mankind has created monsters to justify our... more

The United Nations did not accomplish their goals of peace and security. The 17 SDGs will never work because that's just too many promises. George H.W. Bush failed. The satanic New World Order government will fall. The military-industrial complex is built on bloodshed, turmoil, and greed.
This will happen. World trade is a sign it can happen.
Martial law, the mark of the beast, the Antichrist, the rapture. I could go on for days.

Everyone talks about aliens, but it's definitely something a lot more sinister.
We need some aliens to do something about these world leaders. WW3 threats.
Area 51 does exist! But no aliens... Sorry.

Usually, climate changes take thousands or even millions of years to occur. However, in the past 20 years, the temperature of the Earth has been rising at an unprecedented rate. Some countries refuse to accept it because their economies are built upon pollutive industries, and some people refuse to acknowledge it because they are too lazy to make the necessary changes, but it's happening.
Global warming is definitely happening. You were cold today? That's weather, not climate. That is why the media only report on global warming during the cold season.

This kind of conspiracy makes me angry. Arthur Jones said it's the "biggest lie in history" with "no evidence." There is a lot of evidence, and people call it "propaganda." There are lots of evidence, real photos, and documents. How did Auschwitz come about then? How did Anne Frank die then?
Some people actually believe that Jewish leaders masterminded the Holocaust so the West would grant them the state of Israel. They think this was done to enslave and exterminate the Palestinians and create a world government. Did I mention that most people who believe this "theory" are Palestinian?

I'm starting to believe I was replaced too. Looking at my old photos, I looked very different, and each time my mother tells me to "go to bed", I'm pretty sure it sounds like "get out of my house you little piece of crap" backwards.
For whatever reason, people don't believe me because it's "highly unlikely" to find someone who looks just like me and acts and talks the same way I do. Rubbish! I'll update you if something turns up.
This was the most irritating thing ever, but I can't stop reading about it. You can't just replace a legend! Plus, his replacement died in 2011, and he still is making performances.

There are a ton of ideas about what people actually saw. It probably wasn't some otherworldly monster, but many real animals could give the impression. Anything from outlandish theories about dinosaur-age creatures to a group of dolphins swimming in a line giving the impression of a sea serpent.
The Loch Ness Monster is less of a conspiracy and more of a myth. What we've learned about ancient myths is that most of them began with at least a small portion of truth, and then spiraled into something crazy.
The Newcomers
So what if he does? There are much worse things he's done than use Steam.

A lot of people, including a few folks from my family, are against the vaccine because they think the government will use it to do their bidding.
I've had all of my shots, and I feel great. No government actions at all.

I've never heard this before, but it wouldn't surprise me whatsoever.

This is the dumbest conspiracy ever. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, which is in the USA, making him American-born. I even heard one that Hitler actually went to Kenya and ended up fathering Obama there. Laugh out loud! This is bull because if Hitler was his dad, he would be called Barack Hitler. If he wasn't born in America, he would never be President.
Well, his mother was American, and his father was from Africa. His parents divorced, and Obama's mother remarried a stepdad from Indonesia. He, his mother, his younger sister, and his stepdad lived in Indonesia until Obama's mother sent him to his grandparents in Honolulu. This was because Indonesia was a third-world country and had poor education. So, he is American and has lived in places outside of America. This probably made people think that he wasn't American, or perhaps it was due to his name or the misconception that Hawaii isn't part of the United States.

Did they also do the mummifying?
An experiment where they try to get mind control, and their subjects are people they pulled off the streets. Pretty creepy.
Not a conspiracy theory anymore. It was all confirmed by the CIA.
Yep. And people still say that today. Some say that he is Jack Crooner now. But he's dead.
He might be a zombie already, though. Who wants to listen to Thriller?
He really did. Look it up. There was a sighting of him at a foreign hotel.

I know the world actually was destroyed on December 21, 2012, and the Illuminati covered it up!
The Mayans couldn't have actually predicted this because they also had plans for years way after 2012.
And nope. Didn't happen. Big surprise there.
H.A.A.R.P. controls the world's weather. H.A.A.R.P. is doing everything behind closed doors. The weather patterns are dictated and controlled by H.A.A.R.P. At some point, the weather of the world will eventually disappear permanently, and the skies will be cloudless for more than a century.
H.A.A.R.P. has blueprints from Nikola Tesla. These blueprints from Tesla were supposed to be used to balance man, mankind, humanity, and the rest of the world. However, the deep state stole all of Tesla's blueprints to benefit and profit themselves and lied to the world behind their backs to take advantage of civilization in their own hands.

They don't think he's still alive. A Brazilian woman claims that he escaped and fled to South America, moved to a small town in Brazil, went by the name Adolf Leipzig, and died at age 95. There is a photo of him, but it's too grainy to see his face clearly.
I'd say, the probability that he'd have died of old age by now, is extremely likely. He would have celebrated his 127th birthday next April (2016).
Hitler killed himself, guys... You people have too much free time. Get a hobby instead of making up idiotic theories.

There is a lot of little evidence that adds up but isn't "concrete" because there isn't one big piece. But remember, there are two ways to build a snowball. You can grab a hunk of snow from the ground, or you can slowly combine little pellets of snow to form one. This theory is definitely of the latter, but that doesn't make it untrue.
There is a lot of evidence, such as him having an unusually heavy tomb or a helicopter flying from Graceland the night of his death. Sooner or later, these can't just be coincidences and perhaps are, in fact, true. Yeah, yeah, maybe he died before, but there is always a possibility that he didn't die when they said he did. Maybe, just maybe, he's STILL ALIVE.
Ah. This conspiracy theory makes me chuckle all the time. The Queen a reptilian? Don't get me wrong, she does somewhat remind me of an old, horrible, scaly lizard, and I'm not her biggest fan. But to actually believe that humans crossed with reptile hybrids? That is just absurd and nonsensical.
Yes, all of the world leaders and wealthy corporate individuals are reptilian aliens. And I'm a purple dotted bisexual hippopotamus currently playing Half-Life 3 at Guantanamo Bay.
Reptiles from space bent on destroying the world. What is this, a sci-fi movie?

So you're saying my brother's girlfriend and her parents are aliens? I swear, if I ever meet the guy that made this...
My mom's an alien? Jerks who made this up...
This isn't a theory. It's a weird lie.
The real question is, Who murdered her?