Top 10 Best Survivor Moves

Through the years, there have been some very good strategic moves, but which ones make the top ten?
The Top Ten
Tom emotionally manipulates Ian into giving up the final immunity to gain his friendship back - Season 10
Brenda finds out Andrea is gunning for her and blindsides Andrea, also flushing out the hidden immunity idol - Season 26

This blindside was awesome! It was a complete showdown between Brenda and Andrea, and Andrea didn't even know it. Also, at Tribal Council, there were some really awesome reactions, including those of Malcolm, Reynold, Eddie, and Andrea.

Vecepia and Sean convince the remaining Maraamu members to side with them against the Rotu - Season 4
Parvati plays 2 idols and saves her whole tribe after the merge - Season 20

Russell getting Tyson to vote himself off was less a good move by Russell and more a moronic move by Tyson. But THIS was a move! Parvati recognized Amanda's lies but still put her neck on the line by playing her idols for her fellow villains. Had Russell been in charge of the idols, they would have been drawing rocks.

Incredible read of the other players' votes, and she left herself and Russell unprotected. It all started with her "losing" the pole challenge to protect another tribemate. Unbelievable.

At Tribal Council, Parvati played her 2 idols, giving one to Sandra and one to Jerri, saving the entire Villains tribe.

Russell gets Tyson to vote himself off - Season 20

This is the craziest Hail Mary in Survivor history. It wasn't smart gameplay, but it was amazing to watch. It made no sense. To say Russell merely wanted to go out honorably is to misunderstand the character of Russell Hantz. That is the opposite of what he would do. Russell did the least Russell thing ever: he was unselfish, convinced Tyson to change his vote, and swayed Jerri and Coach to his side. Insanity.

Best move of all time! Russell clearly knew Rob's plan was to split 3-3. He knew exactly what he was doing. If Tyson hadn't been approached by Russell, he wouldn't have changed his vote! Simple! #Logic

Cirie orchestrates Erik's blindside - Season 16

Cirie was the main mastermind of Fans vs. Favorites. She was the one who created the final three alliance with Parvati and Amanda. She was the one who decided to get rid of Ozzy and got Jason to step down from immunity. However, although she did a great job orchestrating this move, Natalie was really the major decider. Regardless, you can't deny that had James not been med-evacuated, Cirie would have won the game in a final three against Parvati and Amanda. Top player.

Cirie had the wisdom to see Erik's idiocy and create an almost impossible opportunity. I've rewatched this series of events multiple times. It always puts a smile on my face. Cirie deserved to win this season.

Richard bows out of the final immunity challenge - Season 1

Knowing he could only beat Kelly, but would surely lose if he backstabbed Rudy, Rich ingeniously threw the final challenge, knowing both would take him.

So damn ballsy. This move just shows how cunning Rich was and how much he really understood the game he was creating for others to follow.

Boston Rob convinces Ometepe to blindside Matt twice - Season 22

Poor Matt. He was the only one who could have possibly halted Boston Rob's march to victory, and Rob was smart enough to recognize this and take care of him.

David idols out Lucy - Season 33
Natalie convinces the Galu tribe to vote out Erik, causing Galu to self-destruct - Season 19

Once this happened, you could see that old Mo was not going to be kind to Galu.

The Newcomers

? The Davids split their vote and blindside John - Season 37

This should be way higher. You split the minority vote, and then two idols are played. BAM.

One of the greatest blindsides in the current era of Survivor and maybe in Survivor history.

? Sarah votes out Sierra and gets her legacy advantage - Season 34

Good for Sarah. Sometimes it's not good to share secrets with friends.

The Contenders
J.T. and Stephen infiltrate Timbira and get them to turn on Brendan - Season 18
Yul threatens Jonathan with an idol, causing Jonathan to flip - Season 13

This should be higher. It's probably up there with Parvati's double idol as one of the best moves ever. Without this, Yul doesn't come close to winning.

Still down in numbers, Yul used his idol to make Jonathan Penner switch back to his alliance, allowing them to gain the power. Eventually, Yul took his alliance straight to the final four.

Parvati and Cirie orchestrate Ozzy's blindside - Season 16

Wow! He did NOT see that one coming. He didn't know Parvati's Women's Alliance existed. He thought it was the original Malakal (Parvati's) Couples Alliance: Parvati & James, Amanda & Ozzy. Jason and the girls (except Amanda) blindsided him. At the Final Tribal Council, he was pissed with Parvati.

I just could not stand to see him at the finale, still fussing and whining about his departure. Like everyone was just going to let you grab your million this time? Yeah, right, you crybaby.

Cirie is the Survivor queen. Bow down to the queen. Bow!

Sandra convinces Russell to blindside Coach - Season 20

This is a great move. It's what saved her. If she didn't get Coach voted off, Courtney would have gone home, and Sandra would have been next with six people left in the tribe. However, she didn't play Russell - Russell still voted for Courtney! What she did was play Parvati and Danielle, convincing them to vote for Coach. I don't know why they say she played Russell if he didn't even vote with her. I guess it's because of his confessionals. But convincing Parvati and Danielle, two people, is more impressive anyway.

LOVE this, but give Courtney some credit. Anyway, this did save Sandra's life and earn her another million dollars.

Richard Hatch makes the original Survivor alliance - Season 1

The fact that no one else decided to form an alliance seems unfathomable today, but at the time, only Rich had the gall and foresight to do it. This was the first and only time that seven different people had votes cast against them during a tribal (when they merged). It's never been seen again, nor will it ever be. Rich created the way Survivor has been played for 32 seasons. I agree with the previous poster that this should be number one for that reason alone.

This should be #1. No one else thought to make an alliance, and when he did, everyone said it was "unethical." Yet alliances have been a staple of the show for the last ten years. He forged it perfectly: one person who could win challenges and be a threat (Kelly), one person who was more obnoxious (Sue), and one who was 100% loyal no matter what (Rudy), with Rich calling the shots to ensure victory. Best player ever.

Amanda lies about not having the hidden immunity idol and uses it to blindside Alexis - Season 16

Another good move by Amanda. Seriously underrated and deserving to be in the Winners' Echelon a lot more than Todd or Parvati.

Kelley Wentworth plays an idol - Season 31

In that episode, CBS never showed any conversations related to Kelley. All they showed were the nine players trying to take out either Ciera or Abi. So when I saw Kelley play the idol, my first reaction was, "Why the hell did she use it when she had so much difficulty finding it?" But after seeing the vote, I convinced myself that SHE IS THE BEST FEMALE SURVIVOR.

Malcolm plays two idols and dismantles Stealth 'R' Us by blindsiding Phillip - Season 26

Perhaps it was overkill, but it was nice to see that "in your face!" move.

Cirie blindsides Courtney - Season 12

This move is a bit overrated. There were six people: Terry, Courtney, Shane, Aras, Danielle, and Cirie. Terry convinced Courtney to vote for Aras, and Shane wanted to vote for Danielle. Cirie didn't convince them to vote this way - they just wanted to. She simply saw the opportunity with Aras and Danielle to vote for Courtney. That was all the convincing she had to do. It's still a great move, but it was opportunistic, seeing that the other three votes would be split 2-1. She didn't make it that way.

Cirie was amazing here. She convinced two people to vote one way, one person to vote another way, and then voted with two other people to vote out her biggest threat. It's hard enough to explain the move - imagine trying to execute it.

Natalie convinces Jason not to play his idol - Season 16
Russell plays an idol, and Kelly gets voted off - Season 19

This vote was so hard! But Russell found the idol without a clue, and everyone's reaction was hilarious! Besides, Russell's amazing!

Tina gets Mitchell voted off - Season 2

This move is very underrated because the conversations weren't shown live. However, if you listen to interviews with Tina on Survivor Oz, you'll hear that she convinced Colby to vote for Mitchell and force a tie while they were walking to tribal council. This eliminated Mitchell because of past votes and allowed Colby, Tina, and Keith to take the majority within the tribe, which eventually led them to be the final three.

This is the most underrated big move.

Everybody turns on John, Tammy, Rob, and Zoey - Season 4

The single biggest move in the entire first four seasons. Before then, a power alliance had never been overthrown.

Afterward... well, let's just say that all future alliances need to watch their backs lest they fall on shaky ground.

Finally, a tribe flip. That's all I'll say.

This was the first time in Survivor history when there was a shift in power.

Rob Cesternino betrays Alex - Season 6

Jenna, Heidi, Rob, and Alex had the power to vote off whoever they wanted. But after Alex told Rob that he was going to be voted off at the Final Four, Rob turned on his alliance and got Alex voted off.

Telling somebody they are going home is a big no-no in the game because the joke will be on the loudmouth. This means you, Alex.

Stacy convinces everyone to vote for Edgardo - Season 14

This move also exposed Dreamz, who was playing both sides.

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