Top 10 Stupidest Big Brother U.S. Moves

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The Top Ten
1 Lawon volunteers to be nominated/evicted - Big Brother 13

How is it possible that three people decided to go along with this asinine plan and purposely self-evict somebody? Maybe Lawon thought he was playing Big Brother Canada and Twistos was going to save him? I don't know.

Daniele must be the luckiest BB player in the world to see this repeat but worse than Dustin. Poor Lawon. He wasn't going to win anyhow, but it was a boneheaded game move.

Sounds as dumb as it sounds. It was fun to watch, though.

2 Marcellas doesn't use the veto - Big Brother 3

Let's all keep in mind that the Power of Veto was this brand new power that came out in BB3. Marcellas was the first person to show America that if you want to win this game, the first rule is to trust no one. Ever since, players have seen the brutality of a "backdoor" and how detrimental the veto actually is.

To me, this is still the dumbest game move to date. I love Marcellas and will always remember and adore him, but he threw away $500,000 out of kindness. To me, that's just plain dumb.

In the final 5, when Marcellas was nominated, he won the veto. Thinking he had a deal with Danielle, he didn't use it on himself and was evicted that week.

3 Jozea tells Da'Vonne he'll target Nicole while she's HoH - Big Brother 18

Stupidest decision ever made in Big Brother. You NEVER tell anyone who your target is, especially if your target is the HoH! One of the dumbest moves in Big Brother history.

I agree that was a bad move. That was a big part of the reason Jozea was the first formally evicted houseguest.

Absolutely ridiculous. The BB messiah confirming to an obvious alliance of returnees that they should go after him week 1.

4 Devin exposes his All Boys alliance- Big Brother 16

Hilarious when he sees the pictures of all the greats and thinks he would be up there someday. So cocky and entitled.

Ten times worse than Joey revealing her alliance.

Stupidest, cockiest game player ever. Didn't know what he was doing.

5 Dustin volunteers as a pawn - Big Brother 8

When Dick and Daniele were nominated against each other, Dick won the veto and used it on Daniele. Dustin volunteered to be a pawn and was sent home thanks to America's Player.

Got duped by America's Favorite, Eric, when he ran his mouth about being okay with being a pawn. Moron.

6 Mike tries to make Dick lose PoV - Big Brother 8

Absolutely one of the dumbest moves. Mike was not Dick's number one priority that week! All he had to do was be quiet. He felt that the morals of protecting Kail were more important than getting put up, and he's out for a reason.

In a veto competition, Mike was told if he tried to make Dick lose the challenge, he would be nominated. He did, and he was evicted.

Mike blew his game for Kail. Kail! He wasn't a target that week until that Power of Veto competition when he tried intimidating Dick.

7 Ollie makes a deal with Dan - Big Brother 10

When Ollie's allies were all gone, he could have won HOH, but instead, he made a stupid deal with Dan, asking for his safety, Michelle's safety, the choice of one nominee, and the replacement nominee if the veto was used. He thought Dan would go through with it, but instead, Dan backdoored Michelle, followed by Ollie himself.

8 McCrae nominates Elissa in the Final 6 - Big Brother 15

This is what happens when you sleep all summer. Had he nominated GinaMarie and Andy and sent one of them to the jury, he would have been in the final 2. Instead, he got rid of the person who voted to keep his showmance in the house. SMH.

This just shows how amazing of a player Andy was!

9 Dan nominates Joe for eviction - Big Brother 14

I usually don't get on Dan much, but had he taken Joe to the finals, he'd have been a 2-time winner of BB. Instead, he sent half the newbies to the jury from his Quackpack alliance (thanks to his misting), and lil' Ian took home the grand prize!

Why evict the only guy you could ever beat in the finals?

Most overrated player of all time.

10 Kaysar gives Jennifer HoH - Big Brother 6

When Kaysar was voted back into the house by America, he had the power to win HoH. Instead, he made a deal with Jennifer, saying everybody would work together to get James out. He was evicted that week instead.

The Contenders
11 Hardy evicts Bunky instead of Will - Big Brother 2
12 Brian makes too many alliances too fast - Big Brother 10

In the first week, Brian made an alliance with almost everyone, but he was caught and sent home the first week.

Brian was the last person Jerry wanted to put up as he sided with Brian, intending to put Memphis up as a replacement nominee. Brian then became a target after eight houseguests confronted Jerry about how Brian was manipulating them. Brian should have kept quiet and not overplayed.

Brian blew his game against Memphis by overplaying and annoying most of the other houseguests by trying to align with them. The sad part was he was very close with HoH Jerry.

13 Dana nominates Alison and Jack - Big Brother 4

Dana thought she was being bold, but instead, she got herself evicted the next week. However, she admitted it was her fault when she was a candidate for All-Stars.

14 Howie nominates James and Sarah - Big Brother 6

Not only did it dwindle their alliance numbers, but it ensured that one of the Sov 6 would not be able to win the game unless two members were against each other in the end because Sarah did not make the jury. It was by far one of the dumbest moves in history, and I'm shocked it's not farther up on the list. I feel bad for Sarah.

When Howie was HOH, Maggie convinced him that his ally James was going to betray them (which was not true), so Howie nominated James and his girlfriend Sarah. When James won the veto, Sarah was evicted, only making their alliance even smaller.

15 Danielle uses the POV on Dan in final 4 - Big Brother 14

An unnecessary move on a mastermind of the game, and she acts like she didn't bring this on herself. Dan made his game on blindsides, and she gave him another one on a silver platter.

Danielle thought it would be in her and Shane's best interest if she used the veto on Dan to vote out Ian. In reality, Dan was planning on evicting Shane all along.

Why would she even consider putting Shane up over Dan? Even if Shane blindsided Dan, Danielle would have a way better chance of winning with Dan gone.

16 Zach doesn't split up the Donatos - Big Brother 8

After Jessica gets evicted, we're down to the Final 5. Dick is HOH. America's Player Eric and Jameka are on the block. Zach wins the Power of Veto, which at the Final 5 is supremely important. You can take a player off the block, and the remaining non-HOH and non-POV winner must go up in his or her place. If you make a deal like, "Hey, I'll take you off the block if you agree to vote out the replacement nominee," you two have all the power, and the HOH becomes meaningless as he wouldn't vote unless there were a 1-1 tiebreaker.

Instead, Zach kept the nominations the same. When he wins HOH the next week in the Final Four (where the POV is really the more powerful position), he decides to go after the Donatos, uselessly, I might add. Some have speculated that the producers "wouldn't let" Zach use it as they knew it would ruin their All-Donato Final 2 fantasy. Just as Eric wasn't allowed to use the veto to backdoor one of the Donatos the previous week, ruining both his and Jessica's game. The producers claim they didn't have enough time to see what America wanted, but then the next week they tell Eric whoever is called upon to lead the houseguests back into the house is America's target. Rigged season.

17 Cody taking Derrick to the final 2 over Victoria - Big Brother 16

Cody gave Derrick $450,000... plain and simple. Cody will always go down as THE biggest sap in the history of Big Brother. He didn't care about winning. He cared about being on TV. Victoria had zero chance of winning against Cody... zero. She was the biggest waste of a key in history. Anybody who gives her any credit knows nothing about the show. They--and the rest of BB16--will go down as the cast that ruined the series.

I agree. Riding coattails isn't so smart, but I think Derrick wanted to be friends with Cody outside of the house. I'm not putting Derrick down too much, though, because he would have won either way. He is one of my favorites.

18 Jeff backdoors Russell - Big Brother 11

Jeff let Kevin and Natalie convince him to nominate Russell, thinking he was going to betray him, which was not true. Then, the next week, Jeff himself was sent packing.

I think that Jeff was stupid when he did that, and it was a good thing he was evicted the next week. I wanted Russell to win the game.

19 Paul evicts James instead of Nicole - Big Brother 18

Beware hubris, the Greek philosophy where excessive pride leads to the downfall of the central character. Nicole deserved to win BB18, plus Paul is not the type of person to learn from his mistakes, in my opinion. Update BB19: Paul is literally running the house from week one and working to break up Jody (Cody and Jessica), a plan that took weeks 2-6 and is still after Cody. The only smart game move was manipulating Alex to target Dominique.

20 The House evicts Kaitlin instead of Aaryn - Big Brother 15

Look how that turned out in retrospect.

21 Alex nominates Raven and Kevin - Big Brother 19

Alex should have nominated Josh and Paul. Josh most likely gets evicted, which automatically means we have a different winner. The next HOH was won by Josh, but since Josh is now evicted, it looks like Paul would have won. So, Paul wins HOH and nominates Kevin and Alex. Raven then wins the veto and pulls Alex off the block, nominating Christmas. Kevin gets evicted, and then the next week Alex targets Raven and Paul and nominates them when she wins HOH. Then she evicts Paul, and in the final 3, it's Raven, Alex, and Christmas. The final HOH is won by Alex, and Alex evicts Christmas. Then Alex wins.

22 Kail campaigns to Danielle to vote her dad out - Big Brother 8
23 Joey exposes the el Cuatro Alliance - Big Brother 16

Such a stupid idea. Making failed alliances isn't hated. Making an alliance of four non-competitors who are afraid of the power-hungry men in the house in Week 1, then EXPOSING the alliance to the power-holder instead of lying about it is what gets the criticism. Really, had she actually ever seen the show?

24 Shelli takes a shirt from James - Big Brother 1

This was dumb because when she took that shirt, it made James paranoid that she was coming after him, and it flipped the votes to save Vanessa.

25 Matt uses the Diamond Power of Veto to evict Kathy - Big Brother 12

In truth, he really had no other options. Brendon was HOH, Regan had the veto, and Lane was already nominated. His only options were Kathy, Hayden, Enzo, and Britney. He was still with the Brigade and was close with Britney, so staying loyal to all these deals, Kathy was truly his only option. The only other option was if he nominated Hayden or Enzo and blew up the Brigade. But with so many variables, who knows how that would've turned out.

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