Top 10 Comebacks When Called Ugly

The Top Ten
1 How am I ugly cause when I last checked the mirror shattered when you looked at it
2 Haha I'm ugly, look at you big mouth
3 Well you're so ugly that you made the grinch look handsome
4 Are you wearing a mask because your face sure looks like one
5 Well at least I ain't as ugly as you are
6 Look whose talking, have you seen yourself lately?
7 Good! I was trying to look like you today!
8 I know you are but what am I

I like this comeback because it is simple and it will surely go for the kill.

It's annoying, but not bad.

9 You might consider me ugly but I consider you petrifying
10 Well your so ugly that the hospital gave your mom a sorry note about how ugly you turned out when you were born
The Contenders
11 As far as I'm concerned there's two levels of ugly there's me then there's you
12 If I'm ugly then what does that make you
13 You think I'm ugly, go look in a mirror
14 You're so ugly that they banned you from showing your face on the internet because it would give people heart attacks
15 Not as ugly as you are

This one is on here like 6 times.

16 I'm not a mirror
17 You look like Donald Trump

The worst one

18 I'm not ugly, I'm just unique
19 Stop talking about yourself
20 Uno reverse card
21 If laughing could end the world's problems, looking at your face would stop world hunger.
22 Since when did you see your reflection in my face? I guess my face is shiny.
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