Top Ten Embarrassing Things That Can Happen While Giving a Public Speech

The Top Ten
1 Your smartphone rings loudly

And your ringtone is Anaconda.

Imagine I that happens

2 Someone comes and pulls down your pants while you're engaged in speaking on a hot topic
3 You accidentally say some expletives out of habit and carelessness
4 You get off topic and start talking about your childhood, your neighbours and their nasty pets

Hi! I'm future president lovefrombadlands. If you elect me, I will quit. When I was 8, people gave me food on the bus. Did you hear what my neighbor's pet wolf did? It made me go off topic in my speech 5 days ago! I never go off topic!

5 A rat passes by and you scream and jump out of fear
6 After giving a speech for just 3 minutes, you fall down out of exhaustion
7 Your microphone stops working and then you shout at the top your voice and still no one is able to hear you

This would be especially embarrassing if, while your microphone is off and you shout the rest of the speech and then your microphone starts working again...

Especially if you were singing.

8 You faint after seeing a huge crowd in front of you
9 You pee your pants
10 You finish your speech and then see the public sleeping
The Contenders
11 Someone in the crowd stands up and criticizes your speech

This happened to someone I knew. I was there. It was somewhat awkward.

12 You fart
13 Your Netflix video starts playing on the screen while on a presentation
14 You poop your pants
15 You drop the microphone and it makes a loud screeching sound
16 You get an erection

No one would notice since you're behind the podium.

No one has to know though.

17 Your voice cracks
18 You burp
19 You vomit
20 The public leaves you alone
21 You forget what you were about to say
22 You trip while walking up to the podium
23 No one shows up
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