Top 10 Emotional Moments in Avatar: The Last Airbender

The Top Ten
1 Brave Soldier Boy
2 Aang finds monk Gyatso's dead body
3 Katara confronts her father after Aang leaves
4 Princess Yue's sacrifice
5 Iroh confronts Zuko after finding Appa
6 Zuko, Azula, Ty Lee and Mei at the beach

In a moment right out of the Breakfast Club Zuko and the others have their moment where they discuss their own personal problems Ty Lee having sisters who all look like her fearing being nothing more than part of a match set, Mei having a strict mother with expectation, Zuko revealing that he's angry at himself for turning on uncle Iroh the man whos been at his side all those years of his banishment and even Azula revealing her own mother thought she was a monster.

7 Aang finds out Appa has been captured
8 Aang fears Katara and Sokka will leave him to search for their dad
9 Sokka talks to Toph after her fight with Katara
10 Zuko apologises to Iroh for betraying him
The Contenders
11 Katara almost kills
12 Azula’s defeat and mental breakdown
13 Aang accidentally burns Katara
14 Mai and Ty Lee redeem themselves and betray Azula
15 Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors save Appa
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