Top 10 Avatar: The Last Airbender Relationships

The Top Ten
1 Aang and Katara

Their relationship is the 'breath' of show. Deal with it people. Even Bryke also said that.

2 Zuko and Mai

So cute together. It's the only time when Mai smiles.

3 Sokka and Suki

So cute yet not right

4 Aang and Appa

What a awesome relationship,
Past of aand and appa is better.
Ishould be top of the list. Because it is funny and sad together.

5 Zuko and Iroh
6 Appa and Momo
7 Sokka and Momo
8 Katara and Toph
9 Katara and Sokka
10 Toph and Iroh
The Contenders
11 Korra and Makko
12 Mai and Ty Lee

Mai and Ty Lee are both very different characters. Mai is gloomy and serious, and Ty Lee is cheerful and bubbly. But they are both very nice girls that stick up for and care about each other. They are definitely the sweetest out of all the villains in the show and comics. ❤️

13 Katara and Zuko
14 Bolin and Korra
15 Sokka and Yue
16 Suki and Ty Lee
17 Mai and Suki

They were enemies at the start, but now in the end of the show and the comics, they are both very good friends. Suki and the Kyoshi warriors is sweet for forgiving and befriending Mai. ❤️

18 Katara and Suki
19 Katara and Yue
20 Katara and Ty Lee

I love how they are on good terms with each other and are kind of friends, but I wish they could have interacted more.

21 Katara and Mai

I love how they are on good terms with each other and are kind of friends, but I wished they could have interacted more.

22 Jet and Katara
23 Azula and Katara
24 Aang and Mai

I love how in the comic Smoke and Shadow, they work together and how they are friends. But Aang should have let her and Ty Lee join Team Avatar.

25 Aang and Ty Lee

It was kind of Aang to have Ty Lee as a friend and to work with her in the comics, but I think he should have let her and Mai join Team Avatar.

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