Weirdest Reasons People Have Filed for Divorce

It's strange but it's true. These people have filed for divorce for strange and bizarre reasons.
The Top Ten
He was just “too nice.”

I cannot believe she would divorce her husband all because he was being "too nice" to her. Do you want an aggressive and rude man who is a drug addict and would sexually molest you?

Rashida Lucas left her husband because he was just "too nice." He said "I love you" too much, and he was such a good cook that it caused her to gain weight.

It would be funny for that guy to say to his next girlfriend, "Why did she divorce you?" "Oh, I was just too nice."

He didn't share her love of a Disney film.

A Japanese woman filed for divorce because her husband didn't share her love of the movie Frozen. After persuading him to watch the film, he made the mistake of asking, "Did you really think it was that good?" Apparently, she did, and the fact that he could even ask that question made her question what sort of person he was. She furiously responded, "If you can't understand what makes this movie great, there's something wrong with you as a human being!" She filed for divorce shortly after. Unfortunately, it seems she didn't learn anything from Frozen's biggest musical number, "Let it Go."

She couldn’t handle the size of her husband’s penis.

Okay, hold up - first, women want guys with some size down there, and now there are people complaining that a guy's you-know-what is too big? What the hell? I guess that's women in a nutshell for you.

After only a week of marriage, a Nigerian woman filed for divorce because her husband's penis was too big.

What the hell? I don't know what to say...

He was cleaning too much.

In 2009, a German woman filed for divorce after getting fed up with her husband cleaning all the time. The husband obsessively cleaned the house and rearranged the furniture. The last straw came when he knocked down and rebuilt a wall in their home because he thought it was dirty.

There's nothing wrong with cleaning. For example, I finally did a major cleanup of my room last month after living in my current house for two years.

Now, this isn't a legitimate reason to get a divorce, but damn, talk about a clean freak.

He saw her without make-up.

Just days after their marriage, a 28-year-old Arab bride was dumped by her 34-year-old husband after he saw her without makeup. Apparently, the man felt that his wife had deceived him with cosmetics. The couple's engagement had lasted for six months.

That is just plain sexism. I don't know why people force girls to wear makeup, even if they don't want to. What if they're tomboys? To me, makeup is useless anyway.

From what I heard, with the "triple talaq," a man in the Middle East can divorce his wife just by saying "talaq" three times for whatever reason. This is just one example.

He voted Trump for president.

A California woman left her husband of 22 years after she found out that he had voted for Trump. As she put it, she felt "betrayed."

Honestly, I would have assumed there would be loads of people who had done this.

As much as I hate Trump, this is absolutely ridiculous. Man, I don't like politics anyway.

He found out her secret love letters from the 1940s.

Let it go. That was from a very long time ago. I can't believe what Misfire said about the man being 99 years old when he filed for divorce. It's like he's one of the oldest people to file for divorce. Sometimes, we have relationships, let them go, and move on. But there may be a reason the wife no longer talks to her "secret" love - maybe because of a breakup? I don't know exactly why.

A 99-year-old Italian man divorced his wife of 77 years after stumbling across letters she had written to a secret lover in the 1940s. The wife confessed to having an affair 60 years ago and desperately tried to persuade her husband to stay, but he wasn't having it.

She won the lottery and wanted to keep the money all to herself.

In January 1997, Denise Rossi surprised her then-husband, Thomas Rossi, by filing for divorce after 25 years of what he believed had been a happy marriage. It wasn't until two years later that the real reason came out. Just 11 days before she filed for divorce, Denise had won $1.3 million in the California Lottery. Wanting to keep all the money to herself, she took various actions, including filing for divorce. When the truth came out, a Los Angeles family court judge ruled that she had violated state asset disclosure laws and awarded the $1.3 million to Thomas.

He refused to shower

An Egyptian woman filed for divorce from her husband because he refused to shower for eight weeks. According to the husband, he could not bathe due to a skin disease that made him allergic to water. However, while a doctor confirmed he had a skin disease, they stated it had nothing to do with water.

I can see why she filed for a divorce on this one.

She was “possessed by the devil.”

An Italian man was granted a divorce after claiming his wife was "possessed by the devil." Apparently, she displayed "inexplicable behavior," including fits, body stiffening, and even self-levitation.

The Newcomers

? He hated Queen
? He refused to fix the dishwasher

Why would you need to fix the dishwasher in the first place? And why the dishwasher? Why not the microwave?

The Contenders
He didn't have Raymond on his Animal Crossing island

What? I hope you're kidding. Raymond isn't even a good character! I don't even have him myself.

They argued during a game of Monopoly
He called her stupid

Why would you call your own spouse stupid?

He talked too much

In 2012, a woman filed for divorce from her husband because he talked a lot and couldn't keep any secrets to himself.

He was disowned by his parents
He loved the kids too much

Um, that is a really good thing. You should love your kids more than anything else.

He was clingy
He was an animal lover

Why would you get divorced over something like this? That is a really good thing if you love animals.

Wife having a celebrity crush
He was gaming too much

I game a lot, and I don't get in trouble for it.

He was an international spy
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