Top Ten Most Annoying Things About Older Sisters
As an older sibling, I admit that I tease my younger sister.
My sister does this all the time.
My older sister always comes into the room where I am and always bothers me. But the minute I get mad, she gets at me like I shouldn't get mad that she is bothering me. It's not fair, because when she asks for privacy, we all don't bother her. But when we ask for privacy, she never gives it to us.
Sister was there in the shadows in the theater's trailer:
When I watch TV, sister is there in the shadows. When I play, sister is there in the shadows. When I blink, she is there. Help, I am never alone. Sister was there in the shadows in theaters in 2 weeks.
I'm just walking into the kitchen, and my older sister happens to be there. I look at her on her phone, and she stares at me in disgust and asks, "What do you want?" She always thinks she owns the place and always treats my little sister like a princess. It's so annoying.
My sister always tells me to go to my room when I'm grazing in the kitchen. Or she just tells me what I should eat and what I shouldn't. I love her, but she isn't in charge, and she's less than one and a half years older. SO...
Yep, totally agree. Very bossy and annoying. When I was doing my work, my stupid older sister kept singing terribly, and I couldn't concentrate. She is just an idiot.
I get told all the time what to do by my sister, and if I screw something up, she won't stop complaining, even though I tried to help when I didn't have to. She also never appreciates it when I try to help, and it's really frustrating. If she wants me to do something, she should show a little gratitude.
Hey, we're older. We simply know more, and we just want the best for you, youngster!
Oh yeah, I'm ordered around all the time. Quit it, sis!
All they ever do is think about themselves. She even lied and said I was guilty, but I was not, and I got in trouble for it.
Yep, I'm the oldest of all my sisters, and I don't worry about my spoiled younger sisters at all. I care only about myself, so...
This is so true. My sister gets away with whatever and does nothing when I'm doing a mountain of dishes that she made dirty. She gets away with everything, and she always cries at the littlest things.
This is so accurate for me. I'm always helping her to be better, but she just laughs at me. Then she calls me weak when I say I don't like her being mean and making fun of me.
YES! I always get scolded by my mother, and at one point, I just felt nothing when my mom scolded me. When my mom raises her voice just a little at my sister, they badmouth my mother and cry. LOL.
During quarantine, I have to Zoom with my relatives every week, and I swear, every week my sister detains me during this period. She's like a pair of human handcuffs, except with a bad attitude!
When you're just sitting at the table, arguing over something, she will come up to you and hit you. She tries to say I'm the physical one...
She hits me and throws her phone at me, then claims that I hit her and throw things at her.
My sister always provokes me, and every single time, I get in trouble for it! NOT FAIR.
This is true. My sister can be annoying sometimes.
Sometimes? More like all the time.
She's always ordering me to grab her water, do this, or do that. Worse, whenever she's holed up in her room and my parents need to ask her something, they send ME to go talk to her. It's like sending your own child into a lion's den! And then, of course, she orders me to bring the message back to them, and so on.
My sister treats me like a maid. She says, "Get my iPad, get my headphones, get me food, get my book, get my shoes, get my string, get my needle, get my sewing machine, get my water bottle, get my this, get my that." And when I do all that and ask her to get ONE thing for me, she says NO!
If you do something bad, I'm telling. If you don't stop, I'm telling. I wouldn't lie that you did something you didn't, but I'm not teaching you that you can get away with whatever and that those who would tell you off are bad.
True. I tell on my siblings when they do something bad, but not for minor things.
The Newcomers
Older sister: Don't come in my room! And always knock before coming in!
Younger sibling: *Knocks*
Older sister: Wait! *Walks out of the room hiding something from view*
Younger sibling: *Goes somewhere*
Older sister: *Walks into younger sibling's room without permission, looking around*
She screams at me never to touch a tiny thing in her room. Then she thrusts open my door and starts destroying my room, looking for something I haven't taken.
She plays a game, and I ask if I can join. She always says, No, play your own game.
Like, dude... I accidentally stepped on your foot.
Sister: STOP IT!
What? I'm just saying you shouldn't get mad about me stepping on your foot by accident.
Sister: Yes, I should, because you're a spoiled brat!
Oh my god! My sister is always getting mad at me for no reason. I say, "Hey, I like your new glasses."
Sister: "I don't care."
And then she gives me a dirty look, and my mom has to tell her to be nice. But she's 15! She can't realize that she is old enough?
I just want to talk to her, and then her face grows red, and she says mean things.
She yells so loud, even when I am right in front of her and can hear her.
I just naturally project my voice. Anything wrong with that?
I hate it when this happens. My older sister and I are just fighting, and then when I'm not even saying anything, she says, "Shut up!" I'm like, what?
I sometimes call Noah Alina and Alina Noah.
This happened to me sometimes. I am a girl, but I've been called a boy from the back of my head.
That's every older sibling on TheTopTens.
She always makes sure I know it.
I understand this, but sometimes they just swear for no reason.
Sisters, sisters, are no fun. They try to annoy you in front of everyone. Another prime reason to hate them.
We were watching Lemonade Mouth, and she kept singing even though she knows I hate it when she does.
One time, my sister wouldn't get out of my room! It was the most annoying thing ever.
My sister tells on me all the time, and my parents are always on her side.
My parents are always on her side.
I always get in trouble because of what my sister does. She is so annoying.
Every teenager knows or thinks this.
Since everyone else in my family wakes up really late, I have NOTHING to do. My sister obviously doesn't want to do anything with a little clueless brat like me (her words, not mine).
My sister always ignores me, and then when I keep saying her name, she says, "Shut up." I'm like, "I would if you listened!"
When I ask my sister to hand me something, she just sits like, Never. It's yours. I'm just like, What? WHY CAN'T YOU PICK THAT UP? I hate it. Sometimes they don't listen when I tell them something. They just don't care and walk away.
My sister has this habit of bringing the computer into her room and using it the whole day, even keeping it overnight. Both Mom and Dad tell her to stop, and the next day, she continues.
Nope. I'm the older sibling, and I have to go to bed earlier than my sister.