Top 10 Most Annoying Things About Younger Siblings
If you have younger siblings, don't you wanna write ALL about them? Well, here's a list for you then! It doesn't matter if you don't have a younger brother or younger sister, you can still read about those little annoying bundles of annoyance you just wanna sell to merchant!
Yes! I have three little siblings who cannot stay out of my stuff. I will tell them that I know what they took, and they will just say that our parents got it for them. Like, no, it was mine and my friend gave it to me. They will not understand what deodorant is and will twist mine all the way to the top and ruin it, like thanks, no hygiene.
To make it way worse, my parents won't do anything. They just say that they want to be like me and they don't understand. Like no, that's not it. They think that they can break my stuff and get away with it. And what drives me crazy is that they have younger siblings, but they don't have to share with their younger siblings, but I have to share with mine. It is unfair.
I share a room with my little brother, and honestly, he's the most obnoxious creature ever to roam on this planet. He's always messing things up, hogging my space, and making a lot of noise. His actions are clearly disturbing. Whenever I tell him not to do something, I use a quiet tone so my parents won't think that we're fighting (he's always the cause of our fights).
But what does he do? He screams and shouts bad things at me, and most of the time, he calls me things that we aren't supposed to say (where I come from, it's not polite to use words like that), and my parents aren't even mad at him! He has the audacity to say curse words in front of my parents, and they don't even get mad at him. And he's only 11.
I never rat him out for doing things, yet he does the opposite to me! My parents are always scolding me about not treating my younger sibling right. Well, how am I supposed to be nice to him when he does things to me all the time? Plus, I always make the effort to be nice to him. He's just too much of a brat to return it. And my parents are just too blind to see what I'm always trying to do anyway.
My brother is 8 years old. I love him to death, no matter how much he annoys me. He and I are pretty different. I love deep and plot-heavy shows like Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and Teen Titans. My brother likes shows with no development or continuity and shows full of butt jokes like Pig Goat Banana Cricket, Teen Titans Go, and Breadwinners. We share a room.
My brother hates to share and loves tons of violence. I am somewhat okay with sharing, and I try to look at the good stuff in a lot of things, even though I rage quite a bit.
Now, to the annoying part. I am highly sensitive, and to me, he seems to have no emotion on the outside, but I believe he has emotions inside. One day, my brother and I got into a huge fight, not one of our usual brother-sister fights. We yelled, screamed, punched, and kicked. He drove me to tears. From what I remember, our conversation was like this:
"Is anything good enough for you?! What did I do wrong?! I only annoyed you because you would always annoy me!" - me
"Meh" - brother
"Why don't you listen?! I want to be a good sister! But I can't do that when you aren't being a good brother!" - me
We both stormed off after that, still crying. He never listens to me, and never wants to do anything with me. All he cares about is his computer. He is an amazing brother, and I would never trade him for anyone, but I want him to be nice for once. I admit I annoy him sometimes, but he drives me to my breaking point.
My brothers do this all the time, and I used to get in trouble for it. But then I found the loophole. Do it to them. Bend their story slightly but in your favor. Don't try to seek revenge right after either. It's a game, and you have to spread out and use their cards correctly.
Taking their things and hiding them is my favorite, revenge-wise. Right after doing this, I take a LONG walk, getting out of the fire zone and plotting more revenge. Don't, however, take certain things. Items such as phones or controllers should be off-limits.
Lastly, if a fight or disagreement breaks out, be the first one to get to mom and dad. They will go off of your story.
My cousin got my sister a new TV, and she was downstairs saying, "I got a new TV, and it is SO much better than hers," while my mom was downstairs. Then my sister tells me to come see, and I do. I tell her that mom and dad were going to replace the TVs in my brother's room and in my room with 32-inch ones, and hers was only a 19-inch.
Then my mom yells at ME for being mean and bragging. Really!? Me!? Why not my sister!?
One time, my little brother slammed one of our chairs into the ground and quickly placed the chair in my hands, then fell on the floor and started crying. I stood there with the chair in my hands in confusion. The next thing you know, my dad walks into the kitchen, seeing the chair in my hands and my brother on the ground crying. I got whooped for three hours!
So, this happens almost all the time. First, my younger sister annoys me. Then, I get annoyed. Then, I get in trouble. Finally, she asks for my forgiveness (I said, "Fine. I'll give you 5 more chances"), then she blames it on me.
She also yells and complains because she asks me to play with her and I said no because I need some time on my own right now. Then she blames it on me, and I told her to shut up and be quiet. Then guess what? I got in trouble and mom said she, my sister, is allowed to have the laptop and play games. Just because I told her to shut up or be quiet, doesn't mean she did something good. She is 9, turning 10 on her birthday.
My little brother always sneaks into my room and takes my stuff. I ask him for it back, but he says he didn't have it but he will find it for me. It is always somewhere stupid where I never would've put it, ever! But afterwards, he always gets told well done for finding it. My parents never believe that he stole it! He takes my Game Cards and 3DS all the time.
When he took my Pokémon SoulSilver game, he released all of my beloved team members like Torch the Typhlosion and Sparky the Ampharos. And my parents believed that it was 'just a glitch'?!
He's been doing it for ages. No matter where I hide my things, he always gets his hands on them! I hate my brother. He goes out of his way to make me unhappy by ruining my stuff and teasing me in front of everyone! He stole my 3DS recently, but this time he won't give it back! It's gone forever... I hate him so much. He will never rest until I am miserable.
My little sister is the worst in the whole world! She keeps going into my room when my friend and I are in there. She keeps watching an annoying YouTube channel every day, and my whole family keeps shouting at her to keep it down because we just don't like what she watches.
Once when I parked my bike in my garage, my little sister just kept parking her scooter right next to my bike, which made it so hard! I kept screaming at her to put the scooter in another place because if I were to get my bike, then her scooter would be blocking it. And you know what? Every time I put the scooter somewhere else, she would constantly put the scooter back next to my bike. That time I lost my patience. I started shouting at her and trying to kick her scooter. Then she went to complain to our Mum, and my Mum got so sick of my sister's shouting, she randomly blamed everything on me.
Also, my sister keeps stealing my stuff, and she's so spoiled! She would just start randomly screaming and shouting at our Mum and Dad, so she would mostly get grounded or go crying to her bedroom. I really hate how my sister makes my life so miserable and hard.

If I try to give my little sister advice or just correct her for being silly, of course she acts up and starts yelling and crying like a banshee. I tell her to stop crying, but what can I expect from a little sibling? Ugh.
She's almost 5, so she doesn't really know a lot of bad words. She'll just start blabbering gibberish to make it look like she is really scary. Soon enough, my parents come and tell me that it was my fault for trying to argue with her when they don't even know the context. She will start crying and say that I am mean to her, and my parents believe her! Only my older sister knows that she is actually the one at fault.
My sister is my dad's favorite by far. She gets what she wants, and although she can't multiply in fourth grade and when I was in fourth grade I was in an advanced program for the top 25 students in our class in the school district, she still thinks she's smarter than me.
I don't even know what logic she's using, but she's been convinced that she's smarter for years. I wish she wasn't serious when she said that she was smarter.
Yes! My younger brother is always like, "I'm stronger than everyone in the world!" and "I look so cool with this sweatband." The sweatband was a towel. And once, there were some kids playing on the playground and screaming, and my brother goes, "Kids...Kids..." and shakes his head like they are so dumb.
Then I'm like, "Boy! You look like 7 years younger than them!" My brother is 5, by the way.
The Newcomers
Never do they ever flush the toilet. Like...
Almost every time I try going somewhere or doing something alone, my younger brother tags along and makes things worse.
For example, if I get presents on my birthday and try opening them alone, he comes over and tries to "help" me open them (even though I never asked him to!). I wanted to do it by myself! Then he opens my presents, plays with them (of course, without my permission), and ends up asking for presents, too... DESPITE IT BEING MY BIRTHDAY!
I really wish I were an only child...
I swear my brother doesn't listen to me because he thinks he knows best with everything until proven wrong. Then he brushes off the whole thing like it never happened. For example, we bought a new weed whacker and because he's a noob, he couldn't get it to start properly. But with a bit of patience and playing with the throttle, it went.
He said he would take it back and I said "no, it's fine." He didn't listen, drove all the way to the shop to hunt down the tools manager, and troubleshoot it so he could swap it for a better one. Comes back a good hour later and looks me in the eye and says, "It's fine, nothing wrong with it." Felt like back-handing the little prick.
Many younger siblings are afraid of a lot of things. List: dogs, thunder, clouds, clowns, beetles, bees, spiders, snakes, the dark, sleeping alone, flushing the toilet, heights, graveyards, blood, mice, rain, snow, monsters, outer space, needles, sleeping with no one in the same room, wild animals, frogs, bats, the faucet, and roller coasters. It sucks!
My almost 3-year-old sister, Fiona, is scared of a lot of things. List: thunder, beetles, wild animals, dogs, clowns, outer space, bees, spiders, monsters, clouds, the dark, mice, rain, snow, and needles. Out of all of them, the fear of the dark is the worst. I have the room across from her, and she is always crying until one of my parents comes in.
Yes, every time I want to watch one simple show, my brother gets upset, tells my parents, and I get in trouble! Like I'm the one that asked to watch TV. My brother used to cry every time I tried to watch the darn animal channel! So immature.
And every time I say, You're being so immature! my brother says, We already discussed this, I AM immature! Like what kind of excuse is that? That doesn't make it okay!
And he is ALWAYS trying to get me in trouble! He always laughs when I get grounded or hit, usually for things I didn't even do. He's 13 and I'm 15, almost 16, but I swear to God, I am going to have to move out soon so I don't end up hurting the jerk!
For example, my mom will see trash my brother left out, like a candy wrapper. If I'm slightly closer to it, she'll make me pick it up and throw it away. Even if she knows it's his, I still have to do it.
She always plays favorites, and he gets away with anything! If we're in a fight, he'll go and tattle to her all about it. I almost always get in trouble.
For instance, we'll start fighting, and he'll throw something at me. I'll still get in trouble for "provoking" him or not being a better example, or some other nonsense like that. He had to go to therapy for a while because he lies so much, but he's still the favorite child, obviously.
I just cannot express how annoying he can be sometimes.
My brother constantly forces others to do what he tells them and to agree with him on everything. Not to mention, we were expected to find him mature. But does he even know what being mature is in the first place? Being mature isn't only about bossing others around or being able to see mature content (he doesn't see stuff like that, but some people thought that if you're mature, that means you get to see such things).
But maturity is about being wise, selfless, and responsible. It means that you already know what's good and what's bad. Not to mention, he isn't mature.
One time, he wanted mom to make pancakes, and when mom said 'no', he whined all day. Also, one day dad picked us up from school, and he whined to go to McDonald's. And yes, he whined until Dad took us there. Again, how is that mature? Why would he consider himself mature when he does really immature things like whining when he doesn't get what he wants or disrespecting other people's choices?
My cousin is 7, and when she cries, I'm the only one who comes to her aid. However, my sister, who is 13, fake cries, and everyone, including my parents and my cousin, comes to her aid. I'm 18. And she just hit her hand lightly on the table!
In the car, my sister and I fight. She hits me on the shoulder and then starts fake crying, saying "Jackie punched me!" What the hell! Sometimes, she doesn't even hit me and just claims I hit her.
My sister was "crying," but every time my dad turns his back, I swear I see her smiling.
My little brother is such a tattletale. He was doing a four-piece puzzle while I was in my room, and I told him to stop crying like a baby because our mom calls him a grown-up boy. I mean, he's five years old and can't find the last piece of a four-piece puzzle. Anyway, he told our sitter (who always takes his side and calls me stupid and ugly) that I told him to shut up. The thing is, he acts sweet and innocent and tells them I did it, so I get grounded.
Luckily for me, my mom is at home and can tell that he is being a spoiled baby, so he gets grounded. Later on, he tells my mom again and I get grounded. He is playing with the same puzzle as I type this.
This. My sister and I played Overwatch, and I put us on opposite teams so we could practice our sniping skills on bots. I kill her, and she screams and sobs and says how she never wants to be on opposite teams again. Not that I want her on my team, because she always complains about not getting heals when she plays as Tracer, and I already have my harmony orb on her.
This is not my sister, but whenever she kills me in video games, I don't do anything. Then, when I kill her, she cries so loud, and I get blamed. Then she says I did it first when she did. I just say to her the truth, she just says I'm lying. Then, guess what, since we were arguing, we had to do one of the worst things in the world: homework.
Well, we lived in an apartment and we had to share a room. It sucked. Once, my little brother wanted to go in the room because he had to play there. So, my grandpa, who is German, was gone and I got my own room. Let's just say that I hated sharing a room.
I share a basement with my older half-sister, who I don't mind and she's awesome, and then there's my two younger siblings. One of them doesn't care that I have my own belongings and always goes on my bed. The other is always asking me to play Barbies with her.
Ugh. Yes. I live in an apartment building and I have about six siblings, so I have to share a room with my two sisters. One of them snores and one talks in their sleep. How lucky am I.
My brother is so rude. He always says, "Why do you always draw wolves and cats and never anything else?" Or when I am making a work in progress meme on Scratch, he giggles at it. He laughs at all my stuff, copies me a little, and just can't stop being so rude.
He always does this cringey Arthur (PBS Kids) stuff and tells me to watch it. I start making screeching noises with my mouth closed and hang upside down to get all the blood to my arms. He cringes me on purpose, and this has all been happening ever since I was diagnosed with autism. I think I am his test subject, and he wants to see how autistic people react to such cringe and rudeness.
I'm 18, my sister is 13. She was singing on her karaoke machine and I tripped over the cord, and it got disconnected. Then my grandma comes in and says that I pulled the cord. Why does my sister get away with pulling the cord that's charging my phone?
My little brother was following me, so I closed my door and sat in front of it, but he kept banging on it! I raised a boot to him, and my mom yelled at me. He went off crying like I had actually hurt him too.
Yes. I'm not even allowed to say "stop" to him without getting yelled at. Honestly, he's 8 years old. Every day I wonder when he will grow up and stop acting like a child.
My little sister doesn't just try to be the center of attention, she IS the center of attention. Whenever we have calls with family, she hogs the computer and "sings" (more like screeches) to them. She also always wants to play "princess," where she is a queen and I am her servant.
The worst part about it is that she doesn't realize that everyone is now tired of her thinking that everyone loves her singing. I think she's going through a phase or something.
When nobody's around and everyone's at home chilling, my sister will act like she's 27 with her opinions. But when she's around people, she acts like she's two to get attention.
She's 4. We were in the mall, and she screamed Ariana Grande because she doesn't know how to say her name. Some people from school were there, and they were looking at us funny. We're still in the mall and at Gymboree, and this girl pretends to be a mannequin. I am so done. I was really embarrassed.
I'm the one doing all the chores. I make my own bed and my sister's bed, and I clean our cat's litter box, put food and water in the cat's bowl, set all the plates and utensils on the lunch table, close the curtains and light the lamps at night, organize both my and her room, and clean her messes on our studying desk. Meanwhile, she's slouching on the couch and smirks.
If I complain to my parents, they tell me I can't force her to help.
My brother can sit down with my family and watch TV with popcorn, play with his toys, watch movies in his room, and never finishes what he starts. When I say something to him, it's hell on earth, like how dare you say something to me. I'm Mr. Perfect.
I have to clean after him and everyone else. He doesn't even worry about my mom walking in yelling at him, but she does it to me and yells at me that I'm lazy, so I barely even get to relax.
Why should I be called lazy when my brother can't even stand for 2 minutes at a store or anywhere without squatting down because his legs hurt? If that's not lazy, I don't know what is.
My brother loves to talk trash about overweight people, people who are socially awkward, people who do not fit the classical standards of beauty, people who are academically challenged, people with mental disorders, people who are sensitive, people who do not conform to gender norms. If he isn't insulting me, then he's insulting one of my friends.
What a jerk.
Dude, my little sister is the equivalent of Satan. She has every deadly sin there is. One time, she stole a souvenir I got from the UK and broke it. I knew because I saw her show it to me. I was about ready to kill her.
And the worst part, she didn't even get in trouble (I didn't either, but it still sucks). She still acts like a selfish, obnoxious brat to this day, and she is 12!
My friend is 18 and I am 16. I wanted to invite her to my house for Diwali. However, my 12-year-old sister jumped in and she wanted to invite her friend Megan. Megan is very bratty and selfish.
For example, when she came to my house, she tried to play a prank and failed. She also stole my phone and I lost my girlfriend who broke up with me because of her stupid texts. I'm 16, she's 11, why does she need a boyfriend? Why do I need a stupid 11-year-old when I can have an 18-year-old friend? The 18-year-old is my best friend.
When my friend came over, my little sister deliberately stole my stuff. When I scolded her, my friend said, "Aww, don't make her sad, she's adorable!" Meanwhile, my sister smirked from behind.