Top 10 Traits that Make Men Unattractive to Women

This list may not confirm your beliefs or tell you what you want to hear, but it may provide constructive criticism if you can be open-minded enough to accept it.

Many men feel like they are rejected because they don't have enough looks, muscles, or money, but that might not be the reason. Plenty of men who are average-looking, chubby, and working-class are in happy relationships. It has nothing to do with being a nice guy or being a jerk. The reason many guys are single might be that they're just not as interesting as they think they are and need to work on themselves a bit.

I say this because I realized a few things about myself that I needed to improve, and I've been working on them. I also thought about the men I know who attract women easily, and I realized most, if not all, of them have traits that are the polar opposite of the ones on this list.
The Top Ten
Easily bent out of shape

If you get angered easily, are argumentative over small disagreements, become euphoric over the slightest bit of validation, or get disrupted over schedule changes, it conveys to women that you are easily pushed around and that your buttons are very easy to push.


Even if you're a great lover, being irresponsible could very well be the biggest cause of divorce and breakups. If a man can't stay sober, hold a job, do his share of the housework, spend money practically, and run his own errands, he just becomes a burden to women. Even if they do enter relationships, they're often miserable ones.


Being cynical in good humor has its place, but cynics aren't fun to be around. They may feel like wise critics of the world from their perspective, but to others, they come off as people who couldn't find their slice of happiness and instead choose to criticize the world rather than be a part of it.

Lack of warmth

I think "lack of warmth" is not quite the correct phrase to use. "Indifference" might be a better description. It's quite disheartening when a woman openly shares her emotions and feelings, only to be met with indifference from the object of her affections. I can never tell whether it's just an "alpha male" thing to show indifference or if they just generally don't care. Whatever the case, too much "lack of warmth" or "indifference" from a man can make a woman give up on them.

Nice, thought-provoking list.

Yes, many "alpha male" guys do play it cool and don't gush their feelings too much, but they also know when to make a woman feel special. Many single guys don't realize this, but if you're not smiling enough and you act too neutrally and robotically, women will find you hard to approach emotionally.


If you're constantly blaming the economy, the government, your parents, your upbringing, your old friends, etc., for problems in your life, that's not attractive. Women are attracted to men who get up and solve their problems rather than just complain.

This is like a married man wanting his mother very badly!


Being confident is endearing. Being arrogant is a turn-off (unless the woman is a certain type). Arrogance is not an attractive trait at all. A woman knows when a man is "playing" at being overly confident and when he's just plain arrogant by nature. It's extremely off-putting to the average woman.

Lack of life experience

It's nice to just sit down and listen to them talk about their life and experiences, including the highs and lows. As a naturally curious woman, I'd gladly spend hours listening to their stories. I really want to get to know them and fully understand them. It would bore me if they knew very little about life. I'm speaking from my own personal opinion, but I suspect it's pretty much the same for many women.

A lot of guys who are smart gain a lot of information through the news, movies, internet, books, blogs, etc. While those are good, if that's the only way you are cultivating yourself, it can get old after a while. Much of what makes men interesting to women is the experiences they've been through, the people they've met, and the places they've been.


The Newcomers

? Being domineering
? Toxic masculinity
The Contenders

If you have the same interests, hobbies, social circle, beliefs, etc., as you did 5-10 years ago, you may have settled into a routine and might need to change more. Maturity also means moving on from bad relationship experiences in the past and not letting them dictate how you live your life today.


Fear of social interaction, fear of rejection, and fear of talking to women all result in you walking on eggshells rather than being yourself and having fun.

Low confidence or self-esteem

I know this one is a cliché at this point, but I had to include it because it's just true. There are men who are uglier than you, fatter than you, and poorer than you getting women because they have loads of confidence and are willing to meet lots of new people.

Being repetitive
Dating incompatible women

Many women out there are great people, but they just aren't for you. A lot of times guys date women who don't share their interests, humor, etc., and then blame themselves for not being appealing enough when it's neither person's fault.

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