Top Ten Reasons People Get Married

Relationships begin in many ways and for many reasons. The end result is always one of two options though: you break up or get married. While breakups are more common, marriage happens to most everyone at some point.

Whether it's confessing your love for your spouse or just reaping the tax benefits, there are many reasons people choose to tie the knot. Once married, the struggle to stay that way can often be one of the most difficult challenges one can undertake - though it is also one of the most rewarding. Statistically speaking, most marriages end in divorce but that doesn't mean two people shouldn't get married in the first place.

Below are the top ten reasons people use to get married. Some are more romantic while others are solely practical. I imagine there's a reason on the list that fits most people's relationship.
The Top Ten
1 To declare their love

Nothing says "I love you" like making it official in front of family and friends. Declaring your love publicly is one of the most compelling reasons people choose to get married.

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." I'm not sure who said this, but it's perfect. My parents are still happily married (most of the time) after nearly fifty years.

Can't remember who said it, but... "The first time you marry is for love, the second time for money, and the third time for companionship." Nice quote and probably true. But me? I wish to marry just once - for life!

2 Tax relief

Marriage can be financially beneficial. While living alone is undoubtedly the cheapest option, if you're already dating or living with someone, the increased income and tax write-offs that come with marriage can help your savings grow.

Commercial Guy: Tired of taxes?
Random Person: Yeah.
Commercial Guy: Just marry a crazy rich dumb guy and no more taxes! Must be older than 66 to order your crazy rich dude. (fake)

There is no love. There are only taxes.

3 Family pressure

Dating for a long time can create pressure from family to formalize the relationship. Whether due to religious, social, or economic reasons, many people get married just to stop being nagged by their family about it.

So, then the mum, for example, doesn't have to do all the jobs.

4 Pregnancy

This happened to my grandparents. My grandma became pregnant with my uncle (an accident). However, my mom was planned - she was born nine years after they married.

Sadly, "shotgun" weddings are all too common. Feeling that a child should be born into a legal union can cause a couple to rush their relationship faster than it would have progressed otherwise.

This is how my parents got married. My mom was pregnant with my brother when they tied the knot. Thankfully, I was the planned child.

5 To make a statement

Some people get married "ironically" to protest the government, while others, like gay couples, might feel they should marry simply because they can in their state. Many people say their vows just to make a statement, even if it's not the best reason to do so.

6 To start a family of their own

This is the one I want.

Considering that I have once stated that relationships these days tend to be more advantageous to females rather than males, I want to get into a relationship that I know will have true commitment. I want to be with someone who is willing to start a family and share the challenges that come with it.

I don't want to end up with someone who is just looking for excitement, as these are often the ones who only want casual flings and then move on.

I mention this because I could possibly be starting something with a girl I work with soon. We share the same position, and she follows me due to my experience. However, I want to clarify things first, and I'm hoping everything will turn out alright.

7 Religious pressure

This isn't a good reason for marriage. If you're only getting married to have sex without feeling like you're "sinning," the marriage might not last long. I've heard stories about couples who got married for this reason, and the relationship didn't turn out well.

Many religions do not allow unwed couples to have sexual relations, which can strain a relationship. I've personally known couples who went to Las Vegas for a quick marriage just so they could have sex with their church's blessing.

8 To share insurance

In most states, civil unions or common-law relationships don't allow couples to share health insurance. In these cases, marriage is often the only way for one person to be covered by their partner's insurance.

9 Financial windfall

Whether it's a gold-digger looking to inherit a fortune or someone destitute searching for a meal ticket, people often latch on to others due to their monetary value and the lifestyle it promises.

10 To begin a legacy

My mother was a genius. My father commanded respect. When they died, they left no instructions - just a legacy to protect.

What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see. If I throw away my shot, is this how you'll remember me?

To declare your love is obviously the best reason, but this is a lovely added item that made me smile.

The Contenders
11 Publicity

How many Hollywood weddings are there? How many last longer than five years? Most Hollywood elites seem to pair up with someone of similar status just to boost sales of their latest album or movie. It's rare to see them marry someone outside of the industry and stay married for the long haul.

12 For companionship
13 To have sex
14 To spend more time with their loved ones
15 To be formally united with the person you love
16 To conceal homosexuality

We've heard about gay men marrying women to hide their lifestyle, and there's even a term for it: a beard. It happens with women too, though less often. Social pressures can push some people to marry just to maintain appearances.

17 To have children
18 Because everyone is doing it

If you think about it, unless you're religious, getting married is just following the norm. It's entirely possible to have a lifelong relationship without marriage. Actually, even religious marriages are conforming to their own set of rules, but that's a whole other discussion.

19 To receive and give love

This easily should be #1. I don't know why I had to add this.

20 Peer pressure
21 God's blessing

This should be the main reason.

22 To suffer
23 For money
24 Arranged marriage

There are other cultures and religions with arranged marriages apart from Indian (Hindi).

25 For protection
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