Top 10 Best PC Game Series of All Time

We all love playing games on our computers, right? Yeah sure, there's the Playstation, X-Box, Wii, but PC is where the games began. It all began with PacMan and now we have 20+ games in the Call of Duty franchise alone. There are so many game series! But which ones are the best of the best? Find out!
The Top Ten
Assassin's Creed

This series shows Ubisoft at their best. From Ezio and Alistair to the latest Connor, these guys know how to kill - or should I say, assassinate. This series is loved all over the world.

I think it's the best game series. The game is made with such keen details that it takes the game to a different level. Ezio's trilogy is the best among all.

This franchise has games that are undoubtedly some of the best I have ever played. My favorites are Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed Origins.

Grand Theft Auto

This is the best PC game series ever. CJ, Niko Bellic, Tommy Vercetti - the most badass characters in the gaming world. They are scared of no one and kill anyone for money. Killing people, cop chases, and stealing cars are what Grand Theft Auto is all about!

The Witcher
Far Cry

What happened to you guys? Can you forget Vaas or Pagan Min? Can you forget the open world of Far Cry 3? Can you forget hunting? Can you forget riding elephants? Can you forget the superb gameplay? I can't.

According to me, the top ten should be:
1. Far Cry
2. Call of Duty
3. Need for Speed
4. Devil May Cry
5. Prince of Persia
6. Grand Theft Auto
7. Halo
8. Iron Man
9. Harry Potter
10. Assassin's Creed

The Elder Scrolls

Amazing open-world gameplay in every game. Each entry had some of the best graphics of its time, ahead of any other game. Every game has a vast world full of great NPCs with diverse opinions. Arena and Daggerfall were not as hyped as the other games, but they are both interesting and fun to play. From TESIII: Morrowind onward, all the games received critical acclaim, and people still play them today.

It originated on PC, it continued on PC, and after all this time, it's still the best on PC. Absolutely amazing. One of the best game series of all time, and definitely worthy of being called the best PC game series.

Tomb Raider
Splinter Cell

The greatest series - why is it so low on the list? If you haven't played it, give it a try. All the games are excellent in both story and gameplay. Splinter Cell 3 is one of the greatest games ever made.

I like this series. I also prefer other series like Hitman, Grand Theft Auto, and Tomb Raider (classic only).

Call of Duty

The Call of Duty series is simply excellent! Infinity Ward started it off with games depicting the World Wars. The later games concern Modern Warfare. All the games contain tons of guns and awesome graphics.

Really the best RPG series. Modern Warfare and Black Ops 3 are my favorites.

The Newcomers

? Life Is Strange

Best storytelling. Its title is as appealing as its gameplay and story. You must play the whole series.

? Watch Dogs
The Contenders
Mass Effect

Seriously! Not included in the top 10? One of the most acclaimed PC games in the world. Rubbish.

Best series ever produced. Great story, sad to see it end.

Still my favorite series of all time.

Prince of Persia

Another one of Ubisoft's best creations. The games feature lightning-fast kills and amazing martial arts. Good graphics, too!


Eidos Interactive has shown what they can really do with the Hitman series. From the first Hitman to the new Absolution, we get a thrilling experience. You can even change clothes in the game!

Need for Speed

The Need for Speed series is the best in the racing genre of games. Electronic Arts provided the best set of racing games ever. Underground 2, Most Wanted, Carbon, Hot Pursuit, Shift, etc. - all give us the thrill of driving the fastest cars in the world.

Age of Empires

This series truly makes history fun. Microsoft was genius at combining gaming and learning. The graphics of the first two games aren't so good, but the third game is extremely good. Age of Mythology and The Titans are great too!

This is the best strategy game on PC.


What are you doing, people? This series should be number one. The Half-Life series is the most engaging and addicting game series ever!

Max Payne

Max Payne. The name of one of the toughest and best characters in gaming. He does not leave a single enemy alive. He can fight in slow motion too!

Batman: Arkham

The Batman series has revolutionized the platformer scene in PC gaming.


I haven't played BioShock 2 yet, but the 1st and 3rd in the series are beyond epic, so I've no idea why it's this low!


This series is the MOST popular online first-person shooter game ever! Almost all gamers in the world know the phrases "Bomb has been planted!" or "Fire in the hole!" True, CS 1.6 and Condition Zero don't really rock the graphics, but the graphics of Source and Global Offensive are comparable even to Call of Duty 6.

Devil May Cry

Best action-adventure game ever!

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