Top 10 Best Star Wars Movies

The Top Ten
1 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

The original Star Wars movies to me will always be the best. What I like about Empire is not just its serious tone. Its action is also one of the best I've seen. The antagonist is threatening and serious. The protagonist is likable, along with the supporting characters such as Han, Chewbacca, Leia, and C-3PO.

The story itself is also entertaining to watch. I find it funny that it got mixed reviews when it first came out. Now it's regarded as one of the best movies ever made. The Original Star Wars Trilogy is honestly one of my favorites.

2 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

The final entry in the prequel trilogy, which ran from 1999 to 2005, has to be acknowledged. I must say I agree that this is the best entry. It is not perfect, but I enjoy it either way. It tells a story about manipulation, desperation, and one of the most important events to occur in this fictional universe.

It also showcases the birth of one of the most beloved Star Wars characters of all time: Darth Vader, along with Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. And it combines these events with the original timeline. This is definitely another favorite of mine.

3 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

This movie was so well thought out. The entire movie had you thinking, "What's going to happen next?" The scenes were unbelievable, and the actors were so amazing. Palpatine played the best role he's ever had, and Vader unmasking himself was unforgettable.

Luke was a very good character, and the fact that he could take what he did was awesome. He almost got eaten by the Rancor, nearly fell and got eaten by a giant worm, took on a lightsaber duel, and then was almost killed by Emperor Palpatine near the end. Not only that, but the music was amazing. Good job, John Williams. And George Lucas deserves credit too for creating Star Wars in the first place.

4 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

After watching each Star Wars movie over the course of two weeks, I felt that the original Star Wars was still the best one. It serves as an excellent introduction to the Star Wars galaxy and never feels as if it delivers too much exposition. While the characters may appear to be simple, their motivations are clear, and each one is memorable.

I also noticed that every scene from this movie is iconic and serves a purpose in telling the story. Overall, I would say that this movie is a real masterpiece as it's been frequently listed among the greatest movies of all time and should at least be in the top 3 of this list.

5 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

The plot was a rehashing of Episode IV, not just a reference to it. The movie did lack creativity in its plot, which is a problem. That being said, the characterization and acting were better than anything ever done under Lucas.

I'd also like to point out the reason for the strategy of an uncreative plot: Star Wars fans hate new things. Look at the treatment of the prequels, The Last Jedi, and the indifference to the anthology films. Abrams had little choice but to do what he did, and the backlash came much later than it would have if something original had been attempted.

As fans, we need to encourage creativity. Otherwise, we'll keep complaining about the rehashing of old plots. We need to stop creating lose-lose scenarios for writers and directors.

6 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This is a great movie, up there with the best. I loved VII, but this has it beat because it's not too similar to the originals, it's not as predictable, and it's more mature and gritty. It shows the hardships and sacrifices of war, and that not everyone will make it out okay.

Vader was used brilliantly. He wasn't overused, but his scenes were epic. The character development could've been better, but I enjoyed each character and was sad to see them die. K2 and Jyn were the saddest deaths, in my opinion, but they were moving. It showed how willing they were to put everything on the line to fight against the Empire.

Overall, it was an amazing movie and will forever be one of my favorites in the Star Wars franchise.

7 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

I actually really like the prequel trilogy. I would probably place it right next to the original trilogy since it's just as good. However, the first film of the prequels, I am honestly split on, mostly due to it being a controversy magnet when it first came out in 1999. Alleged racial stereotypes such as Nute Gunray, Jar Jar Binks, and Watto were obvious offenders of this, though calling them racist depictions is a bit of a stretch. The political setting does make sense, since the Republic, the Senate, and the Jedi were the ones maintaining order and peace. And the "midichlorians" argument.

But I was a teen when I first saw Episode I in theaters after I graduated high school, and I was immersed in the many fast-paced scenes, such as the podracing scene and the iconic fight with Darth Maul. And then afterwards, I went home and collapsed on the couch from exhaustion. It's a good movie, but I thought it could be better. And then Episodes II and III came out years later.

8 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones is so underrated, with some amazing action scenes, and is one of the most important films in the saga. Everything that happens after this is because of the events in this movie. Sure, there are some cheesy "emotional" scenes and the acting is sub-par, but the acting is of low quality in the ENTIRE SERIES!

The debate between the Originals versus Prequels will go on forever. The points people make against the prequels are usually valid for the originals as well, but nostalgia clouds their vision. All six movies are great, and Episode II is the underdog and the best of them all.

9 Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

This is one of my favorite Star Wars movies, second only to Rogue One. It had a lot of very intimate and compassionate scenes between Kylo and Rey. For some reason, it gave me a chilling parallel nostalgia of Anakin and Padme. I'll admit the CGI about Yoda was a little odd but still fairly decent. The plot was incredible. It's nice to see some good in Kylo Ren for once.

I believe he gets to be redeemed in the next movie. Although, SPOILER, I think we can all agree that the best scene in the movie was Kylo and Rey touching hands. Then, just as abruptly, awkward Uncle Luke comes in to interrupt the moment and destroy the cave. That was hilarious.

10 Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

This is the only sequel that was actually a good movie. It was very predictable, but many of those moments seemed like fun tributes to the rest of the series, rather than uncreative plot recycling. It certainly wasn't flawless. Its biggest flaw was really just that Episode VIII was so bad.

Episode VIII was just kind of terrible, and then BAM! The grand finale of all Star Wars! If Episode VIII had been better and built some tension leading up to this movie, it would have been a lot better.

This movie was pretty emotional and exciting for me. Yes, it had flaws. The characters are hard to understand compared to the original trilogy characters and the prequel characters. But once you look into them and see their story, you will enjoy this movie a lot more.

If you liked Ben the most out of the sequel trilogy, I think you will mostly like this movie. That is if you can accept the flaws.

The Contenders
11 Solo: A Star Wars Story

This movie was nothing special, but there's not much to dislike either. People are just being nitpicky, which is a significant no for any Star Wars film. No film will satisfy fans who insist on having things their way and don't allow writers to attempt to write. Does it matter where Solo got his last name? No. So, if it doesn't matter, why care if or how they explain it? It changes nothing.

Also, Alden Ehrenreich did a great job. He captured what a younger Han Solo would be like incredibly well and didn't try to simply copy Harrison Ford. People evolve over time, and I absolutely believe that Ehrenreich's character could evolve into Ford's, which is no easy feat.

12 Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars reveals the utter triumph and potential of Star Wars. Let's admit it: the first two - Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones - were lackluster. The third was okay, but Anakin was a whiner. The fourth featured Luke as the whiny hero, and Obi-Wan lets himself be killed.

The fifth and sixth almost defeat this one. They represent the peak of George Lucas's career. The seventh, though it hasn't been released yet, also sounds promising.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars introduces many memorable new characters, such as Ahsoka Tano, Cad Bane, Lux Bonterri, and Duchess Satine. The villains - Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Palpatine, and Asajj Ventress - are remarkable. Also, lesser-known characters, such as Kit Fisto (a personal favorite), have their episodes.

The clones, such as Captain Rex, are imbued with character, and when they die, you feel sad.

This series also unveils the brilliance of Palpatine's plot, revealing each small step toward becoming the Emperor. With each season, Anakin's character grows darker. He is compelling - not a little whiner who can't do anything right.

The only problem is that sometimes the series is so frustrating. You watch Palpatine manipulate the Jedi left and right, and nobody notices. You want to scream, "He's the traitor! Get him!" Of course, he wins in the end, since we know most of the Jedi die and he becomes the Emperor, not being killed until the sixth movie.

13 Ewoks: The Battle for Endor

Definitely the best thing to come from Star Wars. Wicket is my favorite character in all of Star Wars, and learning new stuff about Ewoks is just great. Honestly, I hope we get more content like this. I would think a Gungan version of this would be definitively the greatest movie ever made.

A lot of people don't like this movie, but it was actually the first Star Wars movie I ever saw. I watched it when I was really young and loved it! I still love it to this day and will always consider it one of the most underrated movies.

14 Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure
15 Star Wars Holiday Special

I laughed so hard. This is the worst thing to happen to Star Wars, even worse than Jar Jar Binks.

Growing up, I remember when we used to gather around every Christmas to watch this movie. I don't really like Episodes I-VIII that much, as they don't have that good of a story. The Holiday Special, on the other hand, is phenomenal.

Watch this on YouTube, starting at 28 minutes into it. You'll be very surprised.

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