Best Halo 3 Multiplayer Maps
Absolutely fantastic! Much better than anything on Reach. Many great maps, but this is definitely first! Guardian, then Construct for the top 2.
Perfectly designed map. Enough cover, but with no real camping spots. The layout is wicked, and I love the feel of this map.
Small but open equals battle rifle awesomeness.
I remember the days of doing barrel rolls into trees with Banshees. I did it all the time until my friend decided to go commando with the Spartan Laser.
Best map of all. Why the heck wasn't it first? So weird.
Surprised it wasn't first. It's awesome.
Oh man... this almost brings a tear to my eye. Of course! How could I forget those days back in 2007, listening to Last Resort by Papa Roach while playing on Last Resort with only snipers and BRs?
Completely symmetrical, from the beginning rushes to the sniper and rockets, to close encounters in the sword room. The Pit has it all!
Amazing. Just won a 1-on-4 game by 13 points this morning (team slayer). Love the symmetry, rushes for power weapons, and long sightlines. By far, this is the best Halo 3 map.
Awesome map. There's always action. Just when you think you're safe, you get assassinated.
So many memories of dying on that huge bridge. Every time I look at this map, it just screams nostalgia.
Made for attack and defense single-objective game types, and it excels at just that.
Excellent for creating Forge maps, and always fun with more people.
I always liked Reach better, but this is an awesome map. Plenty of vehicles: a Banshee, Elephants, another Banshee, a circular outside, another Banshee, an amazing center, another Banshee, a wide weapon variety, and of course, a Banshee!
This map has been crazy! Especially for CTF with flags on Elephants. Oh, the nostalgia!
Great map. Should be at least number five.
For default maps, it should be Guardian as number one. But as an overall map... you can make anything you want on this map. You can make maps for any specific game type.
It kept hundreds of thousands of players playing Halo 3 and increased interest in it, even three years after its release.
The best custom game map. You should look on the bright side. Forge was epic because of this, and don't get me wrong, it was the best map for Forge.
I loved this map just because you can do pretty much anything and everything on Forge mode here.
Love this map because you can camp everywhere!
The Newcomers
This would be awesome for machinima.
Amazing for custom game modes.
There is a map called Ring of Fire. It has this carefully lined-up ring that has explosions that go off continually when started. Almost every respawn is safe, and it is a fast, close-quarters map with three open levels. I really enjoyed this map.
It's pretty big and good for messing around in Mongooses.