Top Ten History-Related Pick-Up Lines

Do you like history? Because we're gonna make history tonight.
The Top Ten
1 Want to go to my place and discuss Big Stick Diplomacy?
2 I'm no Thomas Paine, but you and I are Common Sense.
3 I have sex like I fight a war. I have no exit strategies.
4 Did you invent the airplane? Because you're just Wright to me.
5 There's a great reason they say I started the Era of Good Feelings.
6 You can call me Paul Revere, because I would give you a Midnight Ride.
7 Do you want to help me on my project about the TET Offensive?
8 Hey, wanna reenact the Battle of the Bulge?
9 If I were Christopher Columbus, I would be sailing day and night to reach the depths of your heart.
10 Hey babe, I'm Abe Lincoln, and I'm about to give you the Gettysburg undress.
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