Top 10 Things People Think of When They Hear the Word Christmas

What do you think of first when you hear someone say Christmas?
The Top Ten

Jesus is the reason for the season. Let's keep Christ in Christmas.

There would be no Christmas without Christ. Santa is so overrated.

It's not like He's the holiday's namesake and reason to exist, right?


Definitely family. We always get the games out, have a laugh, take a break to watch Christmas EastEnders, then carry on having a laugh. I love my family so much!

I love my family more than anything and think of them first.


Well, Christmas is a happy time of the year, so why not?


I like presents. As kids, we associate Christmas with gifts, but when we get older (except if you've heard The Chainsmokers' Closer! We ain't ever getting older!), we think of it as spending time with family.

With my birthday just a week before Christmas, I always get double these. My brother does not like it.

Christmas Trees

I love white Christmas trees. They're so beautiful, especially with red, green, blue, pink, purple, yellow, etc., lights on them with a blue star on top.

Sad Memories

I celebrated Christmas with both my best friend and my cousin, but both of them died. My cousin died in September, August, or October 2010 (I can't remember the month), and my best friend died on February 12th (I can't remember what year).

Happy Memories

Reminiscing over past Christmases is one of my favourite parts of the season.

The Newcomers

? Now That's What I Call Christmas (TV Channel)
? Christmas Biscuits
The Contenders
Santa Claus

Santa is the main thing that almost all kids think of for Christmas.

Christmas Dinner

One of the greatest things about Christmas is eating dinner with the rest of my family. We don't get to see each other too much.


Cookies, sweets, turkey, pie, eggnog, candy cane, desserts, you name it!


Love it or hate it, shopping has become more popular each Christmas.

I'm not sure when it is, but if I'm in the shops early, ahh. I've never been shopping on Black Friday.

Christmas Songs

It's going caroling or getting caroled. You could also just listen to Christmas songs too.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away.

Christmas Movies

Watching this film has become a tradition at our house.

Christmas Crackers

They are a British Christmas tradition!


One of the most popular Christmas dishes is fruitcake.

Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting
Mince Pies
Christmas Pudding
Christmas Tree Chocolate
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