Best Birthday Dates Possible

The Top Ten
December 6th

How on God's green earth is this the top answer?

April 25th

Who knew my birthday would be so high on the list. AWESOME!

December 24th
December 31st

I was also born on this date. It definitely has big perks. Get lit on New Year's Eve.

Imagine being born on December 31, 1999 at 11:59:59 PM...

February 29th

Then, let's say, a twelve year old would be three.

It never gets old and neither do you.

April 20th
October 31st

It would be so cool if I could have my birthday be on my favorite holiday and share a birthday with Frank Iero.

April 6th

I was born 10 days after. Is that close enough?

December 9th
January 1st

Always gets a worldwide countdown for your birthday. Cool.

The Newcomers

? December 8th
? February 1st
The Contenders
March 24th
October 28th
May 4th

I'm jealous, because some people have their birthday on Star Wars day.

July 15th
December 17th
January 27th
May 28th

My birthday is literally 2 days earlier.

February 19th

This is my birthday and since my city does a week long break usually I get it off almost every year. It's also National Mint Chocolate Day.

October 8th
June 17th
December 25th

You'd only get gifts once a year though.

March 5th
August 25th

My birthday falls on this date and I didn't expect it to be this high because the amount of lists of August being one of the worst months.

My younger brothers birthday is August 25th. He likes it.

November 1st
July 5th
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