Top 10 Weirdest Things about Halloween

Weird, my friend has resurfaced just in time for the hype for Halloween to start. It's a peculiar evening, to begin with, but what are the weirdest parts of it? From its origins to the costumes and everything in between, let's find out!
The Top Ten
Bobbing for Apples was thought to be able to give young women husbands

Yeah, sure, nowadays it's just a fun party game, but bobbing for apples originally was a weird way for young women to get husbands. Women would mark apples with a number, and young men would bob for them the way they do these days. If a guy got one with a certain number on it, they'd find out which woman's apple it was, and voila, they found their soulmate.

Halloween is almost never on a full moon

Yeah, that's right. The type of moon most associated with Halloween is almost never on Halloween. There was a full blue moon on Halloween 2020. Other than that, the most recent full moon Halloweens were in 2001, 1974, and 1955.

So, why do we associate a full moon with Halloween when we almost never get one?

That's pretty interesting. I wonder if it will happen again soon.

Bonfires were meant for priests to burn the remnants of cattle with

Bone fires? That's a surprising revelation.

Almost all instances of "tainted candy" involve kids' friends or family members

That's definitely a good pick for weird. I'd even say it's messed up.

"Trick or Treat" was a threat at first

These days, when you think "trick or treat," you picture kids asking for candy, wearing cute (or often not so cute and quite sinister) costumes. However, when it was still a relatively new holiday, the "trick" part of "trick or treat" was a threat to the person, although it was often idle more often than not.

The "treat" part, generally speaking, is candy, although in some cultures it was money. A small example of what the trick would be is toilet papering.

Behavior often has a direct correlation with costumes

This has nothing to do with kids being possessed, if you ask most people. If a kid is wearing a mask and their identity is hidden, those kids are more likely to steal candy or even money than kids who are dressing up as cowboys, princesses, Superman, or pixies.

Americans buy enough candy each Halloween to fill the Titanic six times

Americans love Halloween. It is the second most commercial holiday in the United States, only surpassed by Christmas. We consume about 300,000 pounds of candy (two pounds per person!) during Halloween week alone.

That's already a lot of candy, but enough to fill a huge vessel that they said not even God could sink, six times?

I honestly would have guessed more...

Halloween is the worst time to try to get a black cat

I get that people are superstitious and all, but this one is just plain stupid. Lots of people reject black cats because of the old superstition that they're witches in disguise. They're also (wrongly) associated with bad luck and the dark side.

Black cats are often used for pranks, party props, and even satanic sacrificial rituals around Halloween. During Halloween, they're even subject to animal abuse.

It's a constant debate whether Halloween is Satanic or not

I can understand why this debate exists. Parents dress their children as monsters, vampires, devils, witches, ghosts, and clowns, and tell them to ask strangers for candy. Adults dress in similarly strange and outlandish costumes and go to parties in rooms decorated like dungeons.

This doesn't really sound like something Jesus would tell me to do. But, on the flip side, there are Christian church sermons for youth groups on Halloween night, and every year, they have some kind of message. Not everybody dresses up as something evil, unless you think cowboys, Avengers, rock stars, and politicians are evil.

Silly String is banned in Hollywood on Halloween

In 2004, Hollywood passed a law that banned Silly String from the area on Halloween. If you're caught with Silly String between 12 a.m. on Halloween and 12 p.m. on November 1, you'll get a $1,000 fine.

Along with being "bad for the environment" and annoying to clean up, the law also claims that Silly String may cause pedestrians and police officers on horseback or motorcycles to slip and fall. No offense, Hollywood, but even when this law was passed, cars were already a thing. Why horseback?

The Contenders
Thriller was actually released around Christmas

It was released in November in the UK, and in January of the following year in the United States.

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