Top Ten 3 Word Phrases That Every Girl Wants to Hear

The Top Ten
1 Club Penguin Membership

I was randomly going through lists when I stumbled upon this one. I was honestly expecting "I love you" to be first, but when I actually read what number one was, I laughed so hard that I was crying and my stomach was aching.

I was expecting "I love you" to be first, but this is funnier.

Why club penguin though?

2 I love You
3 I Brought Food

Best day ever!

4 F*** The Police
5 That's John Cena!
6 My Anaconda Don't
7 Devil's Three Way
8 Lean and Dab
9 It's Over 9,000
10 Krabby Patty Formula
The Contenders
11 Hit the Quan
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