Top 10 Codes and Ciphers
Some of these will be well-known, some will be obscure, and some might be familiar primarily to you. Please provide a description of any code you submit to this list. Additionally, specify whether the symbols in the cipher or code represent specific letters, numbers, or symbols consistently, or if the symbols representing each letter, number, or symbol can change depending on the user.This is a code where each letter and number is paired with a "tile" according to a tic-tac-toe pattern. It is the most highly documented code. Which symbols represent which letters, numbers, or other characters may change depending on the user.
This is a code where each letter is represented by a series of beeps. What each arrangement of beeps represents is not subject to change based on its user and can be looked up online.
This is a code where each letter is paired with the number that represents its alphabetical order. For example, 26 = Z. Thus, what each number represents is not subject to user modification.
This is a code where each letter, number, and symbol is represented by a series of ones and zeroes. Depending on its usage, what each arrangement of ones and zeroes represents can be subject to change by its user. Guides are available for reference.
This is a code where each letter resembling a non-letter character is replaced by that non-letter character. For example, E's are 3's, and S's are $'s. What each character represents is not subject to user modification. The list of symbols can be looked up.
This is a code where either letters or numbers are represented by elements on the periodic table, or where periodic table elements are represented by letters or numbers. Traditionally, what each element represents is fixed and not subject to change by its user. However, occasionally, users have been known to modify it.
This is a code where each letter is traded for the letter on the exact opposite side of the alphabet. For instance, "azaleas" becomes "zazovzh." What each letter represents is therefore not subject to change by its user. A guide is available for reference.
This is probably the most famous. It involves shifting the alphabet so that "A" turns into "D," and "H" turns into "K," or other variations.
This refers to any code where the timing of someone's breathing makes up the units of the code. For example, a certain number of seconds spent exhaling could determine the letter that exhale was made to substitute.
Many people who study sleep, especially those curious about lucid dreaming, have used variants of it with their subjects. What each unit of the breathing code represents is subject to change based on its user.
This term refers to a code where certain syllables are represented by the letter of the alphabet whose pronunciation sounds like that symbol. For example, "oh, I want to be a success" becomes "OI12BA6S."
What each letter, number, or symbol represents may change based on your language and culture, but within your language and culture, they are not subject to change based on the user.