Top Ten Facts About Toilets

The Top Ten
1 The average person spends 3 months of their lifetime sitting on the toilet

Wow. This is an interesting list.

2 Computer keyboards can carry more than 200 times as much bacteria as a toilet seat
3 There's a toilet themed restaurant in Taiwan, where food is served on miniature toilets

That restaurant is called Modern Toilet Restaurant. My relatives go to Taiwan a lot. They wanted my family to go, too. If I do get a chance to go, I'm SO gonna eat at that place!

I wouldn't like to go to that restaurant.

I would not want to go there.

4 1 billion people still defecate in the open, in the absence of a toilet
5 Americans spend 5 cents per day by flushing their toilets
6 More people in the world have mobile phones than toilets

And that right there describes our generation.

7 The average toilet uses 6 litres [1 gal] of clean water in a single flush
8 Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles
9 The average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet
10 The inhabitants of ancient Rome had a sewer goddess, a toilet god, and a god of excrement

This actually existed? COOL! Mythology is awesome!

I love ancient mythologies they are cool

The Contenders
11 Circus workers call the toilet a doniker

I've known circus workers nicknamed toilets "the corpse settler"

12 Wedding gowns have been made out of toilet paper
13 A restaurant in Taiwan serves food in bowls shaped like toilets
14 You can use Gatorade to clean your toilet
15 A Canadian woman rode a motorized toilet up to 46 miles (74 kph) an hour!

Wow! I'd like to try that some day.

16 There's a solid-gold toilet in Hong Kong that's worth $37 million

I would pay millions of dollars for this "throne"

I'd expected Hong Kong to sell Diamond Toilet/Toilets made of & from real genuine diamonds

17 Thomas Crapper did not invent the flush toilet
18 In Singapore, people were once fined for not flushing public toilets
19 Competitors race tricked-out portable potties at the annual outhouse races in Nevada, USA
20 There Is a Museum In South Korea Shaped Like a Toilet Bowl
21 The Original Title and Cover Design for Metallica's Debut Album, Kill 'em All, Was Called Metal Up Your A**, With the Cover Featuring a Toilet Bowl With a Hand Clutching a Dagger Emerging from It.
22 A dog will drink out of the toilet because water stays cooler there than in it's bowl
23 There is a see-through aquarium wrapped around a conventional toilet tank called The Fish 'n Flush

I do not wanna change my clothes in front of all those little fishes.

24 Eminem thought of the "Slim Shady" character on the toilet
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